Oaksterdam University Raided by Feds (Classes on growing medical marijuana)
Source: NBC Bay Area
Oaksterdam University Raided by Feds
Classes at Oaksterdam teach people who to grow medical marijuana.
Federal officers arrived in the 7 a.m. hour Monday.
Oakland's Oaksterdam University was taken over by federal officials Monday morning.
Officers wearing U.S. Marshals, IRS and DEA jackets swarmed the Oakland medical marijuana facility before 8 a.m. Monday. Yellow tape was keeping everyone away.
The nearby Oaksterdam Museum was also being blocked off, according to NBC Bay Area Christie Smith. Officials on the scene were not commenting on their purpose other than to say that is what part of "an ongoing investigation and that the details were sealed."
Oaksterdam is a cannabis college was founded in 2007.
It's website says it "provides students with the highest quality training for the cannabis industry. Our faculty is comprised of the most recognized names in the California cannabis legalization movement."
Read more: http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Oaksterdam-University-Raided-by-Feds-145765015.html
More hope! More change! Courtesy of your friendly feds!

(6,086 posts)villager
(26,001 posts)n/t
(6,086 posts)me into trying it. I don't smoke it but use the concentrates and I'm telling, I would not be here without it. I don't understand why they're doing this.
(26,001 posts)In other words, all the "change" stuff is turning out to be the lie we feared it might be...
(6,086 posts)dangerous "Gateway" drug is LYING. I think it's so entrenched in America psyche that nothing short of a plague whose only treatment is Marijuana will change it.
Never mind that alcohol kill the partakers and collateral innocents day in and day out but that's okay, right?
(67,112 posts)more mature than the ridiculous crap that goes on. And the waste of money which could be better spent than these shenanigans.
(27,137 posts)...in order to try and justify the imposition of their beloved police state.
- And it's not working, so they keep ratcheting it up.
Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)
Webster Green
(13,905 posts)That is a really brilliant position to take. Are you a fucking DEA agent?
What an idiotic post.
Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)I am all for medical marijuana, but the outcome of this "university" was predictable.
(9,154 posts)for Californians in California, but the Feds and some local police seem to often collude to make life difficult and hard for medical-marijuana caregivers.
(26,001 posts)
Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)I get why it's popular, but it's still illegal. Haven't the feds been threatening to do stuff like this?
(9,623 posts)not found a way of making money...and do not want you to get anything they can't make big money on....when they figure this out it will be legal and they will make the big money...
(51,830 posts)If you were to go to the five largest tobacco manufacturers, the four largest cosmetics companies and the three largest pharmaceutical companies in America and tell them, "you have six weeks, starting right now, to figure out how to make money on marijuana," this country would be awash in pre-rolled joints, loose marijuana, hemp-based skin care and cosmetic products, and pot-based medicines to treat every ill that MMJ advocates list in their legalization arguments.
The problem isn't that Big Business doesn't know how to make money on pot. They know how. The problem is a Republican Party that has, ever since the days of Harry Anslinger, operated under the belief that marihuana is as dangerous as cyanide.
(20,234 posts)Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)Isn't posession of marijuana a federal crime? So if actual marijuana is used in the classes, then I would think that's a problem.
(20,234 posts)mentioned.
(20,234 posts)Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)And Southern governors standing in school house doors.
I guess when you can't actually defend the law, that's all you're left with.
(26,001 posts)...or anything else! Gosh! What might happen in a democracy then!?
Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)
(26,001 posts)
girl gone mad
(20,634 posts)Unless you're a war criminal, in which case we can only look forward, or a financial criminal, in which case you can blatantly commit fraud while the President defends you.
(28,581 posts)He is quite brilliant, went to school on a full scholarship, travels during the off season studying organic growing techniques and cultures in villages across the globe. Right now he is on his way home from Southeast Asia.
Your assumptions about pot growers or smokers (for the record, I am neither) is way off base.
Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)I don't doubt that your friends are smart people. My point is that this university is based on breaking federal law. The people that started it and the people attending must have known that.
(28,581 posts)I read your post differently.
Response to Marrah_G (Reply #9)
Post removed
(6,086 posts)Okay, I'll listen.
Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)53K posts in 8+ years and a former mod. Finally, I am busted.
(6,086 posts)see who hold these mindsets, do so UNTIL they get sick and find that this "dumb" medicine WORKS.
Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)I'm not talking about the "medicine." Medical marijuana should be legal and available. There is no doubt that something that helps truly sick people should be used for their care.
My point is that starting a "university" based on an illegal act isn't very smart.
(6,086 posts)the plants, teaches the guidelines that the STATE of CALIFORNIA put in place WHEN the voters legalised it for people like me . What's dumb is the persecution of something the voters asked for and have been using with a VERY FEW, EXTREMELY RARE EXCEPTIONS, within the VERY strict guidelines. THAT'S STUPID!!
(55,476 posts)Didn't legalization in California get voted down? I'm not sure that these classes are what the voters "asked for." Either way, there have been very public conflicts between state and federal law about this.
(6,086 posts)I never used MJ before I got sick and I AM HERE TODAY because of it. End of story.
Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)It's ridiculous that sick people can't use it and people like Romney can't answer simple questions about it. This is not about you.
Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)Which was approved by a popular vote in 1996.
I, for instance, legally grow my medical marijuana in a 100 square foot plot in Sonoma County.
That makes me a federal criminal.
Trying to divert attention away from the Obama administration's actions by conjuring up Romney is just pathetic. It is not Mitt Romney's Justice Department that is doing these raids, it is Obama's.
(29,403 posts)which was voted in favor in 1996.
(15,882 posts)instead of people who run around murdering unarmed kids.
Response to Renew Deal (Reply #5)
Post removed
Renew Deal
(83,501 posts)girl gone mad
(20,634 posts)randome
(34,845 posts)...many DUers WANT to believe it is part of an insidious 'police state'. Interesting.
Maybe it is. Maybe the police state is scheduled for tomorrow. But this article does not support that.
(26,001 posts)--of a facility that has broad public support in its own community.
The police acting against the wishes of the governed, of the citizens, in other words.
The article is quite clear on that.
(34,845 posts)Was the university breaking federal laws? Did state officials give the go-ahead for this?
We don't know why the raid occurred. If the federal government wanted to shut down all medical cannabis organizations, they would not leave alone the thousands that are currently operating.
Response to randome (Reply #15)
Post removed
(34,845 posts)There are thousands currently operating. Often the ones that are being targeted are at the behest of local officials.
Just saying it's often more complicated than us versus them.
Webster Green
(13,905 posts)They are in the process of doing so.
You are incorrect in stating that these raids are at the request of local officials. They are not.
(34,845 posts)Snip:
A day earlier and several hundred miles to the south, DEA agents and Pomona police raided the Green Cross USA dispensary, seizing marijuana, marijuana edibles, and records. But unlike the Northstone Organics raid, the raid on Green Cross appears to have been instigated by local authorities, who called in the feds to help.
And some are not.
(26,001 posts)But I'm not sure how much of a "change" that represents...
(34,845 posts)Or gun control laws. Or paying taxes.
Not everything law officials do is okay with me. I'm just saying the article that started this thread has no details so we really know nothing about why it occurred.
Webster Green
(13,905 posts)But, you will ignore us, as you have your own anti-cannabis agenda.
(34,845 posts)I have nothing against medical marijuana. I have nothing against decriminalization.
But dispensaries that violate federal law need to be shut down -otherwise, federal law is meaningless.
I am against anarchy, by the way.
Webster Green
(13,905 posts)This is fascism. That's what fascists do. They are doing this to keep the prices high, to protect their pharma buddies and to protect their own jobs. They are scum.
The federal law is absurd. That is why states are choosing to ignore it. Fuck the DEA. They are making it difficult on growers and providers, but they will never stop us.
