White House Efforts to Blunt 1975 Church Committee Investigation into CIA Abuses Foreshadowed Exec
utive-Congressional Battles after 9/11 (The National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book 522 posted 7-20-2015)
Let's take another look at where war criminals like Richard Bruce Cheney learned their skill-sets and how to navigate the "dark side".
We are a nascent privatized national security state w/o the rule of law-what do you think, DUers??
(26,795 posts)Judi Lynn
(162,770 posts)Truly looking forward into examining it.
Thank goodness for the hard, courageous work the contributors are doing. What a shame it has never been available to the citizens already.
Thank you, so much.
(26,083 posts)the crimes perpetrated by those that claimed to be "protecting" we, the people using the shields of various "national security classifications" or "law enforcement".
Kick for visibility and discussion.
(26,083 posts)Perhaps some of the other boomer generation DUers might find the volume on the Huston Plan helpful when reading today's LBN as well as our grandchildren that post here. Add to this thread people.
Church Committee Reports (AARC)
Judi Lynn
(162,770 posts)to the assassination attack made upon him for his loyalty to the elected leftist President of Chile, Salvador Allende.
It's probably music to the ears of the fascists who support killing all leftists and those others who believe in real democracy. What human being could ever not understand the desperate efforts by Schneider's family to seek justice for their beloved, and loyal husband and father?
Significant, and grotesque quote from Nixon's Secretary of State Kissinger, regarding Chile's election which place Salvador Allende in the Presidential Palace in Santiago:
Nothing But Human Rights
by Mickey Z.
August 16, 2001
(NB: This article was written just before September 11, 2001.)
As journalist William Blum notes, theres one thing the United States hates more than a Marxist in power, and thats a democratically elected Marxist in power. A prime example was Salvador Allende of Chile. September 4 marks 31 years since his election. September 11 marks 28 years since his death in a U.S.-sponsored coup.
I dont see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist because of the irresponsibility of its own people.
Henry Kissinger, June 27, 1970
Salvador Allende, a physician by trade, first gained worldwide attention when he came within three percent of winning Chiles 1958 presidential election. Six years later, the United States decided to no longer leave such elections to chance. It was time to introduce the Chilean people to democracy, American-style.
The U.S. government, mostly through the covert efforts of the Central Intelligence Agency, spent more money per capita to support Allendes opponent, Eduardo Frei, than Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater combined to spend that same year in the American presidential election.
With an estimated $20 million of U.S. taxpayer money to work with, the CIA embarked on a program of anti-communist propaganda and disinformation designed to scare Chilean citizens specifically mothers into believing that an Allende victory would result in direct Russian control of their country and their lives. No religious activity would be possible, they were told. Their children, hammer and sickle stamped on their foreheads, would be shipped to the USSR to be used as slaves, the radio and newspapers direly warned.
The assassinated loyal Chilean General Rene Schneider.
Kissinger with Chile's bloodthirsty, torture-loving Fascist General Augusto Pinochet.
(26,083 posts)of death. Today it's everywhere as the perps are into their full-spectrum dominance glory-still unaccountable to we, the people.
When it comes to US assassination squads one example can be found in the history of Operation PHOENIX
(26,083 posts)substance or substances that will render an individual or animal helpless and immobile, either consciously or unconsciously, until definite control measures can be instituted.
The instances and situations where such an advantage can be utilized are too numerous to be mentioned.
Within TSS/CD this problem has been designated the 'K' (Knockout) problem..."
The "K" Problem (CIA reclassified doc pdf re: MK NAOMI/biowarfare research with DoD via VoltaireNet)
Let's add some more links to the "abuses" of the intelligence community from open sources. That's for starters-anecdotal recountings are ok today DUers.
Kick for participation.
(26,083 posts)This includes the CIA KUBARK manuals (torture and assassination tutorials)
(26,083 posts)Joint Hearing on MKULTRA-btw, the opening statements containing the LIE that most of this stopped prior to the 1977 Joint Hearing is more than obvious today.
Take another, or first, look for yourselves DU.
SSCI 8-3-77 Joint Hearing Index (Schaffer Library of Drug Policy archive)
(26,083 posts)CIA Six Months Without IG, and Much More (Lauren Harper 8-6-15 The National Security Archive)
(2,650 posts)A few years after the Church Committee finished their business the Intelligence Industrial Complex ran a sting operation targeting members of Congress call Abscam. The intelligence community has not been investigated since..
It certainly would appear that Church Committee proponent and subcommittee chair Senator Richard Schweiker was brought back into line..
"American Hustle" w/Jennifer Lawrence and the Church Committee
(26,083 posts)Brown University has a wonderful Project website you and other DUers may have visited
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs
(2,650 posts)Lisa Pease and Marcy Wheeler (emptywheel) were making some interesting observations last night related to Bernie Sanders' Seattle speaking event being disrupted..
Also read: How not to treat your allies & Why Your Rent Is So High and Your Pay Is So Low
(4,259 posts)bobthedrummer
(26,083 posts)New Details Uncovered in 1972 Disappearance of Congressman Hale Boggs (Jonathan Walczak 10-17-12 Seattle Weekly News)
30 Watergate Witnesses Have Met Violent Deaths (Malcom Abrams 7-12-76 Midnight)
I wonder about people like Chandra Levy, as another mysterious "case closed".
I wasn't aware of so many WATERGATE related deaths until researching today.
No oversight, no IG, and so it goes.
(55,745 posts)Frank Church was a patriot, a hero and a statesman, truly a great American.
The guy also led the last real investigation of CIA, NSA and FBI. When it came to NSA Tech circa 1975, he definitely knew what he was talking about:
I dont want to see this country ever go across the bridge. I know the capability that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.
-- Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) FDR New Deal, Liberal, Progressive, World War II combat veteran. A brave man, the NSA was turned on him. Coincidentally, of course, he narrowly lost re-election a few years later.
And what happened to Church, for his trouble to preserve Democracy:
SOURCE: http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=frank_church_1
From GWU's National Security Archives:
"Disreputable if Not Outright Illegal": The National Security Agency versus Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali, Art Buchwald, Frank Church, et al.
Newly Declassified History Divulges Names of Prominent Americans Targeted by NSA during Vietnam Era
Declassification Decision by Interagency Panel Releases New Information on the Berlin Crisis, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Panama Canal Negotiations
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 441
Posted September 25, 2013
Originally Posted - November 14, 2008
Edited by Matthew M. Aid and William Burr
Washington, D.C., September 25, 2013 During the height of the Vietnam War protest movements in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the National Security Agency tapped the overseas communications of selected prominent Americans, most of whom were critics of the war, according to a recently declassified NSA history. For years those names on the NSA's watch list were secret, but thanks to the decision of an interagency panel, in response to an appeal by the National Security Archive, the NSA has released them for the first time. The names of the NSA's targets are eye-popping. Civil rights leaders Dr. Martin Luther King and Whitney Young were on the watch list, as were the boxer Muhammad Ali, New York Times journalist Tom Wicker, and veteran Washington Post humor columnist Art Buchwald. Also startling is that the NSA was tasked with monitoring the overseas telephone calls and cable traffic of two prominent members of Congress, Senators Frank Church (D-Idaho) and Howard Baker (R-Tennessee).
Another NSA target was Senator Frank Church, who started out as a moderate Vietnam War critic. A member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee even before the Tonkin Gulf incident, Church worried about U.S. intervention in a "political war" that was militarily unwinnable. While Church voted for the Tonkin Gulf resolution, he later saw his vote as a grave error. In 1965, as Lyndon Johnson made decisions to escalate the war, Church argued that the United States was doing "too much," criticisms that one White House official said were "irresponsible." Church had been one of Johnson's Senate allies but the President was angry with Church and other Senate critics and later suggested that they were under Moscow's influence because of their meetings with Soviet diplomats. In the fall of 1967, Johnson declared that "the major threat we have is from the doves" and ordered FBI security checks on "individuals who wrote letters and telegrams critical of a speech he had recently delivered." In that political climate, it is not surprising that some government officials eventually nominated Church for the watch list.[10]
SOURCE: http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB441/
[font size="4"][font color="red"]I wonder if Sen. Richard Schweiker (R-CT) also got the treatment from NSA?[/font color][/font size]
I think that the report, to those who have studied it closely, has collapsed like a house of cards, and I think the people who read it in the long run future will see that. I frankly believe that we have shown that the [investigation of the] John F. Kennedy assassination was snuffed out before it even began, and that the fatal mistake the Warren Commission made was not to use its own investigators, but instead to rely on the CIA and FBI personnel, which played directly into the hands of senior intelligence officials who directed the cover-up. Senator Richard Schweiker on Face the Nation in 1976.
Lost to History NOT
Thank you for continuing to shine a light on what Corporate McPravda wants to keep hidden down the Memory Hole, bobthedrummer. For those new to the subject, it's like stepping outside Plato's cave for the first time.
(26,083 posts)John Edgar Hoover Declares War On The New Left (Namebase FOIA acquired documents from July 1968 re: COINTELPRO NEW LEFT)
Chapter Six of Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall's The COINTELPRO Papers
That was just a portion of what was going then (1968)-from "law enforcement" and the DoJ.
The CIA was criminally active domestically too with it's covert behavioral science "research" (MKULTRA/MKSEARCH MKOFTEN etc)
and The Agency's war on political dissent- Operation CHAOS.
Operation CHAOS links
excerpts from Angus Mackenzie's book-SECRETS:The CIA's War at Home
Domestic Surveillance: The History of Operation CHAOS (Verne Lyon September 1990 Covert Action Information Bulletin repost)
then there was the DoD and the entire federal government.
Today-it's all that and every privateer and their sub-contractors "national security experts"-isn't it???
(72,631 posts)bobthedrummer
(26,083 posts)interested no one in Omaha law enforcement." (p2)
Still Evil After All These Years: The Franklin Scandal and Pedophilia in High Places (Charles M. Young 9-10-12 This Can't Be Happening)
Thanks for the kick, oldtimer! This story belongs in this thread too, doesn't it?
(26,083 posts)House Intelligence Committee by 2001. (I didn't know he was a Baptist minister's son-like Scott Walker--until today. I don't believe in coincidence when it come to politics-and I know I'm not alone)
Gary Condit Profile (CNN)
As I stated up thread, I have always had serious doubts about the Chandra Levy case, not the least because of that fateful year 2001 when she disappeared-also because of what we do know about her brief life.
I see that I'm not alone in my doubts either.
D.C. judge grants retrial in 2001 killing of intern Chandra Levy (Spencer S. Hsu 6-4-15 Washington Post)
What do you think?
(26,083 posts)comb 8-4-2015) This was a historic book that was eventually published despite unprecedented attempts to prevent it from ever being published in that era of the call for reform of the US intelligence community after Nixon. Now, it is offered for free on the Internet.
The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence
(26,083 posts)National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book 526 obtained through a Court order)
No more hidden history for those of US that are beyond fed-up with the crimes committed in the name of we, the people. Take a slow read through this latest release of documents from decades and decades ago. This is the right thread for them-isn't it?
Ever wonder what Kissinger and Associates war criminals are up to today, DU???