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Related: About this forumCops Caught Lying to The Judge
A prime example of the type of crap some cops try to pull extremely disproportionately with black folks. How often do they get away with this? Much, much more often than not.
(70,363 posts)bluestateguy
(44,173 posts)nt
(16,449 posts)They lie, they look the other way, they shoot unarmed suspects or apply illegal choke holds...and people still believe there is such a thing as a "good cop"!
They're all bad...the only difference is to what degree...because the only good cops are those that got shafted because they did what was right!!!
(20,453 posts)Nothing these guys did was right. They deserve to go to jail, be striped of their rank, gun, and civil service role in government. They are fucking dirt bags and I hope someone shows them how they agree with me in jail, providing the mother-fuckers GO to jail.
You are WAY off base saying there is "no such thing" as a good cop. I've proven you wrong in the cops I've gotten to actually know very well locally. I also know WHY there are bad cops, who make it so very difficult for the good cops. and I suspect it ALL runs uphill to their chief.
Delver Rootnose
(250 posts)... Breath for the wave of good cops publicly outing the bad cops in their midst. Or hey even privately. I look forward to all the diaries telling about how police officers don't have essentially identical testimony and how they say in court, no that wrong that is not how it happened. Officer X is lying.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Oh wait,...he got shot in the face for it.
(20,453 posts)There are good cops, JUST LIKE there are good doctors amongst the bad ones.
Do you think the ratio of which doctor would support his/her "health care system" in a case of negligence would be different. Got proof on that one, too.
What makes them supportive of the company line is who is in charge of the company. In the case of local police chiefs, we still have one who intimidates the good cops, whilst near-by communities may be taking bolder moves to stop that nonsense.
The point I make is that there are good cops. When THEY stop you, none of this nonsense would ever happen.
(948 posts)Its like rapists. You know what I call a man who has donated millions to charity, developed a valuable new vaccine, and sexually assaulted a woman one time in college? A rapist.
You know what I call a cop that has arrested a hundred criminals, saved a baby from a burning trailer, and lied on the stand one time? A bad cop.
The guys above should be put in the general pop of prison.No special treatment, no special protection!
(13,382 posts)Savannahmann
(3,891 posts)These things don't occour in a vacuum. These officers were using the routine lie phrases over and over again to justify for the tapes the use of force, and potentially greater force. Do you think that they learned this on their own? Do you think these were the only cops who knew that if you shout stop resisting you can get away with beating the suspect? They have obviously done this time and time again. The other officers in the department knew about it. They covered up for it. They covered up and went along, probably participating in it.
Since it was the Defense Attorney who discovered and exposed the truth, and the Prosecutor proclaimed absolute ignorance of this, the question is what happened with the rest of the department? What happened to the rest of the arrestee's? How many have been beaten and abused and gone to prison because of those officers, and how many others?
I'm afraid your "friends" who are on the force are almost certainly doing the same thing, or covering up for the same thing. It's impossible that the principle of a "few bad apples" can explain the plethora of incidents available on youtube and in the media. Now, before you argue that they aren't covering up, please think about it. One of those officers who shouted the routine lies, and lied on his report to make it look like he was using minimum force and being reasonable pled guilty, retired, and is even now collecting the pension paid by the taxpayers. He had a long career and is now enjoying the fruits of his labors in retirement. Why haven't they used Civil Forfeiture to take the retirement from the corrupt cop? He earned that money by committing crimes, which means he is profiting from those crimes by having his retirement.
The police are systemically lying every single day. In Broward County they were caught using illegal communication with a judge.
The Defendant is supposed to be able to face any witnesses against him. Yet, the cops and the Judges were all involved in the conspiracy to deny the defendant the right to see all evidence against him. Every single cop, and all the traffic court judges. If the cops are routinely lying and cheating on something as simple as a traffic ticket, what makes you think you can believe them about anything?
