Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumBernie Sanders’ Campaign Manager Just Blamed Hillary For ISIS
http://www.mediaite.com/tv/bernie-sanders-campaign-manager-just-blamed-hillary-for-isis/by Tommy Christopher

Well, this might be a tough one to walk back. In the aftermath of a feud that started when Bernie Sanders thought he heard Hillary Clinton say he was quote-unquote not qualified to be president, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver isnt just doubling down on the attack, hes flipping over the table and slapping the pit boss. In an interview with CNNs Carol Costello Thursday morning, Weaver stood by the Senators not qualified attacks on Hillary Clinton, and added a new item to the list that Sanders ticked off last night: the rise and expansion of ISIS.
Yes, that happened:
(More with vid in link)

(42,862 posts)
(54,465 posts)Hey Weaver, ever heard of a guy named George W. Bush?
(33,497 posts)They seem to be losing grip lately.
(31,170 posts)They are on a roll this week....
Her Sister
(6,444 posts)Concerned about Weaver!
(30,058 posts)Maybe this is an attempt to divert the attention away from Sanders votes on gun issues, his vote on the crime bill, his on the Amber Alert, and his vote on the CFMA just to name a few. His voting record is forever recorded.
Her Sister
(6,444 posts)Thinkingabout
(30,058 posts)Be taking advantage of her establishment position,
(4,431 posts)But weaver jumping the shark with this is unhinged
They just lost the NE states because a lot of women standing on the line for either candidate just made up their mind today
(3,930 posts)Planning his future. When Bernie berns out Weaver will go to work for the Trump campaign.
(27,742 posts)He ought to throw in Global Warming and the Ukraine too while he's at it.
(1,881 posts)after her of a Headline, A FUCKING HEADLINE! I mean Jesus, from wall street to this... does he or his team know how to check facts?
(9,148 posts)"The comment is a stark departure from the lefts common understanding of the rise of ISIS, which even Donald Trump places at the feet of George W. Bush.
If Sanders rant Wednesday night wasnt a threat to eventual party unity, this might just be, and Jeff Weaver will probably find himself starring in a Republican campaign ad very soon."
Cool story, Jeff! Oh, by the way: receipts or GTFO.
Because you just accused the former Secretary of State of pursuing war in order to fulfill some shady Wall Street deal.
Now, this is the part where I take my red teacher pen and circle Jeff Weaver's head and write in my genteel lady professor handwriting across his conspiracy theory word salad:
Because, generally speaking, Jeff, most people lay the mess in the Middle East, including the rise of IS, at the feet of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the rest of the Neocon Gang. Hell, Jeff, even theRepublicans blame George Bush.
Or did, until you gave them a nice little clip to play in the ads during the General Election.
Hillary Clinton, unlike George Bush, cannot fairly be characterized as "supporting the Iraq war." She has called her vote for the AUMF a mistake. And while she can certainly be criticized for some of her work while Secretary of State, she is generally considered to have worked her ass off to fix Bush's sorry messes as best she and President Obama could.
So Jeff, if you're going to keep up your sorry campaign-by-insinuation, your sketchy claim that all along she's been fixing wars and funneling money to her shadowy unnamed overlords, to continue your clear implication that she is a closet neocon, that she fixes wars for profit whilst rubbing her hands together and gloating Margaret Hamilton style, then I say again:
Check the calendar, Jeff. This isn't 1692, and your spectral evidencejust ain't gonna fly.
That's quite the high crime Weasel is accusing a former Sec of State of committing during her tenure.
I hope he's got some solid evidence to back up that slanderous claim.
Provide the proof of your claim against Sec of State Hillary Clinton.
Pretty big & bold saying that on Tee Vee for publicity ratings Weaver.
CITE YOUR EVIDENCE, NOW..waiting..and we're not the only ones who will be expecting to hear from you.
What say you, Weasel?
(4,542 posts)And the men at the controls do not have a clue as to why.
(9,148 posts)They see a future in the high paying job of campaign smear & fraud.
Weaver sees big $$$ in his future & being an asshole is exactly the skill that will make him a member of the oligarchy schmooze club.
They're are all in this game to advance their futures & have not a second thought as to the nation they'll destroy in their greedy path to fame & riches.
They have become the very people their cleverly written stump speeches claimed to loathe.
The State Dept needs to ask Weaver for citations to his latest accusations against Sec of State Hillary Clinton.
This is serious stuff, for a big blowhard comic book salesman.
Good Luck, Weaver
(24,780 posts)If Sanders himself says this, it's over. He took himself out of contention. Unforced error.
(15,536 posts)a shortage on albuterol. I bet that's her fault, too!!l!
(15,696 posts)Truly heavy sigh.
George II
(67,782 posts)SharonClark
(10,392 posts)Top that Jeff Weaver!
(5,125 posts)He's unhinged! What reality does he live in?