Dick Cheney Tells CBS: Obama Wants To Do Serious Damage To Military
Source: CBS NEWS
In an interview Tuesday on CBS This Morning, former Vice President Dick Cheney derides the nomination of former Sen. Chuck Hagel to be secretary of defense.
With respect to Chuck Hagel and and [John] Brennan, at Defense and CIA just in the last week, their performance in front of the committees that have to confirm them has been pretty poor, Cheney tells Charlie Rose. And thats, you know, not my judgment. Thats the judgment, as well, of senators on both sides of the aisle. My guess is, if you look at what the presidents motives are for picking Chuck Hagel, I think he wants a Republican to go be the foil, if you will, for what he wants to do to the Defense Department, which is I think to do serious, serious damage to our military capabilities.
Link to CBS NEWS video clip...
Read more: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_tv_tvblog/2013/02/dick-cheney-tells-cbs-obama-wants-to-do-serious-damage-to-military.html
Fuck CBS NEWS for giving the 'war criminal' a forum...

(3,145 posts)Turbineguy
(38,716 posts)for not being an organ donor.
(15,262 posts)The damage the Bush/Cheney military expenditures on illegal wars is one of the ongoing problems Obama has to contend with every time their is a need for a government expenditure, including the current military budget. Cheney IS the problem.
(25,013 posts)xtraxritical
(3,576 posts)karynnj
(60,099 posts)I did not see the Cheney interview, but with Democrats, what I like is that he gives them the latitude to speak - making the interview about them and their opinions - not his. To me, this is far better than the talking heads that control the microphone and make their show about themselves no matter who is there.
I prefer NOT knowing where the interviewer stands.
(22,651 posts)Purveyor
(29,876 posts)TwilightGardener
(46,416 posts)BTW, did not watch much of Brennan's, but Hagel's hearing wasn't anything close to a normal confirmation hearing--Carl Levin generously gave the Repubs 8 hours to take quotes out of context and scream "Do you still believe this YES OR NO!" and try to trip him up--and they did not succeed.
(23,350 posts)your friend in the face while drunk hunting caged animals.
Your opinion is so completely irrelevant that I'm going to stop typing before I even get to the end of this
(20,453 posts)Sure is...
(21,925 posts)and the invited dignitaries were in black formal attire, he was wearing ski boots and looked like he was attending a football tailgate party in a parking lot. The man has no respect.
(9,688 posts)Even the way he's sitting is inappropriate for the occasion. You'd think that someone in the White House or the State Dept. would have prevented him from making such a grotesque faux-pas. (Oh, wait: it was THAT White House.. )
(9,688 posts)Listening to an account of this on the news last night (which included a reminder about the "hunting" accident), I came back to my old thoughts about the Iraq war-- thoughts that apply to the entire 8 sorry years: that W and Cheney were not only completely wrong, and their wrong-headed policies so damaging: they were completely, astonishingly incompetent as well.
NYtoBush-Drop Dead
(490 posts)cstanleytech
(27,341 posts)believe spending money like its water on defense is sustainable in the long term.
(5,610 posts)jaysunb
(11,856 posts)Fuck CBS NEWS for giving the 'war criminal' a forum...
(7,759 posts)Purveyor
(29,876 posts)Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)Bitterness. Resentment. More interested in hindering President Obama than in helping the nation.
OK...I guess it does take a demented soul to do that.
(11,154 posts)Oh, if it were so... Cheney knows there's nothing PO can do to damage the military. The military gives the President his marching orders, not the other way around. So why does Cheney come out and say something like that? Is it because he looks at Hagel and Brennan as turn coats? Is it because he is a legend in his own mind? And who gives a doo-doo what he says? The last popularity poll I remember on Cheney put him at something like 19%, wasn't it? I think CBS should reveal why they give him an audience. It's like giving an audience to the devil.
(14,971 posts)Purveyor
(29,876 posts)Show...
(7,596 posts)Thanks a hell of A LOT, Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Dems. And, yes, Obama deserves some blame for this, as well.
(11,541 posts)What a traitor to the United States u r.

(3,322 posts)Vampires despise mirrors.
(49,307 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)
Third Doctor
(1,574 posts)did not damage the military DICK. Sending them into harm's way over a lie and on top of that failed in supplying suffient troop levels isn't damaging the military right? I am right about this DICK? GAWWD I can't stand this man.
(563 posts)People will take what Cheney says with a grain of salt. I can't even find a republican these days that will defend this guy, his 15 minutes of fame have LONG been over.
(804 posts)Go to hell you bastard! Who even listens to you anymore?! Die, and let that heart go to someone who will do the living some good.
Jack Sprat
(2,500 posts)Why is Cheney not in prison serving a life sentence for violation of international law?
Why has Cheney not been formally charged for murder of Iraqi civilians?
(45,728 posts)Projection is taught in Republican 101. And Cheney does it all the fucking time.
(21,044 posts)Hekate
(96,072 posts)And why on Earth is anyone giving him a platform?
(53,661 posts)And the media are part of the MIC cabal.
(10,938 posts)King_Klonopin
(1,344 posts)He also called John Kerry and Chuck Hagel "second-rate"
appointments. Dick Cheeney: asshole di tutti.
The DOD budget needs to be sliced by 25%.
(5,732 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)triplepoint
(431 posts)CBS just hired kinda sleezy lice. That speaks volumes as to how much BS CBS ("Complete BS" truly spews during its infotainment programs, and will continue to spew for some time to come.
Andy Roony and Walter Cronkite-Your Parents' CBS
kinda sleezy lice joins CBS to continue telling her infamous whoppers
Oh and dick "shooter" cheney is just angry because that's his raison d'etre...and because he's irrelevant and is no longer our country's puppet master.
(14,177 posts)Cronkite must be up to about 10,000 RPM by now.
(7,769 posts)in Iraq alone.
That's whole Divisions worth of troops taken out of service.
Who really broke our military?
(11,997 posts)That is all. Back to my scheduled lurking.
(24,135 posts)I quit watching when they announced her hire.
No doubt she is responsible for this interview.
(5,643 posts)Is he fucking joking?
(7,675 posts)So this makes one wonder what CBS is up to with even inviting Cheney to speak. Cheney wore out the military in Iraq and Afghanistan and now he is suddenly an authority on military capability? Give me a break. Lock that war criminal up.
(18,791 posts)DITTO!
I hate this asshole!
(13,995 posts)This man should be wearing a lovely orange prison jump suit, hand cuffs, shackles and placed in solitary confinement for life.
The think that the rare gift of a heart was wasted on this undeserving human being sickens me.
(73,154 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 12, 2013, 08:21 AM - Edit history (1)
Please come visit my friend's son who will not live out the year because of
brain cancer ...... he served in Iraq and was around KBR "burn pits." He
is not the only one.
Why isn't this man in jail?
(14,177 posts)...fucking up countless kids in two pointless and needless wars.
Reprehensible piece of humanity. Why anybody gives this piece of shit airtime is beyond me.
(31,182 posts)EastKYLiberal
(429 posts)It gives people like Cheney talking points.
Go with the fucking flow.
(8,053 posts)and basically dumping those vets who now need help on the street to shift for themselves doesn't damage the military?
What about the thugs reducing funding for psychological help, since the suicide rate for returning vets is staggering? How about the thugs not making one mention of the military ONCE during their convention? The military is a prop to them and and afterthought.
Yeah, join the military, be used like a $5 whore, come home to a bunch of yellow ribbon stickers on cars driven by people who don't want their taxes raised to pay for government employees, which a soldier in our military is and if you can't make a smooth transition back into a society that is pithily blind to what you've endured and seen, the only alternative those same sticker driving boobs have for you is that they're ok if you kill yourself, as long as their taxes aren't being raised.
That is far, far more destructive to the military than what Obama is doing.
(1,009 posts)could do to the military, I don't think it's enough.
What's needed is for the military to run on a budget of $220 billion/year. In order for that to happen, it has to shed 66% of its current expenditures, more or less. Kill all future military appropriations, close all foreign bases, close many bases in the country. Force more flag officers to retire, with a special clause that they cannot serve or work with any entity associated with the MIC (or threaten a loss of pension or something like that).
Trim, trim, trim. If there is ever a place for austerity, it would be in the military.
The cost of maintaining a military has brought down all great nations at one point or another. The nations of today realize that a bare-bones military will make the country far more stable.
Rain Mcloud
(812 posts)@ssholes,everybody has one.
This includes me and The Dick.
Dick wants his friends to be rich.
I want my friends to be safe.
If The Dick has his way,my friends will be neither rich nor safe and his friends will have more of both.
It is a tale of two America's,each occupying the same physical space and the same time coordinates.
It is a fundamental law of physics,no two bodies of matter can occupy the same area of space at the same time.
The larger displaces the smaller.
Or to put it bluntly:Go Fuck Yourself,Mr.Cheney!
(28,592 posts)Now it's serious damage to the military.
(1,831 posts)From the actions that you and your buddy Bush started.
Mother Fucking motherfucker.
Historic NY
(38,423 posts)and later claimed it was the Democrats fault...
Over Cheney's four years as secretary of defense, encompassing budgets for fiscal years 1990-93, DoD's total obligational authority in current dollars declined from $291.3 billion to $269.9 billion. Except for FY 1991, when the TOA budget increased by 1.7 percent, the Cheney budgets showed negative real growth: -2.9 percent in 1990, -9.8 percent in 1992, and -8.1 percent in 1993. During this same period total military personnel declined by 19.4 percent, from 2.202 million in FY 1989 to 1.776 million in FY 1993. The Army took the largest cut, from 770,000 to 572,000-25.8 percent of its strength. The Air Force declined by 22.3 percent, the Navy by 14 percent, and the Marines by 9.7 percent.
(24,780 posts)how fucked up is that?
(2,831 posts)is this old fucker still alive? DIE ALREADY!
(8,153 posts)Testimony on May 23, 2003, 9/11 Commission, Secretary Mineta.
(3,300 posts)
(15,262 posts)Not just serious damage, serious, serious damage
Rhetorical overthrust there Dick!
(11,294 posts)This chicken hawk is past his sell date.
(39,397 posts)judesedit
(4,527 posts)City Lights
(25,534 posts)joanbarnes
(1,931 posts)rocktivity
(44,895 posts)To The Profit Margins Of Our Military Industrial Complex
(978 posts)You "sir", have done enough damage singlehandedly in a generation!
How goes the shooting for you lately by the way??
Shot any good friends in the face lately?