Take a day, go to your local traffic court, sit and listen for a while. I've done that. One officer described the probable cause he used to determine that suspects were driving under the influence of marijuana. When the Judge asked what probable cause, the officer rolled his eyes back into his head and read off the symptoms he'd seen. He listed every symptom every time. Every one. Nobody has all the symptoms of anything. A heart attack patient might feel pain in his chest, a heavy weight on his chest, difficulty breathing, pain in his left arm, numbness in his left arm, tingling in his arm. If this cop was a doctor, he would expect a heart attack patient to have every single one of the symptoms before he would declare a probable heart attack.
I watched one cop swear he'd seen the suspect burning rubber. The location described was known to me. Even if the cop could see through the bushes, I'm fairly certain his view if the intersection would have been blocked by the apartment building.
Routine lies. Watch those videos, listen to the cops keep shouting stop resisting, because they know that gives them the legal cover to continue using force at whatever level they feel like. This man is lucky to have survived, the call stop reaching for my gun was code for kill this man.
If two people are describing an incident, and one of them is a cop, I'm probably going to believe the other one.
You can do what you want, but I prefer to deal in reality, instead of the Hollywood fantasy that the cops are just really good people who are doing a tough and dangerous job. Because the most dangerous thing about the job of cop, is being a citizen interacting with them.
(53,235 posts)those who give the orders get compensated for filling up those prisons.
(3,891 posts)We authorize disenfranchisement as a punishment in most states for having been convicted of a crime. No matter how petty the felony, or how wrong the conviction was, the individual is still prohibited from ever voting again.
There is a principle in life called forgive and forget. When a person has done their time, paid their notional debt to society, and comes out of prison. There is no reason why they should be stigmatized and prohibited from rejoining society. You can't work in anything above the most menial of labor. You can't hope to do anything to get ahead in life, because of that conviction. Then you can't vote because of that conviction and hope to bring change. So the politicians have a group that is permanently the victim and is unable to effect political change because they have been disenfranchised.
We can debate the wisdom of allowing people currently serving a prison term the right to vote. It is a real shame that society believes that once they've paid their debt, served their time, that people should not be allowed to rejoin society and be given the same opportunities that anyone else has.
(53,235 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)dreamnightwind
(4,775 posts)Thanks for taking the time to so thoroughly make your point. U.S. cops are out of control. Even in the incident the O.P. is about, the cops will probably get off, there is no accountability and the cops know it.
A Simple Game
(9,214 posts)But the culture to be deceitful and the holier than thou attitude is so obvious. And this is a culture and system wide, I am not talking about individuals. It must also start from the top down.
New York state police use cars that are not very visible, they are dark blue and are designed not to stand out but to blend in. They have light bars that look like luggage racks from a distance. The cars are designed to not be noticed. I even saw a four wheel pickup with flashing white off road lights being used by the state police. They used to use a Mustang on the interstates, why would they do that? Police, state, county, local, all of them are the last to turn on their headlights at night or in the rain, and the first to shut them off at day break. Everything is designed to be deceitful.
They flaunt their status by not following the speed limit and rarely do they stop of stop signs if there is no traffic. I have seen them turn on their lights to go through a busy intersection and then shut them off as soon as they were through it.
Why do police use vehicles that are not highly visible and not use their headlight all the time? Why do police flaunt the laws they are supposed to enforce? Do you remember when police used to be easily seen and the ones to set the example for everyone else? Do you remember when police considered themselves a deterrent to crime instead of waiting, or even using entrapment, for the crime to happen and turning themselves into money makers for the police and judicial and prison systems?
(9,704 posts)99th_Monkey
(19,326 posts)Until then, not so much.
(7,393 posts)Not surprising at all. Cops are the thugs nowadays. Not always but often.
(1,668 posts)Holy crap...
another "stop resisting!!!"
It's like cops are being trained to act illegally.
(19,326 posts)never mind that you never did.
(50,983 posts)All they have to do is say it.
These cops being prosecuted is an aberration.
C Moon
(12,626 posts)"Stop grabbing for my gun! Stop grabbing for my gun!"
What a crock of bull shit!
