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Related: About this forumRussian Election Interference Finds Ready Conduit In GOP Senators - Rachel Maddow - MSNBC
Rachel Maddow notes a particularly specific warning from the director of the ODNI's National Counterintelligence and Security Center that "pro-Russia Ukrainian parliamentarian Andriy Derkach is spreading claims about corruption" as part of Russia's efforts to manipulate the 2020 U.S. election against Joe Biden and in support of Donald Trump. Derkach has not only been using Rudy Giuliani to spread his claims, but Republican senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley have also been receptive to the Russian tactic. Aired on 8/7/2020

(9,426 posts)With the gop it is ALWAYS about the money. They would sell their souls (if they had one) to anyone, for the right price. Even to defend the orange, total failure in the WH.
(227,405 posts)Rachel named names so this is newsworthy and illegal - and they need to face consequences.
(61,855 posts)And not home monitoring or a short stint in some country club resort! 🤬
(227,405 posts)The thing is, I well remember back in 2008 seeing all the hopeful Democratic presidential candidates lined up on the stage - and I thought "who would want the job now?? But what's happened in this country during these 4 short years has been mind-bending - there is just no comparison! Everyone involved needs to be exposed and charged - and the damage to this country, to Americans and to our standing in the world, is going to take many years and some incredibly hard work to rectify.
(61,855 posts)I will never understand why, when all 17 national intel agencies stated putin hacked election, the election "result" was not nullified immediately & redone.
The bs about "the people's will" is just that. Bs! 🤬
(227,405 posts)
(61,855 posts)
(227,405 posts)As she said in her recent award acceptance: "Vote!"
(61,855 posts)

(227,405 posts)They both deserve to be voted out - though what they have been doing is nothing short of treasonous!
(61,855 posts)I hate these treasonous bastards destroying our country! 🤬
(227,405 posts)But then, what has Trump gotten away with - and still does on a daily basis?? It's hard to keep track of all the norms and laws he's broken that we already know about - and it will be years before we learn all the rest, if ever.
(54,462 posts)madaboutharry
(41,552 posts)They have betrayed America. You have to wonder if its for money.
(43,137 posts)Putin wants us Destroyed...and so does Trump... what the FUCK do they think will be left of this country? I know, they don't care, they don't give a shit, we are in the way of their plans... this is WAR on our way of life. This CAN NOT STAND.
(61,855 posts)🤬🤬🤬
B Stieg
(2,410 posts)

Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)Duppers
(28,270 posts)To use the word Treason.
Why aren't they calling it what it is?
(227,405 posts)
(28,270 posts)markpkessinger
(8,648 posts)Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution defines the crime of Treason for all purposes under U.S. law:
And before anyone says "Russia," I would note that Russia is a geopolitical adversary, but is not (yet, at least) an enemy.
What Trump has done is a betrayal of the country, and is certainly a violation of his oath of office. But under the U.S. Constitution, it doesn't constitute Treason.
(28,270 posts)You remember the poor Rosenbergs who were executed for *spying* in peacetime during the cold war.
It just seems that tRump is suspected of as much, so much so that the Pentagon generals won't share info with him.
And NATO spends $100's of millions protecting against this geopolitical adversary. But, yes, tRump's actions do not fit the constitutional definition of treason. And news outlet are aware of the legalities.
But difficult to over look is the fact that Russia is paying bounties on American soldiers, which tRump is aware of but doing nothing. He continues asking Putin's helping in being reelected.
Interesting article:
(15,157 posts)Rhiannon12866
(227,405 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,404 posts)It was little known at the time, the truth began to leak in the 1960s here or there in an obscure academic book. By the 1980s a little more info, now unnoticed by the decades gone by, more information on the financial backers of Nazi Germany, and the capitalists who sold them vital war materiel. International businessmen, global capitalists of the period, oligarchs were making money.
I just wonder if these Senators have more allegiance to global big business than they have to America. Answer seems obvious to me. Ukraine seems to be a hub for 20 years for these operatives.
(227,405 posts)Though many of these senators - and Trump - were around close enough to WWII that they must have known family members and friends who experienced it.
(14,905 posts)Grand pappy Bush was instrumental in the Businessmans coup to take over FDR's administration. They liked what they saw in Nazi Germany... Lots of money to be made arming Hitler..
They had 500,000 troops ready to go to Washington but it was stopped by Marine General Smedly Butler. He ratted them out to FDR and he put a stop to it right away... The whole plot is documented in the library of Congress. I first heard of it on a BBC broadcast about it's significance
in American politics. A fascist take over of our government is nothing new..Even George Bush said he would like a dictatorship in the US...... Just so long as he was the dictator..... Jeezzzz...
Our democracy is such a fragile thing that has to be looked out for all the time...
(48,404 posts)Nigel Hamilton's trilogy on FDR at War. As historians link together contemporary accounts - of government officials, relatives, world leaders - a profile emerges. Hamilton's research indicates he thought Churchill a lousy strategist. It was all Gallipolo 2, a rapid undermanned strike force. It was replicated in North Africa, Rome, and Dieppe. FDR held his cards close, played one against another. Even British Generals were in Washington strategizing with our military. FDR insisted - Africa first, experienced amphibious personnel and materiel, and don't strike until ready. One go was all we were gonna get. All while he played for democracy and self-determination for peoples of the world, and an end to empire.
Yet an argument can be made Churchill won the war. There's a book "Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare" that documents his off the books development and reliance on unconventional methods and weapons, some considered inhumane by a British General or two. Limpet bombs, assassinations, underground. Where were Hitler's Panzer divisions in the 12 days after D-Day? Bogged down on railroad cars that were mucked up with graphite in the wheel gearings, thanks to an underground operative and two teenage girl accomplices. Low tech beat the might and pompous righteousness of Nazi armies.
(7,794 posts)And, like today, some held personal profits more important than the interests of their nation. Ayn Rand took root and sprouted in that climate with her half-witted, truly warped and narcissistic justifications for greed-of-power. We even had one of her boy-toys appointed by Reagan to chair the federal reserve. Famous for his word-salad ramblings which the "rich and powerful" leaned into as if Christ were hedge managing directly from heaven. The 0% interest-goal-rot set in and we, like Alice down a rabbit hole, find ourselves today plopped on our butts as expendables in a low budget dystopia-porn film. Ayn's rotten tree of foolishness now grafted onto the meager accounts of every working stiff in the world sinks it's roots deeper, finally choking the celebration of life out of everything.
I guess, in the end, evil is it's own excuse for being evil.
(2,168 posts)That must be some really powerful KoolAid they're drinkin! A toxic brew not only of bribes and kickbacks from Putin and his Russian oligarchs, but probably from hidden blackmail and Kopromat as well. God help our country! God help us all!
brer cat
(26,738 posts)K&R
(157,475 posts)Rhiannon12866
(227,405 posts)Rhiannon12866
(227,405 posts)Former chief of staff for the CIA and Department of Defense Jeremy Bash warns of the threats coming from Russia and President Trump on the 2020 election. Aired on 8/7/2020.