Mike Pence Should Get Donald Trump to Withdraw
For the past year, every effort by Republican leaders to topple Donald J. Trump has met with embarrassing failure. Yet, according to published reports, jittery insiders have been considering still other ways of detaching the Trump brand from the party of Lincoln. The best option is one that can avoid an ugly, and likely futile, confrontation and help both Mr. Trump and his party save face. All eyes must now turn to his running mate, Mike Pence, to do what must be done.
I say this not as a member of the so-called Never Trump faction of my party. Though Mr. Trump was not my first choice for the nomination, I found his attack on the established order appealing at times, even entertaining, and respected the wishes of a clear plurality of Republican primary voters. Americans long have been entranced with the idea of the political outsider who puts self-interest aside to battle Washingtons wrongdoers and set things right. But in recent weeks indeed, months the pitfalls of political outsiderdom have become plain.
Seasoned politicians learn what fights to pick, what half-victories to savor, how to make coherent points and how to increase their electoral base. By contrast Mr. Trump, an accomplished businessman unaccustomed to answering to anyone, appears constitutionally incapable of letting any slight go unchallenged. He has proved unwilling or unable to discipline himself to a consistent message or to restrain his worst impulses. He lacks an ability to form, or more important expand, a general election coalition. Whenever his poll numbers climb, as they may very well again in this unpredictable election, he is oddly more determined to test their durability.
Even if he were to win the presidency a job that requires negotiation, diplomacy, discipline, finesse and some semblance of intellectual curiosity it is not clear Mr. Trump will be able to master or enjoy the position. His self-destructive behavior demonstrates that on some level he knows this. Indeed, hes marveled many times that hes made it as far as he has. Now he needs someone to guide him to a graceful exit. Mike Pence is that person.
The stench of Republican desperation is getting stronger every day.

(40,416 posts)The GOP, and Drumpf, have us right where we want them.
Enough said?
And enough with this utter nonsense about replacing Drumpf. He's the GOP nominee and they have to live with that.
(55,334 posts)... for Republicans just like they do for the little people. But what's even the point of being wealthy & powerful if you still have to take responsibility for what you say& do?