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)Particularly in states with private prisons, the contracts with those prisons guarantee that the beds will be filled, or the state will be liable for the unfilled beds. For obvious political reasons, the pressure throughout the system is to keep the beds filled. This affects all the decisions made in the CJ system--decisions about whom to arrest, what sentences to recommend or mandate, when to parole, and when to revoke from parole.
(13,297 posts)I really don't know how they sleep at night. I guess that is part of the Police training - "How to screw others and still sleep at night 101."
(5,644 posts)So, just because he's black, he must be guilty. And that's the game that the cops were playing. They knew that white folk would believe them. Just another "N-word" going to jail....who cares? That's messed up, as they say. No body cameras on those cops?
(18,124 posts)and for black people it's been for all days. Goes without saying, Jeter is lucky to be alive. That "stop going for my gun shit" is really scary. This country is a sad example of equality, justice and diversity. Melting pot my ass! Steaming cauldron of racist shit.
The Wizard
(12,985 posts)welcome the use of video technology that demonstrates the truth.
The Bloomfield PD needs an overhaul, as do many others. We are not the enemy. We're the ones they're sworn to "protect and serve."
Billy Budd
(310 posts)why was one of the Police PUNKS allowed to retire...he should be fired and have his retirement taken and given to the Black motorist they were committing racial crimes against ...the other two should be in a Maximum security prison where the Prisoners will rehabilitate them....the Internal affair department should be fired all of them and charged with obstruction of Justice...
(561 posts)...was the girlfriend white? Black man+white woman = racist cop trigger
(952 posts)turn in bad cops. They get railroaded out of a job and or killed, to boot, 99% of public will not believe them.
Please read how Chris Dorner was demoted because he turned an abusive BAD cop. Thugs like these are working to 'serve and protect' themselves and their benefactors the prison complex.
I have been telling young people for years, If you are a Minority in a domestic dispute, DON"T call the cops unless you want him DEAD.
(8,200 posts)It reminds me of the situation in the Catholic Church concerning the abuse of children. None of their fellow priests claimed that they were remotely aware that these notorious pedophiles were guilty of abusing children. I remember one case in our local parish where the pastor told the congregation that Father So-and-So was recovering from exhaustion and had been sent away to regain his health. It wasn't until years later that it came out that he had been sent away and then to another parish for molesting boys. It was analogous to the Blue Wall of silence. The priests that covered up for these evils bastards are just as guilty, if not more so, than those who committed the crime since they enabled them. The abusers could be considered as sick bastards, but those who covered up for them full well knew what they were doing and abetted them with their lies.
(199 posts)Not just to black folks. The justice system is beyond corrupt.
I always said " When you become to sorry to do anything else you can always become a cop"
(1,933 posts)I have for cops is ZERO. This is only ONE reason why.
(1,620 posts)Schema Thing
(10,283 posts)These motherfuckers NEW they were on tape, and were engaging in a theatrical production to alter the reality vs what the tape would show in order to assault and abuse this poor man. "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO GET MY GUN?" you hear them say repeatedly and loudly.
(13,930 posts)Hoppy
(3,595 posts)They will be hired on the third step of the salary scale, based on experience earned in New Jersey.
(1,727 posts)and the dashcam videos thrown out.
These idiots are charged with "falsifying reports." That's like the defense for a person who's been accused of murder asking to have any references to the homicide victim excluded from the trial.
(2,941 posts)cui bono
(19,926 posts)I mean seriously, the blatant attempt to set this up as Jeter resisting arrest and trying to take his gun when no such thing is happening, what other reason is there other than give them cause to jail/murder black people?
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Serpico 1973...Directed Sidney Lement..
Staring Al Pacino as Serpico.
I walked out of the movie completely stunned. An awful pit inside, could this really be true?...and it is/was..
Serpico is a great film, but it tells a story of a tragedy, an honest cop and what happens to him..Forty one years ago, that feeling comes to mind, when I read about is still true, and most get away with it. Watch this movie, be warned.. You will never forget this.
about Frank Serpico
another more up to date interview with him