Rajoy's Spain: Country of thieves wrestles with corruption
The stench of corruption clings to Spanish politics and especially to the ruling Popular Party (PP) of Mariano Rajoy.
Between July 2015 and September 2016, 1,378 officials or politicians from across the spectrum faced trial on corruption charges, according to the General Council for the Judiciary.
The right-wing PP is desperately trying to keep its litany of scandals off the political agenda. But, with the liberal Ciudadanos party breathing down its neck in polls and high-profile cases rarely out of the headlines, the party has been forced to shift its position:
Where it previously insisted allegations were either unfounded or politically motivated, Rajoys PP now acknowledges there has been a problem.
Yet in a country frequently wracked by scandal, one particular case promised to shed new light on the shady wheelings and dealings of the ruling party.
Ricardo Costa, former secretary general of the PP in Valencia, appeared before the Spanish High Court in January. He was accused of having helped run a massive network of bribes-for-contracts in the region during the decade-long economic boom.
Its true that the PP financed its 2007 election campaign with dirty money, he said at one point. I didnt denounce that and I am willing to assume responsibility for it. I acknowledge the accusations and I apologize.
Costa, who could face up to eight years in prison if found guilty, went on to incriminate his former boss, Francisco Camps who resigned in 2011 amid similar allegations despite being absolved by the courts for overseeing the kickbacks scheme.
The winter of 2018 is turning out to be a particularly cold one for the PP in the courts, wrote El País newspaper, which said that Rajoys party is currently facing over 50 investigations for allegedly corrupt practices.
At: https://www.politico.eu/article/spain-corruption-country-of-thieves-high-court-trial/

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and proof of kickbacks in his name. Former hardline IMF head Rodrigo Rato, currently in prison, is also listed.