(34,845 posts)Is the Los Angeles City Council part of the fascists, too?
You sound like you are bound and determined to grow and distribute medical marijuana. Or is this really about recreational use that you want for yourself? Sorry, that's, I think, another topic.
Webster Green
(13,905 posts)You, the feds and anyone else who wants to deny medicine to patients who need it, are just cruel as hell. You might change your fucking tune, if you are unlucky enough to discover that you need medicine, but have no access to it.
(34,845 posts)No offense intended.
Webster Green
(13,905 posts)I was a cannabis activist, and very educated on the various and amazing uses of the cannabis plant, long before I became a cancer patient. I started fighting for legalization in 1966. I was on the front lines for the CA 215 initiative, as well as the successful Marin County initiative that preceded it. I will continue to fight for this miracle herb.......for as long as it takes.
In case you haven't noticed, large parts of federal law ARE meaningless. Besides the fact that Wall Street can break the law with impunity, the Supreme court has made the Fourth and Fifth Amendments mostly meaningless. The Obama Administration has invalidated law and legal protections going back to the Magna Carta. We live in a corrupt society and our legal system has been corrupted as much as the political sytem.
(10,622 posts)Webster Green
(13,905 posts)But, you are mis-characterizing what is actually happening in the state of CA. Most local cops do not want the feds raiding medicinal cannabis providers. Most cops are even tired of enforcing the idiotic laws against recreational pot.
The feds started this current war on pot, and Obama's DOJ is far worse than the previous one. The fact that they are making this a priority is a disgrace.
(3,344 posts)Same goes for San Bernardino, Upland, San Diego, Chino and the list goes on and on.
ut oh
(1,074 posts)want cannibis, but that doesn't mean that the citizens of that city are on board with it.
Politicians in general want to maintain the status quo, because that is their cash cow, so how is this a revelation that POLITICIANS do not want to legalize it?
I said nothing about the people of the communities
(3,344 posts)I know in San Bernardino and Riverside counties they are raiding and closing as many as they can. A co-op in Upland has been told by the courts it could stay open but a DEA agent is in the parking lot daily. A couple of weeks ago they came in and took all of the medication and money. A patient was handcuffed but let go. Maybe it is different up in the northern part of the state but in most places down here you risk harassment when you go to any of them.
(20,599 posts)As far as he is concerned, so long as one single clinic remains open, they're not "closing them all".
One wonders what randome's threshold for outrage is on this issue. Is it ten clinics closed, ten sets of assets seized, and ten patients jailed? Is it fifty? A hundred?
Or maybe, just maybe, it will take all of them for him to wake the fuck up. Sad, that.
(34,845 posts)But I find references to 'hundreds'.
My 'threshold for outrage' is that the federal government cannot allow organizations to openly flout federal law. If a dispensary is violating the law, then it should be shut down.
I have no problem with medical marijuana being in use. I have no problem with the decriminalization of marijuana in general.
But to say that this is more evidence of a 'police state', as some have stated, is a bit of an over-reach. Especially since local officials and municipalities are often involved in shutting them down.
Webster Green
(13,905 posts)The feds are shutting down the providers. The fact that they haven't gotten to them all yet means nothing.
I guess you won't acknowledge the police state until they are at your door. How short-sighted of you.
(21,044 posts)Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)Federal law doesn't recognize medical marijuana.
There are thousands of federal laws on the books; which ones they enforce is a matter of priorities. The Obama Justice Department is making a priority of going after dispensaries and, in this case, an educational institution.
(34,845 posts)But as I recall, some were trying to offer special sale prices for marijuana, which is an invitation for non-medical customers and against federal law.
And LA County back in 2010 decided to close many on their own.
That era may be ending. In January, the Los Angeles City Council approved an ordinance that led city attorneys to order the closing of 439 dispensaries. An estimated 135 will be allowed to remain if they follow new regulations, but action could be imminent on the others.
