Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumCharles M. Blow: What is Sanders's Endgame?
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/21/opinion/campaign-stops/what-is-sanderss-endgame.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=opinion-c-col-left-region®ion=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region&_r=1By Charles M. Blow

Hillary Clintons commanding victory in New York on Tuesday put yet another nail in the coffin of Bernie Sanderss candidacy.
As The Upshots Nate Cohn put it:
New York, like every contest at this stage, was a state he needed to win. The result confirms that he is on track to lose the pledged delegate race and therefore the nomination.
At this pace, Clinton will finish this nomination cycle having won more votes, more states and more pledged delegates than Sanders. Furthermore, Clinton has also won six of the nine general election swing states that The New York Times listed in 2012.
And yet Sanders soldiers on, as is his right.
But Tuesday, Sanderss campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, told MSNBC that if Clinton doesnt clinch the nomination by pledged delegates alone, even if she has won the most popular votes, pledged delegates and states, Sanders will still take his fight to the convention. Sanders will absolutely try to turn superdelegates, who overwhelmingly support Clinton, and win the nomination that way.
First, barring something unforeseen and unimaginable, there is no way I can see that this strategy stands a gnats chance in hell of coming to fruition. Its a fairy tale written in pixie dust.
(More in link)

(30,058 posts)Left she will get over half, Sanders will be short.
(3,517 posts)Cha
(307,182 posts)And, there it is.. ".. no way I can see this strategy stands a gnat's chance in hell of coming to fruition. It's a fairy tale written in pixie dust."
(12,448 posts)after April 26.
Walk away
(9,494 posts)stop attacking Hillary Clinton so she can concentrate on beating Trump?".
I believe next Tuesday is going to hit him really hard. I don't think that he realizes that, as he starts to sink, he will shed followers.
When you lose the press, you can kiss your ass goodbye.
(2,897 posts)when you leave your entire press corp stranded in a state so that you can go home to Vermont and not answer questions.
Walk away
(9,494 posts)And I mean that with the utmost
(12,587 posts)He will have no friends in the press corps now.
(15,525 posts)get the 2015 tax returns.
(5,125 posts)msongs
(70,594 posts)SunSeeker
(54,590 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(118,681 posts)Sanders has to figure out how he lands this doomed plane does he set it down easy so that everyone walks away relatively unscathed, or does he go out in a blaze of glory?
Whatever he chooses to do will say quite a bit about his allegiance to his adopted Democratic Party and about his character. At the end of the day, is his ethos greater than his ego?
(307,182 posts)And, there it is.. ".. no way I can see this strategy stands a gnat's chance in hell of coming to fruition. It's a fairy tale written in pixie dust."

(31,443 posts)I've read personal accounts of people who know BS, and I gather that he's a vindictive ass. If he can't win the nomination, he & his surrogates will try to take out the one who can.
(96,119 posts)... just shows up and tears him and his closest advisors a new one.
The Bros just keep whining about the Clinton Machine and how dastardly and mean they are -- well, if he and they really do look like what they want is to destroy the Party and Hillary, this would be the time ...
(31,443 posts)it's clear that BS & Crew are now trying to draw blood, and I say....an eye for eye.