Under the Global Shadow of Big Brother, Journalism Must Light Up the Political Sky
Under the Global Shadow of Big Brother, Journalism Must Light Up the Political Sky
by Norman Solomon
Published on Thursday, December 5, 2013 by Common Dreams
Every new revelation about the global reach of the National Security Agency underscores that the extremism of the surveillance state has reached gargantuan proportions. The Washington Post just reported that the NSA is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world. Documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden have forced top officials in Washington to admit the indefensible while defending it. One of the main obstacles to further expansion of their Orwellian empire is real journalism.
Real journalism is subversive of deception that cant stand the light of day. This is a huge problem for the Obama administration and the many surveillance-state flunkies of both parties in Congress. What they want is fake journalism, deferring to government storylines and respectful of authority even when it is illegitimate.
In motion now, on both sides of the Atlantic, are top-down efforts to quash real journalism when and how it matters most. In the two English-speaking countries that have done the most preaching to the world about Western values like freedom of the press, the governments led by President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron are overseeing assaults on real journalism.
Theyre striving to further normalize fake journalismlargely confined to stenographic services for corporate power, war industries and surveillance agencies. A parallel goal is to harass, intimidate and destroy real journalism. The quest is to maximize the uninformed consent of the governed.