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Related: About this forumLOL! The Stupidity Of Romney Voters In Ohio – EXPOSED
The power of Rovian conditioning. Here come the ' lemmings ' following each other over the cliff.
"...If you repeat a big lie enough times, eventually people will begin to believe it as truth..."

(48 posts)I was just about to post this video. Can you believe some of the crap coming out of these people's mouths!
(14,923 posts)
The Rovian con artist's of this world fully understand the nature of weak and pliable minds who are susceptible to influence and conditioning. Like a skilled surgeon, these hi-flying con-artists push just the right combination of issue oriented buttons (in sync) to attack the lemming's sleeping psyche. You might say they are serving up a steady Manchurian-lite diet to these starving fools.
(12,882 posts)at stirring support. They don't even have to put much effort into creating new recruits since they can count on these dolts to pass along the stupidity to their offspring. All the Right really has to do is provide meals of bullshit and divisivness, and these rubes are ready and waiting with their giant bibs and meat forks.
(19 posts)I find this sad (and scary) rather than funny.. check out the Randy Newman song and video.. "I'm dreaming of a White President".
(55,414 posts)invading American and taking away our freedom of religion. Who can bear it.
You can't even go outside without a drone flying around spying on you.
(714 posts)At first I thought it was Pro r & slipped through. I am glad I kept watching. What dingbats.
(64 posts)But just when I want to feel badly for them, I realize they are really more afraid of losing their feeling of privilege over so many other people, especially the president. And they use excuses like "freedom" and "freedom of religion".
Suddenly I am reminded of that Burt Lancaster film "Elmer Gantry". Maybe Mitt has seen it?
(218 posts)The GOP "Base" - Scared, bigoted, intellectually inept, white people.

(16,656 posts)they must be related to those folks that think everything on Staten Island should be cleaned up by now.
Our country is srewn big time.
(8,124 posts).... they only remember what comes out of the mouth of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
Can't expect any independent thinking ... that's way too much work.
(4,490 posts)Great choice for the Romney Rally closing act.
(1,085 posts)our freedom of religion, attacked the free enterprise system, apologized to our enemies, weakened our military, embraced the terrorists, undermined our values, is an an angry black man, a closet Muslim radical and has destroyed America... Its just that I cant seem to give any examples of that.,...BUT I KNOW HE DID IT!!!
such deep thinkers!
(318 posts)It's dangerous.
Oh gawd. We live in Dumfukistan.
(828 posts)It's really is scary to listen to all these people mouth the wingnuts soundbites. That's all they have! They've been listening to Rush and Fox for 4 years. "He had a chance to bring people together and he blew it". Give me a break. These ass holes never wanted to give him a chance. How I hope to see them stew in their own hate and live to see they were wrong all along.
(302 posts)matt819
(10,749 posts)Thank you for that video, and thank you Republicans.
Buddhist threat. Check.
Some terrifying examples:
Promoting the homosexual agenda: The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.
The root of Obamacare: Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.
Self-Conquerization, whatever that is: It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
On immigration: In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.
More sayings from the Buddhist underground:
(14,923 posts)I think we should all arm ourselves!
(53,661 posts)I'll get one and start shooting before Obama forces Sharia Law© on me! This country can't take 4 more years of Obama! Aren't you afraid of what he'll do?
To which I replied, 'No, I'm not worried at all. None of us up here are worried about Obama.'
I had to get off the phone. Wonder if I'll get that Christmas card in return for the one I always send her.
Oh, wait, she doesn't do Christmas cards. Or church. She gets her religious instruction from Glenn...
(34,825 posts)next thing you know they're imposing buddaharian law over us. sons of bitches!
(1,148 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Bradical79
(4,490 posts)BlueJazz
(25,348 posts)These people are setting some of the agenda for our existence ??
We talk about Low information voters but these clowns are wrong information voters.
(175 posts)and a LOT MORE of them!
(22,109 posts)The guy who does the interviewing is so cool in the way he knows how to play them, and how he keeps a straight face is a work of art in itself. The shirt and tie and nodding gets them every single time!
I highly recommend going though their archives and checking out their previous work. The queue at the Sarah Palin book signing was legendary, as was the one they did at the Glenn BecKKK rally thing.
Thanks for posting!
(111 posts)Wow, I don't know how these people have enough brainpower to figure out how to tie their shoes. Absolutely stunning stupidity. From the rampant paranoia (drones are watching you???? Reallllly???) to the over-the-top projection at its finest to Meatloaf's endorsement (one I would have run screaming AWAY from) - Republicans in 2012, in a nutshell. Gag me.
(49,289 posts)the fools.
(500 posts)Do these people live under a rock? I'm an Ohioan and if any of my friends spouted the fantasies of these folks I think I would pull the hair on my head out! Wonder what those drones over our heads would think of that!!!!
(14,549 posts)does it make a sound?' How the hell should these poor Ohioains know? They weren't there. Are they supposed to ask the squirrels or something?
or "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" I think it is kind of like "whoosh..whooosh" but honestly who knows.
Buddhists are asking too many questions and then THEY don't have the answer either! What's up with that! I al 'okay what IS the sound of one hand clapping?" and they're like "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"
(71,611 posts)Not a single functioning brain cell among 'em. As a Michigander, it'd be too easy to slam the Fuckeyes but we have the same gene pool on the west side of our state.
My ex-wife and ex-in-laws are Fucktard Buckeyes from Columbus and I spent a GREAT deal of time immersed in the GOP "state-of-mind" .... which is VERY much inclined to see "them" as unAmerican and not hard-working and somehow eating white babies by the light of every full moon.
It's unfortunate that Election Day is so close to Halloween ... since the mindset is identical. Muslims hiding under the bed. Monsters in the dark. FUD. Every dark and twisted aspect of their own personalities are projected onto "the other" and they cling to their crosses and holy water to fend off the soul-suckers coming to feast on their virginal brains which have never been sullied by a rational thought.
It's astonishing how they can mirror the exact same behavior that is evident in some of the most reprehensible regimes in the history of mankind ... and, at the same time, hear the echo of their own rants and accuse "the other."
(7,774 posts)If they can't come up with any reason to vote for RobMe? All the shit they spew is just a cover because they don't want to break out in a slew of racial epithets on camera. Fuckheads!
(19,574 posts)I kept expecting to see someone I know.
I understand when the poster says Ohio voters are stupid he means those Buckeye in particular, but those are the exceptions here in NE Ohio. The people in that video are very frustrated that they are a 30% minority in Mahoning (and Trumbull) county. This is a Democratic stronghold that votes 2 to 1 for sane candidates. I don't doubt some of those morans drove over from Canton.
Sean Hannity does a great job of supplying his fans with key words and names they don't understand.
(7,774 posts)<a href="¤t=Jingo.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="

