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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsI brought Curly's ashes home last night.
When I got into the car I held the little box to my heart and wept. I learned 50+ years ago that when you have pets, they WILL eventually get sick, get old and die. But that doesn't make it any easier when they do.
I still feel this enormous hole in my heart. I believe that this death has hurt me more than any other pet's loss in my life. I'm not going nearly as far as this, but I remember in 1963 when my grandfather's dog of 22 years, Pepper, died, he lost all will to live. I often heard my mom and aunts & uncles recounting hearing Grand Pop saying that his dog was dead and he didn't want to live anymore. He was gone within a few months. I certainly don't go as far as that. In fact, I want to get another doggie again BECAUSE of how much I love Curly.
But DAMN, this still hurts like Hell. I didn't know that I could cry this much in 5 years, let alone 5 days! I keep remembering how VP Biden saying how eventually the memory will bring the smile before it brings the tear. I know that this will eventually come, but God damn, it hurts now.
I love and miss my little boy.
Thanks for reading.

(4,429 posts)and Ji Jang Bosal, Curly. You were loved
(10,237 posts)Thank you!
(9,498 posts)
(10,237 posts)Grief shared is grief assuaged.
(4,350 posts)I hope your little Curly brings the right dog to take his place to your attention.
(10,237 posts)...after some time for healing.
(6,809 posts)This post from your human companion shows how loved you were.
I know the road you are walking; I have Murphy's ashes with me on the bookshelf as I type this. Thing is, I took some extra left over food to the shelter after I lost Murphy, and there was Joey waiting for me. He rescued me, and now he is helping me to type this. These little creatures are really special.
(10,237 posts)We have to mourn and heal some first.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I mourn every one of them Ive lost. Some more than others. As I get closer to the end I wonder if one of mine will mourn me instead one day.
(10,237 posts)First, when we go, He'll scatter a vial of each of our ashes where we have our pets' ashes buried.
Second, he'll take care of our surviving pets.
(9,498 posts)MarianJack
(10,237 posts)RESIST!
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)She is old and probably wont see another summer. She still follows me around the house even though getting up takes more effort.
(10,237 posts)I believe we owe them loyalty in return.
(35,817 posts)May you hold loving memories of Curly close to your heart forever.
(10,237 posts)Thank you.
(36,900 posts)in your heart.
(10,237 posts)RESIST!
(16,903 posts)are like family, and many times more than that.
(10,237 posts)RESIST!
(11,686 posts)I am still heart broken about two of my animals the most. One was a very special cat Lunar who helped prevent me from dying and the other was my service dog Shultz who made my life easier and protected me. They both died to early.
(10,237 posts)I certainly expected to have Curly for another 2 or 3 years.
(11,686 posts)They should have lived for many years more. Even Shultz being a German Shepherd died to soon. then again anytime is to soon.
(10,237 posts)Last edited Thu Aug 9, 2018, 03:14 AM - Edit history (1)
How very true!
(41,603 posts)His ashes are in a little rosewood box on the fireplace mantel. Sometimes I just hold it. I miss him every day.
Im sorry, I know how it feels.
(10,237 posts)Thank you.
(53,997 posts)70 years, but there were 2 or 3 that I had a special bond with. One was a survivor of multiple illnesses, including diabetes. One was my 'soul mate'. One I saved from drowning as a pup. Their deaths were almost unbearable. I still cry on the anniversaries of their passing...22, 14, and 10 years later.
(10,281 posts)I know how hard it is to say goodbye, my last "special kitty" to cross the rainbow bridge is STILL hard on me 2 years later (partly because we only had him for barely 2 years after saving him from being abandoned in a box in the woods)...I do smile more now than get sad thinking of him, so it does get better...
I hope your memories are stronger, and faster, than the the mean time thank you for providing a safe and happy life for Curly...
(14,657 posts)still miss him. Our pets are such good friends.
Mrs. Overall
(6,839 posts)Ligyron
(7,929 posts)Go find him.