It's not just the federal government deciding to put the squeeze on people. It's more complicated than that when local officials and municipalities have their own restrictions and prohibitions in place.
(28,702 posts)So clearly you, ahem, 'remembered' wrong.
(34,845 posts)...to verify who was a medical user and who was not. Or do you think everyone can be trusted on their word?
That being said, I have no idea what kind of identification/verification are needed to purchase marijuana at a dispensary.
(1,353 posts)and your license. You may not bring a guest with you, unless they also have a card.
ut oh
(1,074 posts)which is usually not a good place to be making an argument from....
My disclaimer: I use MMJ for a neck and back injury that resulted in 1 surgery and at least 1 more in the furture, I am in a lot of pain constantly and MMJ helps where other meds wreck my stomach.
You have to see a real doctor to get the MMJ prescription card (or w/e you wish to call it).
EVERY dispensary I've been in requires at the minimum a state issued MMJ card. Many of them require and additional 'co-op membership card' (basically proof that you are a member of the co-op as that is what MMJ dispensaries are based on).
Even dispensaries that 'know' me require me to show my card everytime I go in.
Persons that do not have any such ID are NOT allowed in to the dispensaries. They will even call the authories if someone is tryin to pressure their way in. I have seen this in action first hand.
As with any industry there can be 'bad seeds' however this should not create a negative verdict for the entire industry, just like not everyone is bad in the banking industry or energy supply or any other industry.
The focus should be on enforcing California law and busting the true violators, not a place of education or the above board dispensaries.
Webster Green
(13,905 posts)The oldest dispensary in the state was shut down recently in Marin county. They had the full support of the town of Fairfax, and the local law enforcement agencies. The landlord (who was also a supporter), was threatened by the feds, who told him he would forfeit his property, unless he evicted the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana. The club voluntarily shut down after constant harassment by the feds.
(39 posts)Thanks to Prohibition we now have a far higher percentage of our own citizens locked in cages than any other nation on the whole planet. Apart from the fact that these extra prisoners are not contributing economically to society, it also costs 50,000 dollars per annum to incarcerate them. Additionally their families often go on government assistance, and it's again the average tax payer who has to pick up the bill. Their kids may be taken into care or raised by foster parents, again with tax payer money. Now add to all this the court costs, jail costs, and the salaries of all those people that have to deal with the enforcement of prohibition, like police officers, judges and public defenders and you'll start to get a fair idea of why "Black Thursday", October 24, 1929 happened during the period of another of our great experiments - Alcohol Prohibition.
* The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world.
* 743 adults incarcerated per 100,000 population at year-end 2009.
* 2,292,133 adults were incarcerated in federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2009, that's approx. 1% of US adults.
* Additionally, 4,933,667 adults at year-end 2009 were on probation or parole.
* In total, 7,225,800 adults were under correctional supervision (probation,parole, or incarcerated) in 2009 about 3.1% of adults in the U.S. resident population.
Prohibition has helped fill our Prisons and Jails to capacity. Violent criminals, murderers, rapists and child molesters are released early to create space for so called 'drug offenders'. Half of court trial time and also a huge chunk of police officers time is pointlessly wasted. Enormous untaxed profits from illegal drugs fund multi-national criminal empires which bribe law enforcement authorities and spread corruption faster than a raging bush fire. Prohibition takes violent criminals and turns them into multi-billionaires whilst corrupting even entire countries, including our own. Our drug laws are also funding the Taliban and al-Qaeda whose illegal opium profits allow them to buy weapons and pay it's fighters more than $300 a month, compared with the $14 paid to an Afghan policemen.
Three simple questions for the DEA, CIA & DOD: How much is that fence going to cost? How much is it going to stop? Won any wars lately?
Prohibition is nothing less than a grotesque dystopian nightmare; if you support it you must be either ignorant, stupid, brainwashed, insane or corrupt.
