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(20,885 posts)
(32,532 posts)christx30
(6,241 posts)But in the opposite direction. "Those Bundys are bad for pointing guns at the cops out there." Saw one guy talk about those Bundy milita guys as "cowards with guns and masks", which also perfectly describes a police SWAT member.
Bjorn Against
(12,041 posts)terdheadur
(32 posts)Wtf? You call those cops? Your post is absurd. "Our side" is breaking store windows and looting. So yeah we are so MUCH better huh?
Bjorn Against
(12,041 posts)And I have no problem arresting people who do that, but we don't need the type of police overkill shown in the picture above to protect windows. While I oppose the breaking of windows, let's get real: pointing assault rifles at law enforcement is a far worse offense. Human lives are worth more than windows and the Bundy militia was threatening to kill.
(8,654 posts). . . at the same time, I refuse to accept any moral equivalence between looting (i.e., crime against property) and killing (i.e., crime against people).
(122,093 posts)welcome for the length of your stay.
Drunken Irishman
(34,857 posts)Fuck you.
(32 posts)christx30
(6,241 posts)when they went after the Bundys? And you don't support the cops that are going after the protestors in Missouri?
I don't support either. That's what I meant by it works both ways.
Bjorn Against
(12,041 posts)In Missouri there are no guns being pointed at the police so their response is totally over the top. My position is consistent whether we are talking about protesters on the left or right ends of the political spectrum or anywhere in between. Unarmed protests should be respected by the police and no heavy handed tactics should be used, if guns come out however then the police should have the right to confront the people with guns with force.
While there has been some unfortunate violence in the Missouri protests none of it was violence against people, it was only violence against property and that sort of crime can be addressed without the use of violence by police. Once people start pointing assault rifles at law enforcement as the Bundy clan did however, well they are asking for a heavy handed response.
It is ridiculous to pretend that armed protests should be handled the same way as unarmed protests.
(29,314 posts)A senseless killing of an unarmed man. The Bundy crew didn't want to pay their legal land use taxes, and they were prepared to shoot officers who forced them to pay. How can you possibly equate those two situations?
(6,241 posts)I don't care who is on the other end.
(25,453 posts)And shut down his credit cards and bank accounts. No need for a violent conflict.
(10,340 posts)Teabaggers have absolutely no qualms about using government force against minorities.
(6,241 posts)of people wanting to bring in the 10th Mountain Division on the Bundy people and using all kinds of force on them.
Both sides want to use government force against people they disagree with. Bundy's weapons and his friends prevented it from happening in March. Nothing is stopping those SWAT thugs from doing what they are doing in Missouri.
(5,082 posts)Just because Bundy's folks are mentally ill doomsdayers doesn't mean the federal government or cops should be using excessive force. There are other ways to defuse the situation and also penalize Bundy. The bigger problem is the militarization of the police to put down ALL people. That should supersede and override any other issues.
I AGREE. That pic could be used just the opposite on us.
(7,856 posts)NOT a rhetorical question - please show me.
(38,613 posts)It's more "both sides do it" horseshit. Even comparing this to Bundy is deliberately dishonest.
(1,059 posts)SoapBox
(18,791 posts)...the Nutters give my head whiplash.
And a headache.
(26,632 posts)Love, Peace and the Righteous Fight!
(18,186 posts)Last edited Wed Aug 13, 2014, 08:18 PM - Edit history (1)
Not attesting to the veracity of this tale, but, an interesting development nonetheless.
"the Missouri Citizens Militia is NOW IN Ferguson to protect innocent Americans from the tyrannical police state according to the linked facebook post from Aaron Penberthy. Missouris Militia was recently at Bundy Ranch protecting innocent Americans from the CORRUPT FEDS who have NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TERRORIZE INNOCENT Americans. Straight from the lips of Penberthy on Facebook:
Aaron Penberthy If peaceful protesters get fired upon, it is my duty to uphold the constitution Clay Martin. If innocent families are being attacked, I have no choice but as a human being to go defend."
(13,324 posts)
Bjorn Against
(12,041 posts)I support all the peaceful protesters in Missouri and if the guns come out only bad things can result. The peaceful protesters will be scared away from the scene and we will be left with the people we do not want representing our side, and that is the best case scenario. The worst case scenario means a lot of people die. I hope people fight in the spirit of MLK and Gandhi and keep the guns away.
(18,186 posts)Bjorn Against
(12,041 posts)Tsiyu
(18,186 posts)The more people watching this unconstitutional BS, the better, and the less likely the cops will feel free to get worse.
Too bad the 'real" mainstream media are fucking cowards- but there will ALWAYS be media, BAD COPS should realize. Always.
If you're not doing anything wrong, BAD COPS, you have nothing to worry about.
Yes, Born Against, my friend and I wish we were there as well.
The cops are pushing for riots, and everyone can see it now with their own eyes. They look like cowards wrapped in bubble wrap throwing teargas and firing bullets at peaceful people. SICK.
This is the USA, and the President needs to get off his ass and address this shit. Show some leadership.
And he needed to do it four days ago.
(6,335 posts)