Jim Wright strikes again.
Mr Trump wants a parade? Mic drop time:
Look, here's the thing:
Tough guys, the real deal, the snake eaters, those confident in their abilities, they don't brag, they don't swagger, they don't need to impress you with macho bullshit. They know who they are. Their brothers know who they are. Those guys, the truly deadly ones, they don't go looking for a fight. They avoid it, if possible. But if trouble finds them, well, then they end it. Without fanfare, without bluster, without cock waggling. They do what is necessary BECAUSE it's necessary and no more.
It's the blowhards, the cowards, the insecure, who strive constantly to impress you with their macho toughness and bulging muscles, with their tales of derring-do, with their war stories and their supposed heroics. They threaten and brag and swagger and crave your adulation.
But it's the guy in the back, the quiet one in the shadows with his hands in his pockets, you should be afraid of. Because HE doesn't need your respect. Or your admiration. Or your fear.
Now, if you're a repressive dictatorship with a cardboard military and a massive inferiority complex, you parade your tanks through the streets to impress the peasants. To brag and swagger and threaten the world with your macho.
(More at: https://www.facebook.com/Stonekettle)
As I have observed elsewhere, Jim Wright is a brilliant writer. He can clear up just about anything. Which might make him, from time to time, offend liberals, because he is ecumenical in his insistence on clarity, logic, and common sense. Highly recommend his Facebook page, and his blog at http://www.stonekettle.com/
-- Mal