Royal Sloan 09
(406 posts)So now the feds want to close down any place that has any sort of Cannabis(MMJ) related business,or talk, or teach,or dispense, the plant and get closed down. Real compassion for those people who do have real issues that MMJ can help with.
Thanks Uncle SAM, could you just give the sick and dying a more clear message? I Think Congressman Alan Grayson's statement about the Repug's Health care plan. It applies here!
The future is getting really interesting, whats going on now is not helping and will just create more anger with the people of California and other MMJ states, that have medical issues and find the MMJ can help fill their medical needs.
The government should be answering some questions that the people have asked the President and DEA, instead what We the people have gotten for answers, is laughed in our face and jokes made at our expense. Why? The people asking, were serious as a heart attack, this is not some made up funny stuff to ask those with the power to make change.
Let's look at Who's behind all of these actions and who's trying to patent the plant, also who's planning on making money and who's laundering the money for the drug gangs of Mexico(Hint: initials are WF) to the tune of billions of dollars per year!?!
Have the Feds closed down that business yet for supplying the drug gangs with money to buy weapons of mass destruction, nope those dopes are TOO BIG TO FAIL, and besides We the American people bailed out those bankster's from their own failure, nice American people(rubes)(muppets) or any other you may think of. So, we couldn't shut down those illegal money laundering Banksters they have homes to foreclosure on.
Ah yes, it's good to be a Rich American Banksters with the get out of jail card and immunity to commit crimes that have gotten other countries invaded, It's a great country or what?!?
(55,476 posts)They too have no plants or meds, just files with everyone who has a a card's name on it.
(67,112 posts)to totally get rid of pot and charge big bucks for prescriptions for synthetic pot. There's a lot of money to be made off of this by big corps. Gov. is often complicit with things like this for big bucks feeding the corruption in this country where Corps./Banking/Wall Street = Gov.
(3,503 posts)The president has made some positive strides, but his insistence on continuing the war against marijuana has me so disgusted, I will not lift a finger to help him get re-elected. On this important issue, Dubya was by far Obama's superior.
Webster Green
(13,905 posts)Obama is anti-pot, even though he used it himself for pleasure, not for pain.
I'll be voting for him again, but I really can't stand him. He is horrible, but the alternatives are far worse.
(1,524 posts)midnight
(26,624 posts)the details are revealed.
(55,476 posts)Neither the OCBC nor Oaksterdam U had any plants on site.
They do not sell, have or distribute marijuana
One place issues ID cards and the other teaches people how to grow pot
This is a message - basically telling us all "We are shutting you down and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!
Fuck the DEA
If any local DEA pigs get a dirt nap, I'm celebrating
(34,845 posts)Although it appears you have more than enough anger to go around.
So I guess you have the same opinion about military troops who follow orders, too, huh? They should all just 'get a dirt nap'.
(55,476 posts)Every since both place's existence, they have NEVER had plants on site.
But hey, play the Zimmerman game if you want. Play by yourself tho.
ut oh
(1,074 posts)and personal experience with a few DEA agents (to be)
They seem to believe they're on a crusade, which is all kinds of wrong when perpetuated against citizens who are following state law.
But of course you go on to make straw man arguments to bolster your point.
Maybe what he (the poster you are responding to) said was a little over the top, but what the DEA is doing under Holder and Obaman is just seriously F'd up and beyond over the top.
Obama made another promise that he's made a full 180 on when bankers who've wrecked the economy are still running around free and getting their million dollar bonuses and yet he can spend time and resources going after organizations that are actually following state law and are not harming ANYONE. (holy run on sentence Batman!)
Ruby the Liberal
(26,361 posts)
(55,476 posts)barbtries
(30,161 posts)what a colossal waste of time, money and energy.
(19,288 posts)Research would be an excellent way to concentrate on the strains and strengths to cure or manage chronic pain or disease. How can benefits be documented and chronicled for repeat trials to see if you have a lab test that proves safety and effectiveness, that can be done again with the same results? There are numerous variables to consider.