(1,148 posts)JohnnyRingo
(19,574 posts)I'll have to guess the other fellow is either Kenny G or Rambis. I'll bet on the latter. LOL
It probably isn't often Sherrod Brown gets to kiss a puppy while campaigning, but I'm sure he would.
Great pic! Thanx for passing it along.
I can tell by the dismal weather in the background you must be near here.
Sherrod was near here in Lordstown Tuesday... Here's some pix:
(7,774 posts)He has logged over 1000 miles for Obama and made thousands of phone calls. He picketed with the union members even though he can't be part.
(7,280 posts)How in the world can these people be so stupid?
(7,265 posts)n/t
(11,229 posts)A bunch of ignorant bigots.
(3,363 posts)The video demonstrates that a significant percentage of people are voting for Romney out of fear and ignorance. The ignorance is of their own doing - a result of the community and culture in which they are immersed. And the fear is manufactured by the right wing "intelligentsia" (Koch, Fox, etc.).
And, I use the term 'intelligentsia' to convey a concept of the type of power involved. I don't mean to imply that there is any significant intelligence in the conservative community.
(1,628 posts)Hopefully it's only 30% of our population that is this dumbed down, but I have a feeling the number is more like 50%.
(23,142 posts)But only after the election. I don't want to fire them up. I'd rather have them view it post-Morton Romney/Ryan 2012.
(110 posts)meet the 'uninformed' American voters.
WOW! That was painful to watch...the stupid, it hurts!
(43 posts)That's all I can say.

That was fucking pathetic.
(12,774 posts)This is the other 47%.
(47,675 posts)BVictor1
(229 posts)Yikes... Kind of scary isn't it?
They can't even answer the questions posed to them.
Freedom this and freedom that...
mod mom
(20,390 posts)I'm sure they are out there, but not in my circle. Embarrassing!
(590 posts)too pitiful to be funny
(2,109 posts)I never thought of this country being as racist as it is until President Obama was elected.
(1,250 posts)Let 'em stay scared.
They're the past.
It's time to move on to the future.
They're welcome to come along if they want to.
John Lucas
Red Knight
(704 posts)They're even spouting random stuff from the last election, Ayers, Wright, etc.
We make fun of it but Fox news has given these type of voters no reason to think about what they're saying even a little bit--it just provides excuses not to vote for a black man.
Honestly, I sometimes think there should be some sort of simple test to show you've at least paid a little bit of attention to the world, or that you have critical thinking skills before casting a vote.
Letting ignorant people blindly walk into a booth and vote their prejudices is no way to run a country.