Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumYou know, I've steered clear of all the Orlando threads this weekend...
As much as I've been tempted to wade in, either to engage some of the apologists of religious extremism, or those trying to blame everything on inanimate objects while minimizing motive, those giving excuses to the visceral hate against LGBT people in this country (coming from all quarters) that fueled that perp's thinking and rationale, even if it does turn out he's really just mentally ill and only used the "I pledge allegiance to ISIS" line during his frantic 911 call as a cover for his psychosis...
After all, it's no mystery how these events inevitably unfold... people are naturally angry. And outraged. And understandably so. They want answers. They want solutions. The perp is dead, so we can't hold him accountable, so by God, we need to blame something, burn SOMETHING in effigy. Ban shit, censor shit, boost security, restrict rights and freedoms, you name it. Something must be done.
Everyone goes crazy for a few days or few weeks following, until the threat passes and things slowly start simmering back down and everyone goes back to business as usual. Until the next time it happens. Rinse and repeat.
I really wish breaking the cycle were as simple as merely passing a few more "feel good" laws. If, say, banning certain weapons or tools would somehow prevent people with ill intentions from not just resorting to other means to commit similar atrocities. Sure, "assault rifles" may be the weapon of choice right now because they are so easy and available, and perhaps heavily restricting them would reduce at least the violence from guns... but you're never going to stop these acts of mass violence from occurring without addressing motive. Not so long as people can just resort to chaining shut doors to crowded buildings and use a $5 can of gasoline to burn the whole place down.
I wish I knew what the solution was. I wish there were just a surefire way to absolutely, 100% prevent all future massacres from occurring. I think there are things we can do to address motive, to try to tamp down the overall level of hate that permeates this society, but we'll never prevent all lone nuts from raging and lashing out at society. All we can do is try to detect them earlier, get them the help they need sooner, and if necessary keep them confined in a secure institution if indeed a credible threat is realized, someone intent on doing actionable harm.

(11,996 posts)Crazy that massacres like this are still deemed "unthinkable", "unimaginable" and all kinds of other nouns used as ways of being surprising when they occur, when we all know the next one is due at any moment...
Maybe we instead accept what we all know, come to grips with what is repeatedly proven possible and even very much likely to occur. We know what's coming from internal AND external sources - time to start doing something about it. Not try to solve every aspect all at once, but maybe start with a little piece at a time.
"Sure, "assault rifles" may be the weapon of choice right now because they are so easy and available, and perhaps heavily restricting them would reduce at least the violence from guns" there a clue in there?
(15,396 posts)We refuse to say their enemy is our enemy even when 50 people are killed. So we focus on the easy non speaking object and minimize any religious role. Or worse yet we try and blame Christians because they're all the same.
(10,136 posts)Lurks Often
(5,455 posts)I'm glad the first wife escaped from the POS, I just wish she had filed charges before escaping him. A domestic violence conviction would have blocked him from purchasing the guns legally.
The co-worker who quit after being stalked by the POS should have pressed charges, that could also have led to the POS from being able to purchase the guns legally.
(18,318 posts)Not a good time for this country, and we should expect more of the same. But we have to keep looking for the sun and the way up.