I use regular pharmacy meds but still work to manage the body pain against keeping a clear head. My pain is so uncontrolled that I'll bet almost nothing could get me "high". Everything goes to a screaming opiate receptor. Nothing for fun. True pain takes a lot of the joy out of drug abuse. All the joy really. Self limiting returns on usage. The more you take the less it works, and taking more does not increase effectiveness, to my experience.
I back off when I can so I have an option when a flair up happens. Meds only take the slightest edge off. It is wanting to do something useful that motivates me to get up despite having every step hurt. It's the attitude. That's why the depression sucks.
I want to move to California. And go natural. I would be better off.
(55,476 posts)The OCBC, which doesn't even SELL med marijuana, has been raided by the pigs (yes, they are a bunch of fucking pigs)
Anyone who has a card can potentially be affected, as all these guys do is issue cards.
Gestapo USA anyone?
(28,581 posts)Choosing THIS path right before THIS election? Stupid fucking move by the WH. Imagine the votes he would get if he announced tomorrow that they would no longer waste time and money on this bullshit.
(34,845 posts)...there simply aren't enough people in America who think this is a big deal.
Granted, there are some who desperately need medical marijuana and I would like them to have access to it.
But if this were to have any effect on the election, there would need to be hundreds of thousands of people demanding changes.
There aren't.
I would hazard a guess that most of the people expressing quite strong opinions on this are NOT medical marijuana users, but those who want to use the drug for their own personal, recreational use.
That's an entirely different discussion.
Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)It will be interesting to see whether Colorado voters who vote to legalize it will also vote for the guy whose Justice Department is currently raiding dispensaries in Colorado. Maybe only 1% of them will vote for the Green or the Libertarian instead because of this issue. How close will it be in Colorado?
Politicians will start coming around when this starts costing them elections.
Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)See ya there!
MEDIA ALERT March 30, 2012
(San Francisco, CA) On Tuesday, April 3rd, on the steps of City Hall (Polk Street entrance) at 11:30am an overwhelming number of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will be joined by representatives from the offices of the City Attorney, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, State Senator Mark Leno, and the Board of Equalization to show their support for medical cannabis patients by delivering a strong message to the Obama Administration regarding recent actions by the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) and the States 4 U.S. Attorneys against local medical cannabis dispensaries. District Attorney Gascon is sending a statement from his office affirming his stance on medical cannabis laws. A lively rally will precede the press conference at 11am, and at noon patients and supporters will march to the Federal Building located at 450 Golden Gate to demand that Attorney General Eric Holder end the federal attacks on safe access.
Last October, Californias 4 U.S. Attorneys announced a so-called federal crackdown on medical cannabis and proceeded to threaten dispensary operators as well as their landlords. As a result, 5 of the Citys licensed dispensaries have been forced to shut down. With more closures expected next week, U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag has said that, none are immune from action by the federal government. San Francisco, which has shown staunch support for medical cannabis over the years, continues to move ahead with its medical cannabis program of permitting dispensaries, despite extensive federal intimidation.
Patients, advocates, dispensary operators, and members of SFs Medical Cannabis Task Force, joined by the San Francisco chapter of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), have launched a campaign -- San Francisco United -- calling on City officials to take further steps to protect safe access to medical cannabis in San Francisco. By opposing federal interference, San Francisco officials are taking a stand for patients and for sensible public health policy, said ASA founder and Executive Director Steph Sherer. The federal government must not be allowed to push patients into the illicit market without consequence.
Other speakers at the press conference will include affected patients and dispensary operators, ASA Chief Counsel Joe Elford, Steph Sherer, representatives from the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws and San Francisco Medical Cannabis Task Force.
ASA filed a lawsuit late last year against Haag and the DOJ, challenging the crackdown as a violation of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In its lawsuit, ASA argues that by coercing public officials, the DOJ is obstructing the law-making function of the State, which goes well beyond its prosecutorial discretion to enforce the federal Controlled Substances Act.
