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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsI'm 82. Got nothin' to live for. Then I had my cardiologist visit on Friday.
He says I will likely outlive Trump!

(38,712 posts)marble falls
(63,016 posts)elleng
(137,972 posts)Duncanpup
(14,008 posts)The grand dog Ellen
Ocelot II
(122,795 posts)We might need scooters or walkers to get there, but we need to stick around long enough to relieve ourselves on his grave. We might have to wait in a long line, though.
10 Turtle Day
(602 posts)tavernier
(13,391 posts)We will need enough piss to leak through the cracks of that gold coffin.
Silent Type
(8,157 posts)Escape
(103 posts)a cardiologist?
(18,858 posts)

(11,229 posts)SWBTATTReg
(24,742 posts)else I have. As far as I'm concerned, any news that is tRUMP-related, IGNORE.
Like some on here, one bit of news would lift my spirits, and that's tRUMP finally kicking the bucket after eating too many cheeseburgers.
And tRUMP is getting up there in age too, he is looking more and more disheveled, sort of out of it too (IMHO of course). One can always wish that he's at the end of his foul career, one that I wish more MAGA supporters will see more harder at his record and discover that he doesn't care about them one bit.
An example is that here is he already, not yet president, selling his stupid crypto coins for a ridiculous sum of billions. This sounds rather flimsy, and I wonder how he goosed it up so high. I suspect that over time, those engaging in the market for these stupid coins will realize that the coins literally have no value. Just another token/round piece of metal.
(13,808 posts)Just your imagination.
(131 posts)Your generation led mine and Im so very had for it. Kick ass, take names and live for better times for us all.
(2,442 posts). . . I will NOT piss on his grave.
Don't like standing in lines.
(4,779 posts)bdamomma
(67,248 posts)will stay up!!!
(4,779 posts)Bluethroughu
(6,751 posts)
Better find something to live for then.
(5,479 posts)He's almost 15, mostly blind, mostly deaf, incontinent, sleeps a lot, spends a lot of time in his own world, and has been dealing with Cushing's Disease for 2.5 years (two years from diagnosis is the norm).
I'm hoping HE outlives Trump.
Ocelot II
(122,795 posts)has chronic kidney disease (a common ailment of old cats), and I hope and expect she outlives him, along with your dog.
(24,453 posts)And hope I outlive him. But if I don't, I hope ghosts are real so I can haunt him... maybe throw his ketchup bottle when he least expects it.
liberal N proud
(61,026 posts)dickthegrouch
(3,900 posts)Id have laughed myself silly if hed croaked from his excitement at getting inaugurated again.
Clouds Passing
(3,522 posts)
(34,775 posts)My theory is when I die I just get my hard drive erased. Have no idea if a new language will be installed or not.
How can you possible have a name like 3 hotdogs and claim you have nothing to live for?
(284 posts). . . the rest of our lives looking at that horrid face. I told him that at 82 that gives me inspiration to outlive him and see our country on the mend.
(12,928 posts)
COL Mustard
(7,171 posts)
(23,112 posts)
(1,442 posts)appalachiablue
(43,392 posts)
(30,153 posts)it's a nagging fear I have that i won't be around when he finally kicks it. I'm glad you will be.
(5,757 posts)hay rick
(8,470 posts)Part of my plan involves a full bladder.
(12,619 posts)3Hotdogs
(13,808 posts)to God's eyeballs.
(536 posts)Granted they have It all right now. But the more resistance against the maga's, the more sunlight is put on them. vote!!! Get your friends to vote. Your kids, nephews, nieces, get the house and possibly senate at the mid terms. Turn Maga into the definition of Lame duck.if you look at it this way its only 24 months. 24 long months for sure, but not an entire term.
I am 80 and really hope I can outlast him and see a renewed Democratic party come to power.
Shellback Squid
(9,212 posts)rambler_american
(867 posts)You gave me hope for my future. Thank you.
(2,401 posts)True Blue American
(18,353 posts)Have an appointment this week. I do water aoerobics at 6 AM every morning. I may out live him.
Told a fellow poster I was watching, My 600 lb. Life. He responded , The new President is 80% on the way to be qualified for that show!🤪😜😙
(14,276 posts)colorado_ufo
(5,973 posts)We need every one of us!
(7,106 posts)But, he has real healthcare, so I expect he will outlive me. Oh well. At least I can prepare for his arrival in hell.
(3,706 posts)incentive.
We hope to read your posts throughout these four years and to celebrate with us when all the rats are voted out from office.
(10,045 posts)RussellCattle
(1,832 posts)Aussie105
(6,680 posts)Being around to swear like a trooper at Trump and his band is reason enough!