'It means the end of Putin': Former NATO commander Wesley Clark explains Ukraine war.
*A: The most important move now is for the president to announce Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. Really. This gives enormous diplomatic leverage and a greater incentive to help the campaign. . .
A: Firstly, it can rally European support even more strongly European governments are all attentive to the concept of war crimes. Secondly, it reinforces Ukraine by supporting President [Volodymyr] Zelensky. And third, if it goes through, it means the end of Putin as a world leader no matter how this turns out. Its a very powerful move. Putin doesnt really care about the money. He does care about his reputation and so does China. . .
Q: NATO seems to be wimping out slightly theyre saying members, such as Poland, cannot even fly fighter planes to Ukraine through NATO airspace.
A: This is wrongheaded. This is driven by the United States, and I would urge the United States to reconsider this. Russia does not own the borders of Ukraine. They belong to Ukraine. Ukraine is a nation under threat. And under the United Nations Charter, nations have the right to request assistance for self-defense. . .
Q: You advocate a no-fly zone?
A: Absolutely. The airspace belongs to Ukraine. If they ask for help, why cant we fly airplanes in there? Say, oh, its because of the Russians, they might come up and contest it. Thats the Russians problem. Theyre going to get shot down. Okay, then what? Putin says hes going to use a nuclear weapon. If we back away from that challenge, if we dont confront it, this is like a two-pair poker bluff, for incredibly high stakes.'>>>

(7,093 posts)Dont put this on the US.
(49,291 posts)Put more pressure on Putin and stop the slaughter.
(23,690 posts)of the problem.
(5,812 posts)Because it comes from the leader of Ukraine. Ukraine is not in any special sphere of Russian influence, at least not yet.
Gen. Clark understands modern Russian thinking and the European theater of potential military action as well as any military commander. His advice is both savvy and potentially dangerous. However, JFK confronted the Russians successfully during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and so should Biden. Sometimes the President of the US needs to gamble and stand up against an international bully. Might does not make right.
If we don't act, Putin goes after Moldava, Georgia and the Finland, etc. He has made his goal clear, the restoration of the Eastern bloc/Russian empire.