For further information:
San Francisco Campaign for Safe Access: http://AmericansForSafeAccess.org/SFUnited
Sample landlord letter: http://AmericansForSafeAccess.org/downloads/US_Attorney_Landlord_Letter.pdf
* * *
(34,845 posts)Most people do not want marijuana fully legalized, like it or not. If one state tries to legalize it, the bordering states -and more- will be avid customers and we will once again have a flourishing illegal drug trade.
With the drug cartels right in our back yard.
That's how it would work regardless of how important the issue is to some.
(420 posts)to make sure we're not illegally transporting drugs without any kind of permit.
(34,845 posts)Sorry, there simply aren't enough people in America who want marijuana to be legalized. Anyone can point out all the illogic, hypocrisy and inconsistencies in that but that's Reality.
(420 posts)who doesn't think that marijuana should be legalized.
Too much Reefer Madness, huh?
Colorado has legalized marijuana medically since 2000 and there have been hoop jumping just to obtain red marijuana cards.
This year, the fee is $35. Last year's fee was $90. My renewal is not until November.
(34,845 posts)But if the majority of people truly thought 'full legalization' was important, it would be legalized already. Most people don't care because most people have other things to do with their time.
(29,403 posts)are locked into candidates who don't support it so they vote for the guy doesn't support it. Doesn't mean they don't care, just that is what their options are.
Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)Most national polls show legalization hovering on the cusp of majority support and trending upward.
Even when the polls don't show a majority, they show stronger support for legalization than for continued prohibition.
Guess what? It's illegal everywhere now, and there already is a flourishing trade in it. Voters in Colorado and Washington (and maybe Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oregon, where signature-gathering for initiatives is underway) will have a chance to legalize it this fall.
I guess we'll have to check back in November and see how things went.
(34,845 posts)And I would contend that many of that 50% are those who answer a polling question about whether marijuana should be legal or not with a 'Sure, why not' without really thinking through the ramifications.
I'm from Missouri and I know it will never happen here. I truly doubt it will happen in any other state.
But, as you say, we will find out in November.
Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)Yeah, it's unlikely to make the ballot in Missouri. Or Michigan. Or Nebraska.
But it may still make the ballot in Montana and Oregon, which would then join Colorado and Washington.
I live in the Pacific Northwest for many reasons. This is one of them.
(29,403 posts)Ha! I can say those that said they don't weren't thinking about the utter failure having cannabis illegal has been.
(28,702 posts)Take five seconds on Google, and you'll note that a majority of polled Americans now DO support legalization.
(34,845 posts)Saying you support legalization is a far cry from actively doing anything about it. Other than medical marijuana, most people have better things to do with their time.
We'll see if any of the current initiatives gain traction in November. My guess is that none of them will pass but if I'm proven wrong, I'm okay with that.
(991 posts)It's prohibition which has failed wildly.
(29,403 posts)LOL we already have drug cartels in our backyard. Legalization will just remove one of their sources of income.
(34,845 posts)Do you really think the drug cartels will just fold up and get office jobs if marijuana is legalized? That will not happen.
I'm okay with being proven wrong on what legalizing marijuana will do. I just don't think it's ever as simple as it looks.
They will still sell heroin, meth, and cocaine because they're still illegal. If it is legal cannabis will be sold by those who get licenses and apply for appropriate business permits. I don't recall cartels selling bottles of liquor or 6-packs.
(90,061 posts)Legalization works just fine.
(420 posts)And the feds and John Walsh can choke on my red card.
(841 posts)Its about absolute Power here..
Think of it this way..
You and I are not paying Constituents..
We are good for one vote each and nothing more these days..
He who has the most money wins in Politics today..
So Corporations are in this and it is not for the Peoples benefit..
From the Big Drug Companies like Bayer, the DEA itself, to the Alcohol Industry..
The DEA alone would loose 80% of its workforce if Cannabis was legal..
