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The size of a man's shoes means tells you nothing about anything - except the size of his feet,

(9,498 posts)In the mens Bible class make them do it in high heels and backwards!
(10,426 posts)As I said in the other thread about this. Thank god this is only the minority. These women sadly legit can't or refuse to think or do for themselves due to either upbringing or just belief that they are lesser. So they have to find a "man" and I use that term loosely when it comes to these types of "men" because they aren't really men. A healthy marriage or relationship is about equality and doing things 50/50. These women are subservient which today I cannot believe still exists. Are you that fucking weak girls? You never let a man control you ever. Also I would dwarf these men, I have to wear mens size due to my size 13 feet!
(7,080 posts)home. He is very well adjusted, but I see how his six sisters were horribly affected. Only one has escaped with minor injuries. The other 5 were so willing to bow down every time. Made me sick to observe. The worst part is all 5 are very unhappy people. Husband's dad is gone now but I gave him hell every chance I got. I had absolutely no respect for his mom.
(19,145 posts)What does that even mean? Financial responsibiity?
Most women returned to the workforce full time about 50 years ago. They continued doing the lion's share of the housework and child-rearing. In these patriarchal homes the man is the "breadwinner" and nothing else. So he's the one who has no clue what goes into caring for a family in every way.
(19,306 posts)Yeah, it's gross, but it's typical fundie thinking. The man is supposed to be in charge and make all the "important" decisions (financial and otherwise), and she's supposed to be obedient. The traditional expectation is that she stays home and he is the breadwinner, but that's getting harder and harder to pull off these days. In that case, even if she has a job, he gets to decide how all the money is spent.
It's complete b.s., but women like the ones in that Bible study class have been taught all their lives that this is how a marriage should work. It makes my skin crawl to think about it.
What's really ironic is that some of the same passages in the Bible about women being subservient have also been used to justify not allowing women to be ministers. Rev Sarah herself would be considered an abomination by some fundies!
(466 posts)Somebody'd better explain about the whole "body and blood of Christ" thing to her. (I don't want to hear about transubstantiation, thankyouverymuch.)
(19,306 posts)Not because of religion; my dad was just old-fashioned and insisted on ruling the roost. He was especially controlling where money was concerned. It was not fun to watch.
However, they were about the same height (my dad was the size of Michael J. Fox), and his shoes fit her just fine. I wonder what Rev Sarah would say to that!
My marriage has been an equal partnership from the get go. I wouldn't have married him otherwise. I couldn't MAKE him take charge of all the decisions if I wanted to, and that's just fine with both of us.
Rev Sarah is full of crap.
(19,145 posts)and she is commenting on what goes on at some churches. That's why she says "stop this".
Believe me, the fundamentalists have all kinds of metaphysical bullshit to keep women out of the pulpit. Menstruation and all that...