50 years later, remembering King, and the battles that outlived him
Martin Luther King Jr. remains frozen in time for many Americans. Seared into our consciousness is the man who battled Southern segregation.
We see him standing before hundreds of thousands of followers in the nations capital in 1963, proclaiming his dream for racial harmony. We see him marching, arms locked with fellow protesters, through the battleground of Alabama in 1965.
But on the 50th anniversary of his death, it is worth noting how his message and his priorities had evolved by the time he was shot on that balcony at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis in 1968. Dr. King was confronting many challenges that remain with us today.
He was battling racism in the North then, not just in the South. He was pushing the government to address poverty, income inequality, structural racism and segregation in cities like Boston and Chicago. He was also calling for an end to a war that was draining the national treasury of funds needed to finance a progressive domestic agenda.
This may not be the Dr. King that many remember. Yet, his words resonate powerfully and, perhaps, uncomfortably today in a country that remains deeply divided on issues of race and class.
All the issues that he raised toward the end of his life are as contemporary now as they were then, said Taylor Branch, the Pulitzer-Prize winning historian who has written several books about Dr. King.
At: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/04/03/us/mlk-assassination-anniversary.html