(109,717 posts)
(2,112 posts)We miss our furry family members as much, and sometimes more, than our people family members.
I hope you find your next four legged friend soon. I am sure he or she will bring you as much joy as Curley did.
Roy Rolling
(7,252 posts)It is the side-effect of being the kind person Curly loved, too. It hurts. But time will replace those tears.
If you were an a**hole, it wouldn't hurt at all. Curly knew that.
(1,083 posts)Corvo Bianco
(1,148 posts)
The Wizard
(13,047 posts)On January 4, 1993, the cat in this book and the books that preceded it was put to sleep in Kerrville, Texas, by DR. W.H. Hoegemeyer and myself. Cuddles was fourteen years old, a respectable age. She was as close to me as any human being I have ever known.
Cuddles and I spent many years together, both in New York, where I found her as a little kitten on the street in Chinatown, and later on the ranch in Texas. She was always with me, on the table, on the bed, by the fireplace, beside the typewriter, on top of my suitcase when I returned from a trip.
I dug Cuddles' grave with a silver spade, in the little garden by the stream behind the old green trailer where both of us lived in the summertime. Her burial shroud was my old New York sweatshirt and in the grave with her is a can of tuna and a cigar.
A few days ago I received a sympathy note from Bill Hoegemeyer, the veterinarian. It opened with a verse by Irving Townsend: "We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle
Now as I write this, on a gray winter day by the fireside, I can almost feel her light tread moving from my head and my heart down through my fingertips to the keys of the typewriter. People may surprise you with unexpected kindness. Dogs have a depth of loyalty that we often seem unworthy of. But the love of a cat is a blessing, a privilege in this world.
They say when you die and go to heaven all the dogs and cats you ever owned in your life come running to meet you.
Until that day, rest in peace Cuddles.
Kinky Friedman
Madina, Texas
February 5, 1993
(18,124 posts)don't tell anyone, I so hope that's true... I would love to see them all....
The Wizard
(13,047 posts)made me a better human.
(18,124 posts)

(152 posts)But I know for a fact you cared and loved Curly with a kind and generous heart. Thank you for that. That makes you an awesome person, take solace inwardly. The pain will get better.
Again a lot of love.
(20,035 posts)They wiggle into your heart and break it when they go.
I have to tell my sick mom of 81 her 15 year old kitty died while she was gone.
This wont end well.
(23,015 posts)
Totally Tunsie
(10,885 posts)So sorry for your loss.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)special being who takes care of you and you take care of them is gone. And they were 100% on vigil to take care of you. Always. Reminds me of the joke..Lock your spouse and your dog in the trunk and see which one is glad to see you when you open it up.
The love of a pet (and it's Love for you) is so pure and transcends all human experience.
My dog Larry was diagnosed with aggressive bone cancer 4 months ago. He is still tail wagging and eating and sleeping so still my favorite being. But one day soon I will most certainly feel as you do.
(52,559 posts)when I read and responded to another post about a very sick pet today on DU. I cried again just now thinking of your loss and how much pain I went through 15 years ago when my little girl died right before Christmas. They say time makes it better to a degree but that does not help much in the meantime. I am still grieving over her. I did get another little girl who now is 15 and I cherish every second with her...since I know there is no "forever". I know a lot of people who died soon after a very loved one died and no one is loved more than our pets. I am sick now but I will live long enough to take care of my baby and that is what counts and I am very happy about that. I will not get another to fill the hole in my heart after she dies since it wouldn't be fair to any dog and would be selfish on my part knowing I couldn't be here to give her a long life of love. I am glad you will be able to do that for another dog and time will eventually allow the good memories to come before the tears. Poor Curly, poor you. I need to get more tissues now (really).
(718 posts)I have other three previous pup's ashes waiting for my own, all to be combined and then scattered. We still have three more that are with us that are quickly approaching the time when they will be included as well. Always hard to lose a life long friend.