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Related: About this forum3 Sickening Ways that America Is Criminalizing the Poor
Abby Martin discusses the various legal measures that various cities and other communities have undertaken to rid themselves of the urban blight that is the poor.
Numerous communities have made it illegal for people to sleep, even in their own vehicles. Or to even sit inside their communities.
It is also illegal in some Florida communities to give out food to the poor, since the local government cannot determine the calorie count, fat content or carb content of what is being given out. A $ 500 a day permit to feed the poor can be obtained though!

(5,610 posts)non-elites. The elites are a very small percentage our population.
Surviving, while living in poverty (especially homelessness) has become illegal.
I am sure that for-profit prisons and probation companies (CCI) have nothing to do with this.
The damn (elected??) politicians make sure, with help from "corporate persons" (who bribe them handsomely) that
they are well above poverty level (most federal politicians become millionaires shortly after taking office.
Does anyone think that if we ALL unite (people of all different ideologies are "worth" uniting with) to change this
tyrannical system?
IMO, it is prejudiced and not smart to refuse to Unite with people who have different political ideologies (we all differ
to some degree) to accomplish our goal of justice in all levels of our society. The media reinforces our differences, IMO to prevent us from uniting and dealing with this oligarchy.
Many on DU do the same. "I refuse to unite with THOSE people. Actually we have some very important common ground even with
brain washed conservatives. We are all wanting to end the oligarchy. The people who gathered in Philadelphia did not have much more in common than that in the mid 1700's. We want freedom and a just government. I think the rest comes later and in a true
Democracy where the majority rules, Populism and Progressivism (not far apart actually) can legislate the actual "will of the people."
I've been called a "Libertarian" for calling for us all to unite and make the type of government that will best serve the will of the
majority. Anything to further divide us is ignorant. I am a Progressive in the vein of FDR and Bernie Sanders. I DO realize
that our strength is in our numbers and we all do not have to agree on anything beside having a true Democracy where
money has no place in governing other than financing it through actual progressive taxation. Money or the love and pursuit
of it is the cause of our current dysfunction. I believe that the majority of Americans realize the need to stop and reverse the
hoarding of wealth, and in championing universal health care, living wages for all, etc.
If we would Unite with those that we have differences with and choose to concentrate on our common goals, the media and the current form of government (and of course the elites) can be relegated, hopefully into obsolescence.
(32,324 posts)MNBrewer
(8,462 posts)dotymed
(5,610 posts)You say "Yes, and FUCK Russia Today."
So, you agree with the (true) message, yet because it is Russian Tee Vee..FUCK them?
If someone/thing is telling the truth and/or attempting to expose a nasty truth it only counts if the messenger meets your standards or agrees with all of your ideology?
We have (me anyway as a child of the "cold war" constantly been told how evil (the evil empire) Russia is. We were always taught how corrupt and oppressive their government was. IMO, America is becoming more corrupt and oppressive by the hour.
Evil? How about torture, illegal confinement for life (sometimes) without legal charges being brought? The same for rendition,
the assassination of citizens and non-citizens without even the benefit of a trial. The killing of huge numbers of innocent women, children, boys and men (mainly by drones we are told).
As a young person I heard all of these charges being levied against Russia (then the USSR) and I believed they were true, I still do although I have no way to verify them. Back then we did have The Fairness Doctrine which exposed us to many differing views
which made it much easier to learn and discern the truth.
Currently, I do not know of a country who commits so much heinous crime as America, mainly for their corporate sponsors.
I believe that the former USSR did much of the same.
Do you see the similarities? The differences (mainly America does these terrible things in the present while most (I think) of Russia's
criminal actions were committed in the past. I suspect that their PTB still commit atrocities, money and power seem to attract that behavior.
We are presently no worse than Russia used to be and probably worse than they currently are. Neither is a Democracy, although both claim to be.
IMO, your comment is displaced nationalism. I see someone honestly reporting an important news story.
Unless we Unite with people who desire the same things as we do (Democracy, progressive taxation, equal wealth distribution, ending poverty, universal health care, etc.) we can only achieve our goals by Uniting our vast numbers and taking action (not typing) to achieve those goals.
