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Related: About this forumDemocrats Need to Start Turning Their Ship Now to Be in the Right Place for 2018
If We Don't Turn this Democratic Boat In the Right Direction Soon, the Results Could be Disastrous

Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)elleng
(138,032 posts)demosincebirth
(12,764 posts)or the Senate
(1,063 posts)from those who work for RT. Thanks
Steven Maurer
(498 posts)As accounts can be made by anyone. But I knew Thom from his days in Portland. He put a snippet in one of his books ("Screwed" about Lupita Maurer. But he's hardened and become very counterproductive since then.
How he can call the Democratic party "neoliberal" (which in economic terms means a Milton Friedman type of arch-right wing laissez-faire Republican or Libertarian), when we have actual neoliberal Republicans running the government now is beyond me. This is especially true because Hillary Clinton won among people who ranked the economy as the top issue, which showed that the objection to her candidacy was not economic in nature, but social.
Had economic issues been what the 2016 turned on, then Measure 97 would have won in Oregon. Amendment 69 would have won in Colorado. A whole host of other issues would have won. But they didn't.
Let me suggest an alternative explanation. This country is filled with poor racists who know Republicans screw them economically, but also don't like blacks and women to get above their station. So after a Republican drives the economy into a ditch, they vote in a Democrat to fix it, but then as soon as they're feeling moderately comfortable again, vote for what they really want, which is a WASP dominated society.
So we swing back and forth. Democrats fix the economy (often having to make compromises with Republicans to get things done) but then get no credit for it, and get voted out on social issues.