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Related: About this forumWHOA! - Ron Paul THREATENED by Mitt Romney (Doug Wead)

(3,888 posts)Lie, cheat, misrepresent your motives, and threaten to utterly destroy your opponent and call that a winning strategy.
(14,923 posts)if elected, yet, he can't even smooth the party divide with the Ron Paul group without using a 'pr-a-bomb ' threat to keep them in check.
Well Mitt, the roosters are coming home to roost and I'm sure a lot of Paulites haven't forgotten the Republican Convention charade.
(3,888 posts)He believes that, "he who has the most, wins". He respects others with money and he thinks that he has earned respect because he has some money. "Its his turn". He enjoys firing people. The 47% can never be convinced to contribute to their own welfare. Mitt lies to those he has no respect for (those with less money than he). He disdains those who work to produce the wealth he steals.
He does not care about the truth if it gets in his way.
I find it hard to believe that anyone is so sheltered that their integrity, or lack of integrity, doesn't matter to others around them.
Maybe only the poor care about integrity, since its all we have to trade on.
(209 posts)during the Republican National Convention that was actually more direct and insidious. A little old lady from Texas, apparently a Ron Paul delegate, told the story of how her hotel room had been broken into. There was nothing that was obviously stolen, but she did call the police on the matter. At the airport on her way to the convention, the TSA found bullets hidden in her luggage. Not her bullets, even though she was from Texas and a Ron Paul supporter. Apparently, whoever broke into her hotel stashed bullets into her briefcase. At the airport, it seemed it was going to escalate into something serious, but she did eventually get out of it. Allegedly, she was not the only Ron Paul delegate that had weird stuff happen to them on the way to the convention.
Fast forward to the convention, and the RNC, directed by Romney's people, were pushing new convention rules that would essentially give Romney unlimited powers to change the rules at any time without any kind of voting process. The delegates from VA were one of the chiefest groups pushing to stop these rule changes, and conveniently their bus driver on the day of the vote drove them around in circles. They ended up having to walk to the convention, and at that point they already had missed it. Though it probably didn't matter, as they did a voice vote at one point where the "yeas have it!" was already written on the teleprompter that John Boahner was reading.
I think Romney was seriously afraid of a rebellion from disgruntled Tea Partiers and Ron Paul supporters and was putting a lot of pressure, and possibly even illegal pressure, to stop anything from upsetting his coronation.
(24,739 posts)Another my-way-or-the-highway authoritarian who does business the Watergate way. A Dubya/Nixon on steroids.
(21,646 posts)greenman3610
(3,954 posts)black helicopters, brown shirts, arm bands.