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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsMy $.02 about the Oscar nominations.
I saw that a Netflix original movie called "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs" was nominated for a few minor awards.
I watched it when it was first released onto Netflix. It was, as Coen Brothers movies always are, a well made or constructed movie, but I HATED it!
My 2 cents, and quite possibly over priced at that.

jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)it is not CORN...
(10,237 posts)Damned auto correct.
(20,809 posts)But I quit about half way through.
(10,237 posts)...I realized that it was about 2 odd hours of my life that had just been shot right to Hell. Yuck.
(40,062 posts)Not worthy of a nom
(10,237 posts)And I will we it tonight if my wife remembers to stop by Red Box on her way home.
(25,380 posts)
(10,237 posts) the reason they make ice cream in different flavors.
(43,689 posts)Behind only Fargo, Big Lebowski, A Serious Man, O Brother Where Art Thou and Raising Arizona in the pantheon of their work.
It is bleak, I will give you that. Even in its more lighthearted moments. And especially in its darker moments. "Meal Ticket" (the one with Liam Neeson) in particular was just haunting.
So I can understand why one might not like it, but for me personally, I found it incredible. Especially on the second watch.
(10,237 posts)I hated it. My favorite of their movies is Miller's Crossing, which I consider to be WAY superior.
(43,689 posts)Can't find it on Netflix or on demand for the life of me.
Obviously the common theme of TBOBS is death and mortality, which is a bit heavy.
Even if you didn't like it I might suggest a rewatch. Coen works have a way of sticking around and getting a lot better the longer you think about them.
The second time I watch it, I dug the last chapter--The Mortal Remains--a lot more than I did initially. When the Brendan Gleeson character sings his song and you see the three passengers faces slowly understand their "situation" it is a prime example of solid facial acting.
(24,547 posts)But it grew on me. Not their best film, but very entertaining. Not sure it's Oscar worthy, but worth watching.
(10,237 posts)...or the middle or the end...yikes.