Barack Obama
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Last edited Thu Jan 23, 2014, 04:25 PM - Edit history (1)
Sources have just passed me top secret information that is to be kept from the media as it is too sensitive for their eyes and ears to report.
As we approach the State of the Union address the President's favorables have returned and are very high compared to other second term Presidents:
The survey also finds the president's personal image to be on the rebound after taking a hit during the government shutdown late last year, with 58 percent now sizing him up as very or somewhat likable. That's up 9 percentage points from October, just after the shutdown.
A 9 point jump at this point is really an astronomical change in figures thought to be fixed in cement. AP has done an excellent job in obscuring the facts by burying the lead and then quoting a couple of people who are only lukewarm because a couple of anecdotal opinions by people who may not be clever enough to know who Copernicus was is more important than actual numbers in a scientific poll.
In any case these numbers completely undermine the SOP of the media that the President's second term was over before it started.
And here are more numbers that you will never see in the media as they only affect tens of millions of people. After receiving the data regarding the ACA signups reporters in New York and Washington congregated at various saloons and asked a couple bartenders and wait staff and found that the ACA still hadn't reached that demographic and was doomed.
Those who now direct medical coverage as a result of the ACA now exceeds 12 million
Private signup and plans 2.5 million (many of whom are subsidized)
Adult Children who are on extended coverage of their parents plans: 3.1 million
Medicaid expansion 6.35 - this is the largest single increase in single payer coverage since Medicaid was initiated.
These facts and figures should be kept away from the media as it would prove a fatal distraction to the burning issue of what Justin Bieber is going to have for lunch when he reaches his Florida residence, the trip from jail that is being covered live across the media.
Oh look he just stood up and waved, I wonder if he was trying to wave at me?

(89,278 posts)Naaah! That will never happen. The media is to busy chasing that shiny object, over and over again.
ACA success stories.
Great OP, grantcart.
(53,661 posts)Mira
(22,504 posts)IrishAyes
(6,151 posts)I won't say a word... shhh....
(34,648 posts)We need to SOLYNDRA!!! Benghazibenghazibenghazi!!! IMPEACH the fast and furious!!
Excuse me, sorry about that, whenever I hear something good about Obama or the ACA, stupid catch phrases just pour out. Forgive me.
We need to convince the president to hold a news conference saying that the country doesn't deserve his Obamacare, and he's taking it back to Kenya. Then we can pass out signs that say ' Keep your socialist Kenyan hands off my Obamacare'. That's the only way to handle these people. The normal way is not angry enough for the media to pay attention to, we have not manufactured enough outrage to get any play. It's our fault for wanting people to be content and healthy.