We must define our shared goals and use our vast numbers (American PTB have THE arsenal) non-violently (I do believe in protection) to obtain (at least) true Democracy. "The enemies of my...." we know the quote.
(8,462 posts)In all its homophobic glory.....
(904 posts)What about FOXY NEWS in all of their corporate, racist, classist, and yes, homophobic glory?
What about CNN and all of its corporate sell-out glory?
What about MSNBC and it's corporate faux-liberalism in all of it's glory?
At least you know what side of the fence RT is sitting on - that's why you take anything said on RT (or Al Jazeera, BBC, or anything else) with those proverbial grains of salt. But as for American Media - I take an entire Morton Salt Can.
The truly sad thing is - there's no room on American owned mass media for voices like Abby Martin. Or Thom Hartmann. Even Larry King, who has 2 shows on RT now. Does that somehow make them Russian Agents, as some on DU have suggested?
Of course it doesn't. Any suggestion that it does is based on pure ignorance.
(8,462 posts)However,
I do not watch anything on RT, including T. Hartmann, any more. I don't think he's a Putin propagandist, but he never addresses anything that's going on in Russia with regard to its military aggression, or its savage oppression of homosexuals.
While Hartmann has plenty of spot-on material about what's wrong with the US, I'd like to see him (or ANYONE on RT for that matter) take on some of the things that I find disturbing about the Putin Regime.
(5,610 posts)reporting on Russia. Their (Russias) treatment of their gay and transgendered communities is abhorrent.
However, I do watch RT for REAL information about the U.S. and they fearlessly report that.
Sadly, sometimes we have to sacrifice the perfect for the doable. I do not like it either. Those idiot bastards in Russia need to pay or at the very least, stop their anti-gay agenda. I don't think that preventing their funding of reporting on American corruption will help ianyone, IMO. It does help them spread "anti-Americanism" but what is being denounced should not be a part of Americanism.
(14,656 posts)cprise
(8,445 posts)Who shut out progressive American voices from the airwaves.
If those voices want to use Russian government media as a platform then more power to them. They sure as heck aren't going to be allowed on PBS or BBC newscasts.
grilled onions
(1,957 posts)But they did not "escort" them off the street corners,viaducts,park benches. Even then they realized if they kicked them off here they would only go elsewhere. But today joining them we have those with alcohol,drug and mental problems. We have,sadly, added to this population families where the mother and or father or caregiver have no job or so little job that living in a car is the only option to stay together. Busily are the wealthy,healthy and heartless. They put stops in the middle of park benches so no one can rest. They push them off streets,parks and anywhere where they can "call home". They discover people actually want to help those in need and they rush to city hall to put bills in place to stop that sort of thing.
If they would only spend that time on helping ease the pain of the homeless instead of finding ways to make their life a living Hell they might actually turn into human beings. At the same time the homeless might actually feel cared about,cared for and discover what it's like to feel part of the human race.
(5,376 posts)Wealthy, healthy and heartless. I shall remember that phrase and use it often.
(1,281 posts)they said . Justice was served with their heads in a box under the Guillotine .I would like to see
the same justice here .
(32,324 posts)At least not with Guillotines. Homeland Security bought up every last one of them several years back.
(1,281 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)
(5,069 posts)and his recommendations -
a liveable minimum wage
allowing workers to organize
bringing back pensions
reexamining capitalism...
(904 posts)...the recent razing of tent cities in Fresno and Sacramento;
...the city-funded busing of the homeless from community to community;
...the criminalization of not only being homeless, but feeding the homeless outside of "official" outlets like soup kitchens and the like...
It is said that a nation will be judged by how well we treat the "least of us". How do you think we will be judged given our track record?
We, as a nation, have a lot to answer for.
(32,324 posts)A week.
(1,281 posts)elzenmahn
(904 posts)...can be summed up in the Paul Ryan budget.
And he's supposedly a Catholic.
(5,610 posts)The insane, armed, RW'ers in Arizona are not brutalized. When we have our non-violent, non-armed protests we are immediately brutalized and have no MSM coverage of the event.
IMO, if we protested while armed (and holstered) the MSM would be there and TPTB would not be so quick to attack us.