Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumIt's happened again--just can't stay out of her data:
https://www.ralstonreports.com/blog/bernie-vs-hillary-boils-over-nevada-clark-conventionFirst, in an email sent today, March 30, Ms. Kramar exposed confidential Hillary for America (HFA) campaign information and data by unilaterally adding a representative of Senator Sanders campaign into a chain of email correspondence between HFA, the Clark County Democratic Party and the Nevada State Democratic Party. As you know, the confidentiality and propriety of data is paramount to any campaign. Ms. Kramars carelessness or worse in exposing HFAs data is plainly unacceptable and must not be tolerated.
Second, in another email sent today to both campaigns, Ms. Kramar engaged in a series of unwarranted and inexcusable personal attacks against HFA representatives, and frivolously accused HFA of engaging in unethical practices in its preparation for Saturdays convention. Indeed, it is apparent from Ms. Kramars email that she is advocating for positions in her role as credentials chair based on candidate-specific grounds, rather than making impartial decisions that are in the best interest of the tens of thousands of Clark County Democrats who turned out to caucus last month and who wish to participate as delegates to the Clark County Democratic Convention. Ms. Kramers behavior is at odds with the values of Nevada Democrats and the spirit of the primary campaign between Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders.
In her latest email to both HFA and the Sanders campaign regarding the credentialing of delegates, Ms. Kramar issued HFA an ultimatum: either the county convention proceed on Saturday under the terms agreed upon by both campaigns or the convention be delayed for further discussion and resolution of various credentialing rules. To be clear: it is and always has been HFAs position that the Clark County Democratic Convention proceed as scheduled and under the agreed-upon rules and procures. However, it is my strong belief that Ms. Kramars behavior demonstrate that she is not suited to administer the convention in an impartial way according to those rules and procedures. As a result, I respectfully request that this board immediately relieve Ms. Kramer from playing any role related to the credentialing of delegates or any other party procedures to take place at this Saturdays county convention.
Wonder where those incorrect mailers to Hillary delegates were sent from?
EDIT: Also, 15k posts!
Stand and Fight
(7,496 posts)Firebrand Gary
(5,044 posts)Apparently a shit storm took place while I was (am) on vacation. Bernie's campaign has a record of receiving HRC's campaign internal information.
(24,633 posts)feared would happen, and worse.
I know it makes little difference that Sanders stole all of 2 delegates from Hillary, but I would hope the campaign pursues legal action, whatever that may be. At least the NV state convention needs to take corrective action to address this obvious bias and subsequent cheating that took place.
(306,135 posts)hole.
"Wonder where those incorrect mailers to Hillary delegates were sent from?"
Yes, I'd like to know that, too!
One thing is true with the BSrs scamming Clark County..
Greg Pinelo ??@gregpinelo
@JoyAnnReid @joanwalsh Only thing clear is NV blacks and Latinos who mostly live in Clark Co and voted for Hillary have been disenfranchised
8:26 AM - 3 Apr 2016
21 21 Retweets 29 29 likes
Thank you, NuclearDem.. and Congratulation on 15,000!
(7,160 posts)Bernie is better for us anyway dontcha know?
(12,448 posts)I've heard very little about it other than online and social media. This is election fraud and it needs to be called out as such.
(306,135 posts)story on this.. she just heard 2 delegates flipped.
It is in the court system now.. charges have been filed to render them invalid. Hopefully Team Hillary will get resolution and justice on this.
(5,125 posts)Congrats on 15k!
Two words. Plausible deniability. Think about it. This woman is a volunteer. So, the campaign and candidate can and will claim that they "didn't know" and "didn't encourage this". But then again, this goes right to his history for playing dirty in campaigns. He has a HISTORY of getting others to fight dirty FOR him, so he can remove himself from it and claim "purity".
(15,465 posts)I've seen numerous Nevada victim-blaming posts from Camp BS, from people who never gave a flip about voter suppression until if affected the BS vote, and apparently still don't as long as it benefits them.
(1,968 posts)"Why can't I quit you?"
(23,106 posts)CalvinballPro
(1,019 posts)Someone needs to investigate how a notice was sent out to delegates for the county convention that "mistakenly" told some that their presence was not required! Skullduggery!!
(12,371 posts)...and not just a barely audible mention between coughs.
Her Sister
(6,444 posts)Tried to find something relevant to celebrate: