Texas GOP candidate: 4 liberal states should secede
Source: USA Today
Forget about Texas seceding from the union. It's solidly blue states like California, Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut that should get the boot, jokes a Republican running for Texas lieutenant governor.
"I'm in favor of expulsion," Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson told the Associated Press. "New York, California and there's some good people in New York and California but their legislatures' aren't representing them."
Patterson may only be half-joking.
Earlier this year, more than 100,000 people signed a petition on the White House website calling on the Obama administration to allow Texas to secede and create its own government. It was similar to petitions filed by people in Alabama, Louisiana and other states where Obama isn't popular. The White House responded by citing an 1869 Supreme Court decision that found individual states do not have the right to secede...
Read more: http://www.usatoday.com/story/onpolitics/2013/10/11/jerry-patterson-texas-liberal-states-secede/2966519/
I get it...
...Only a few constitutional amendments involved there.
Plan B: Secession.
OK Texas; when hurricane Lee hits Corpus Christie, you're on your own. No declaration of a "national" disaster. No federal intervention or funding for rescue, recovery, cleanup, rebuilding etc.
All your politics & politicians will be local & I guarantee you that every last one of your "leaders" will be swept out of office for pandering to the mindless ideologues who considered secession to be a viable expression of opposition to the current administration.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the divided state of Texas, and against the republic which it stands against..."
Oh that's right Mr. Patterson, your statements were only hyperbole.

(787 posts)Now what are you going to do for lost revenue for the US treasure considering these states send more to the US treasury then they get back. As for Texas that is a depended state you live in.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)All the "donor" states ought to secede.
(12,309 posts)And it ended poorly for the traitors who wanted to divide the union the first time they tried.
(57,596 posts)so let me turn up the crazy to 11 and watch the media just lap it up...
(34,589 posts)Regards,
First-Way Manny
(1,173 posts)Union, they'll still want our tax money.
(13,877 posts)Turbineguy
(38,732 posts)no shortage of dickheads for the foreseeable future.
Now, if we could only figure out some use for them.
(4,986 posts)Mass, California, Connecticut, and New York all pay much more in taxes than they get back.
(6,891 posts)to the Confederate "taker" states if the Union"maker" states were gone?
Tom Ripley
(4,945 posts)Arugula Latte
(50,566 posts)dorkzilla
(5,141 posts)....and we'll take Wall Street (yeah, i know...) a multi billion dollar tourism industry, first cases hospitals, a huge chunk of fertile farm land, and miles of pristine beaches with us.
(16,149 posts)baldguy
(36,649 posts)MFrohike
(1,980 posts)Is someone from Johnny-come-lately Texas actually suggesting a founding state (or 3) leave the country they created? What a jackass.
(43,193 posts)
I agree, Kou San!

(53,661 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,193 posts)Seems it has a glitch in the center some place. Those things eventually lose their continuity.
(53,661 posts)Here's one hosted off a google search, which I downloaded and can put in my own account if they discontinue it or it starts to act up at the link:
(43,193 posts)I can totally relate to that!!
(53,661 posts)Rebellious Republican
(5,029 posts)
(2,916 posts)the US currency if we don't get them out of congress. Succession would get them out. After they fail and fall on their faces, we can let them back in on our reasonable terms.
(2,322 posts)Mexico's been a much better neighbor, of late, than Texas. Why create a new foreign nation that hates us rather than just giving the foreign nation we're on pretty good terms with territory that we probably shouldn't have taken from them?
(13,877 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)
Well, not really that much different than the way it's been starting to look like under the Tea Talibans.
Ready to accept national health care, give up your guns and forget that English first nonsense?
(15,607 posts)Please, please, please understand that not all Texans are nut cases. I am a sixth generation Texan, a lifelong Democrat and have never voted for a Republican in my life.
I have probably been a Texan longer than the idiot who is the subject of this thread. Texas WAS blue until all of the idiots moved in after messing up their home states, and most of us REAL Texans want it back that way.
Rather than secession, let's send all of the idiots home who weren't born here and were not content enough to move here and meld into the way of life the rest of us enjoyed, but rather worked to make Texas the crazy land that it is now.
I want to remain a part of the United States of America. I want California and New York, et al to stay here, too. I just want a vaccine against the idiot crazies like Patterson.
(2,322 posts)...the rational side wins out soon and turns Texas blue.
(15,607 posts)n/t
(541 posts)Last edited Mon Oct 14, 2013, 09:24 PM - Edit history (1)
This Patterson clown obviously doesn't know that the "Big-Government-Teat sucking" RED states pull more out of the national treasury, per capita, than the blue states do.
Someone needs to shove a microphone in this tool's face and confront him with an uncomfortable fact.
(85,163 posts)VERY MUCH SO!!! Far better than any of the jerks on your side of the aisle ever could, or ever have.
YOU secede. And don't come whining and begging when the next big hurricane hits.
Besides, we're BIGGER'n you. You do NOT tell US what to do and you have even less say-so in what we do. I think it should be the other way around, if you really wanna know. And our state budget is back in the black, too, btw... under DEMOCRATIC leadership, thankyouverymuch.
left is right
(1,665 posts)maybe Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut could start their on country and populate it by invitation only
(3,097 posts)Perhaps the good old USA should begin the process of expelling Texas. It would serve us right for electing such backslashes.
(16,506 posts)After it gets expelled from the United States.
(20,899 posts)have no right to secede.
(5,105 posts)The 7th or 9th largest economy in the world. All I ask for is a one-way bus ticket.
Rebellious Republican
(5,029 posts)
mountain grammy
(27,523 posts)gopiscrap
(24,297 posts)sakabatou
(43,958 posts)olddad56
(5,732 posts)Wouldn't it be easier to reconsider the results of the civil war and grant all of the southern states their independence. Then everyone would be happy.
(813 posts)Not some half-assed "secession" like Quebec has threatened Canada with for almost 50 years...where they're "independent," but having a "customs and monetary union" with Canada, still having Canadian health care and having the Canadian military maintain its bases in Quebec.
Texas would have to know that independent means just that - you're on your own.
The military hardware at places like Fort Hood and Lackland AFB does not belong to you.
No more Social Security, no more Medicare, no more Federal funds for ANYTHING.
It is up to YOU to negotiate international relations...including with your former neighbours, who may not be well-disposed to grant you any sort of recognition, admittance to the UN, NATO, having other countries receive your ambassadors, or raising your own armed forces.
I think most logical, reasonable Texans would get the hell out long before that happened.
Personally, I don't think the Civil War ever really ended, and I don't think it ever will.
Maybe a peaceful referendum on whether or not the former Confederate states want to remain part of the USA is needed.
I'd rather see it go that way than the bloodshed of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.
(1,314 posts)Bastards. It's all about them.
(20,035 posts)WA state didnt make the cut....vote for gays...vote for pot.... we are not appreciated here!!
Bette Noir
(3,581 posts)I spend too much time traveling among those three to have to bother with international border crossings all the time. Heck, I've been to CA 10 times this year, and I was in WA this afternoon.
(11,843 posts)saving us the cost of keeping them out.
crim son
(27,525 posts)
Indi Guy
(3,992 posts)...can't let that one go without bringing out the classic:
Here it is in context:
crim son
(27,525 posts)SoapBox
(18,791 posts)davidpdx
(22,000 posts)and paying them some money to take the wackos off our hands. Nah, that would be too cruel to Mexico.
(40,160 posts)eilen
(4,950 posts)I live in NY. When I leave this state to go to Nashville, TN (like I will need to this weekend) southwards, it is a little tense. Years ago, it just felt that way when I entered Kentucky. Now, it is sometimes when I enter Ohio. PA still feels like home at least.
Funny story-- many eons ago when I was around 20 I lived out in California and all my friends ended up being emigrants from the East Coast-- Rhode Island, New Jersey, Boston etc. I was on a naval base that featured most of it's inhabitants from Texas (Waco was a popular region) and I used to easily instigate fights among 2 drunk Texans which would then snowball but it was like shooting fish in a barrel so became boring very fast (naval bases are very boring places for young people). I left the Navy and lived there a little while longer but the cost of living in Southern Cali was not kind in the 1980s for the unskilled and I was not enamored of seeking fame and fortune and was a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of suburban developments built out from the city centers so I went back home and back to school. But hey, great weather! Beautiful beaches! I really loved San Francisco! (just 20 years too late). And I did go to Tj back when it was relatively safe.
Oh and notice this moron from Texas thinks there are only 4 states in NE (including NY)-- Many Southerners think that NY is part of New England.
(28,581 posts)Just being completely honest. I have thought for a long time that we are to large for a government for the people, by the people. I know my view isn't a popular one.
(1,810 posts)Seriously. Does anyone not agree that the people of the south and the people of New England have very little in common anymore?
Can you imagine the great candidates we in the northeast would have running for national office? The decent Republicans from up here (and there are some) could actually be a part of the solution instead of being saddled with the Neanderthal Republicanism of the South.
It's worth talking about at least, in my opinion.
(2,217 posts)Xithras
(16,191 posts)Us "liberal states" also happen to be the core of the American economy. We here in California could ditch the rest of America tomorrow and not miss it. We export far more tax dollars that we receive. The state is, and would remain, a global leader in everything from technology to agricultural exports, and is still a hub for aerospace, military manufacturing, and telecommunications. Heck, we even have our own spaceflight facility at Vandenberg and could establish our own space program!
Mr. Patterson should watch what he wishes for. An America without the Northeast and California would be a pretty miserable place.
(118,648 posts)Maybe Mexico would like it back.