‘I’m A Trump-Era Conservative,’ Says Horrifying Man 25 Years From Now

NEWPORT BEACH, CAExplaining that the early21st century Republican is by far the biggest influence on his political beliefs, Brandon Taggart, a man from 25 years in the future and all-around horrifying human being, told reporters Wednesday that he considers himself to be a Trump-era conservative.
When I think of what it truly means to be a conservative, I immediately think of Donald Trump and the vision he had for this country, said the deeply frightening individual, adding that the policies and worldview advocated by Trump continue to form the bedrock of his own political convictions more than two decades later. Nobody since Trump has captured the imagination of an entire generation of voters the way he did back thennot just Republicans, but independents and even a few Democrats, who just got sick of government as usual and wanted America to be strong again.
Trump was the leader this nation needed, added the atrocious man. We desperately need another one just like him.
Taggart, the terrifying ignoramus who in the year 2041 will repeatedly lament a GOP that had lost sight of its ideals, went on to say that he regards the era in which Trump was the face of the Republican Party as the pinnacle not only of modern conservatism but also the United States as a whole.
Nice swipe at Reagan Republicans.