The Public once again was lied to by the Feds..
Last year the DEA entered California to shut down the so called Storefront Dispensaries as they were a blatant Violation of Federal Law..
Their words..
Today its Oaksterdam for educating the Patients..
Next is the Patients themselves..
Keep this in mind..
Those threats from the Feds are written and were sent to all the Officials in the State threatening all..
So for you all who believe patients collectives are in violation of law..
You are wrong in you perception..
In essence the Feds are strong arming us the People in every way possible including Local and State Politics which is Illegal by Federal law..
So its not about compliance.. it about eradication and persecution..
The American Government never ever admit when its wrong.. EVER...
Just look at the The Vietnam War...
(55,476 posts)jtuck004
(15,882 posts)Are you fucking kidding me?
I hope you people change and grow up. Good work feds.
(45,319 posts)He said we could not afford to waste resources on medicine while we face the real threat of terrorism. So apparently he has declared us safe from terrorism or he is now willing to risk national security to close down a school.
Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)SoCalMusicLover
(3,194 posts)Be thankful they aren't shooting and killing people. They often do that too.
Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)Good question. Oaklanders need to be asking their mayor this question.
Royal Sloan 09
(406 posts)Is in front of the Blue Sky cafe, the old SR-71 coffee shoppe, also one of Richard Lee's MMJ Cannabis businesses. It's being raided, wonder if the others are being raided too?
(3,194 posts)You truly are a man of your word.
Don't be expecting anything special from me this November. You can think of my vote as a wash. I won't vote for your competitor, so hopefully there is some anti-marijuana law enforcement type out there who will take my place and cast a vote for you.
Now go back out and make some more promises so you can get elected to that prestigious job for another 4 years.
(60,567 posts)
(3,194 posts)I'm still waiting for someone to point out that the alternative to Obama is a nutso right winger named Romney, so we need to stand by him.
Well, I won't be standing by while he acts like a liar and a conservative half the time. Let him be that way, but don't expect my vote in November. I'll just leave that spot blank, rather than vote for someone who I think is full of it.
(60,567 posts)Why do you think they bought a house in La Jolla, CA?
(34,845 posts)Single-issue voters don't really help much.
Comrade Grumpy
(13,184 posts)Makes it hard to drum up enthusiasm and all that.
(3,194 posts)My vote is irrelevant anyways. And I'm not wealthy enough for them to give a damn what I think.
Obama will do just fine in California without my vote. If not, then I guess it's his fault for his reversal on MANY issues, not just this one. I am deeply disappointed in him on several fronts, but this is just an example of him saying one thing, and doing a complete 180 once he got in office.
If he loses California in November, you can blame me.
girl gone mad
(20,634 posts)who is a paler mirror image. I have no respect for the ones who say "he sucks, but I'll vote for him anyhow" and neither does the Democratic party, for that matter.
(34,845 posts)Or are you just sitting this one out?
(5,198 posts)too because of cancer, but never trusted the system enough to register anywhere. I don't know how long it will take before a stable drug policy is decided upon in this country, there is too much corruption, and the public is getting too many mixed messages from people on both sides of the WOD.
Maybe there are good places to register, I don't know.
(22,974 posts)I feel so secure, here in the homeland, now that the dangerous marijuana school is closed.
Neue Regel
(221 posts)If the feds don't lay off the recreational and medical marijuana industries I'm staying home on election night.
(13,133 posts)Besides, i hear they will be doing strip searches on bicyclist caught riding a bicycle without an audible bell.
Link to story:
Supreme Court Ruling Allows Strip-Searches for Any Arrest
It's like damn, did i wake up in parallel universe or something
(390 posts)is that you will probably not hear even one god damn hypocrite
CONservative anywhere pointing this out as an example of dreaded
"big government'. "Big government" is okay when it harasses fairly
innocuous people and behavior, it is only baaaad when it inhibits the
rich and mighty form their corporate misdeeds.