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Related: About this forumWhat You Should Know About Russia's Attempts To Undermine Biden's Candidacy & Help Trump - MSNBC
Russian operatives are once again trying to help President Donald Trump win an election by attempting to sabotage his opponent, a top U.S. intelligence official says. Bill Evanina, who is leading election security efforts at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, also said that China prefers that Trump lose the election and that Iran seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions and Trump. Heres a deeper look at what that means.

(61,855 posts)Somebody needs to do something to stop putin.
(227,405 posts)

(1,381 posts)With Trump as viceroy.
(227,405 posts)President Trumps actions in the face of the Russia-Taliban arms program likely signaled weak US resolve in the eyes of Putin and Russian military intelligence.
CIA steers clear of Senate Republican probe into Bidens
The spy agency's reluctance to engage with Sen. Ron Johnson's panel underscores the intelligence communitys doubts about the investigation.
Blue Owl
(55,195 posts)n/t
(19,351 posts)Reporters must have the guts to ask. Because it is true that he is by the way he defends Putin.
(227,405 posts)And has insisted it wasn't reliable information.
(15,116 posts)... after his dear USSR collapsed.
(227,405 posts)People like to credit Reagan with the collapse of the USSR, but I believe that Jimmy Carter's grain embargo was instrumental. I also visited the USSR, accompanied my grandmother and her peace group back in the late '80s - and the people I met disliked and feared Reagan. His tough stance with Gorbachev alarmed the hard-liners and made it more difficult for Gorbachev to institute desired reforms. But they really thought a lot of Carter, but then he was a real diplomat. And since Putin was KGB, it makes sense that he'd have resentments and want to return to the repressive regime - and he's sure trying to return there.
(15,116 posts)... where Putin's associates described his unabated hatred for the USA.
I think that was even before Trump ran for President. Not sure if it was a "Frontline" episode, or what.
So I think it's possible that he supported Trump mostly because he knows the guy's an idiot.
(227,405 posts)I unknowingly spoke to a KGB guy when I was in the USSR, turns out a place in a remote area where we stopped for dinner was a KGB vacation spot. He asked me all sorts of questions, was very interested in our group and what we were doing there. But of course we had nothing to hide, and were never under the illusion that they knew where we were at all times. But when I found out later who he must have been, it did kinda creep me out. And I was the youngest in the group by a few decades. So it makes sense that Putin would have deep seated resentments and must see Trump as a useful idiot.