Latin America
Related: About this forumArgentina's Macri linked to Cambridge Analytica
Documentation has emerged linking Argentine President Mauricio Macri and Cambridge Analytica, the London-based consultancy firm recently revealed by Britain's Channel 4 to have illegally influenced over 200 elections worldwide.
Cambridge Analytica and its parent company, Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL), interfered in recent federal elections in Nigeria, Kenya, the Czech Republic, India, Argentina, and the U.S. - where they allegedly obtained data from 50 million Facebook accounts used to influence the 2016 elections.
Similar tactics were reportedly used in Argentina, which, with over 13 million users, is Facebook's third-largest market in the region and the 13th in the world.
The firm's links with Macri were reportedly established by its head, Alexander Nix, through Argentine businessman Juan Pepa, with whom he shared ownership in a London-based firm Rubirosa Ltd. as well as an interest in polo.
Nix became a patron of the Pro Alvear Foundation, created by the Pepa family for the promotion of Intendente Alvear and other towns in largely rural La Pampa Province. Documents show that in 2008 the NGO thanked Nix for "helping us organize the annual fundraising event" in London.
Among the other patrons listed by the non-profit as of 2009 is the current Argentine president, Mauricio Macri.
Macri, who was mayor of Buenos Aires at the time, had already begun enlisting support for a presidential run. SCL opened an office in Buenos Aires (since closed) in 2013 - the year Macri launched his 2015 presidential bid.
Amid a massive social media campaign, including extensive use of fake news, the right-wing Macri was elected president by a 2.7% margin - the narrowest runoff victory in Argentine presidential history.
Macri and fellow right-wing figures celebrate his narrow runoff victory in 2015; Alexander Nix was not on stage.

Judi Lynn
(162,899 posts)Even WITH their kind of "magic touch" he still nearly lost, anyway. So we're supposed to believe he also won more than any other candidate for the Presidency has ever won, in all Argentina's history! He probably also had more people show up for his swearing-in than any other. One thing for sure: he is undoubtedly the one who tanked the economy for the working class faster than anyone before him, too.
Juan Pepa
Juan Pepa, dreaming he is a gaucho.
Alexander Nix
Alexander Nix, loving him some polo
Cristina, not impressed by Mauricio Macri
Walk on over here, Mauricio, and shake my hand. Good boy!
Here's a page of photos of Macri and Putin. Clearly, Putin psychs out Macri. Makes one wonder if Putin also has gotten the goods on Macri, just as he has with Trump. Macri looks nothing but uneasy, uncertain, nervous around Putin. Cool! Looks as if whatever Putin has done, he actually has the upper hand with these right-wingers. I'm sure his being the former head with the KGB helped him learn some crazy "people" skills.;_ylt=AwrJ7JylK7NaWyoAkQFXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzZnNnMjV0BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVUlDMV8xBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=Mauricio+Macri+and+putin&fr2=piv-web&fr=sfp#id=2&
Makes you wonder where all this gamesmanship is going, doesn't it? It's a shame they can't just play out their games without having any impact upon the lives of innocent people of the world.
It's very interesting learning Nix used Juan Pepa's association to get to Macri. In this article, (I didn't find anything else, running short on time)
Pepa mentions his people honor the name of Rubirosa, friend, diplomat for that vicious, hideous Dominican Republic dictator Rafael Trujillo, and Rubirosa, of course, loved polo, race car driving (until he drove into a tree) and rich women.
Sounds as if young Pepa wants to be just like him! Idle rich want to keep everything their parents stole and cheated for, don't they? They would, by nature, usually be right-wingers, total money slaves. Useless as human beings.
These connections are intriguing. I really, really hope there are some independent journalists really investigating this realm of the worst machinations in the world by people who want to work together to steal the world from the cleaner, far more honest ones.
Thank you.
(22,850 posts)As far as that Macri-Putin meeting (in January of this year, if memory serves), my guess is that Macri had his tail between his legs a little.
You may recall that shortly after taking office, he had imperiously cancelled a joint nuclear reactor construction project with Russia, as well as cancelled RT Argentina's license - all of it by decree (like most of what he does).
Suffice it say, Putin was not pleased.
Fast-forward two years, and Argentina now needs $32 billion+ in fresh external financing a year. With inflation at 26%, budget deficits going up by 60% annually, and capital flight at record levels, fixed investment inflows (the real kind) are still well below what they were during the "anti-business" Cristina Kirchner administration.
Macri was hoping Putin could coax Russian businesses into making up for that.
When the head of the American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina was asked why foreign investment was down since the "pro-business" Macri took office, he put it as simply as he could: profitability was not as expected - i.e. Macri's 1000-2000% utility rate hikes were hurting profits (imagine that).
Thanks again for taking the time, Judi. Given the situation with the courts down there, I doubt this will gain much traction even if evidence of Nix's interfering in the 2015 election does surface - but you never can tell.