Trump backs out of debate
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer
Donald Trump has backed out of a previously scheduled debate that was slated to take place in September.
In a statement, Trump claimed it was "inappropriate" to schedule a debate with Harris because she is not yet officially the Democratic nominee, though she has secured the support of enough delegates and does not face any challengers.
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(12,599 posts)He's afraid of girls.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,059 posts)Maraya1969
(23,147 posts)robbob
(3,656 posts)How they look to other people I have no idea
Dave Bowman
(4,484 posts)I have no idea what it looks like for other people.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,059 posts)Their keyboards let you insert smilies. I wish my laptop's did!
(2,254 posts)AllaN01Bear
(23,821 posts)
(433 posts)... who was also not the official nominee at the time the first debate happened or the second on as agreed upon. What is the difference?
(1,745 posts)Neither Biden nor Dolt45 were their parties official nominee when they debated in June. Dolt45s current argument is ridiculous.
Not to mention: Kamala Harris IS the presumptive nominee, and will have accepted the nomination by September 10.
But we know the REAL reason Dolt45 doesnt want to debate now, dont we?
(16,332 posts)It's his excuse. What a yellow-bellied coward, but then we knew that from his bone spurs excuse not to serve his country.
(6,625 posts)That's what happens when you're a pathological liar, idiot and an all-around scumbag.
(25,183 posts)Only difference is that we knew Biden's VP choice and VP Harris has not yet chosen hers.
(11,172 posts)wnylib
(25,183 posts)MiHale
(11,169 posts)Aww, come on itll be fun to see lil mushrooms and peabrains roasting on national television cooked up by our new chef, Harris.
Ya scared? Should be!
(23,415 posts)gab13by13
(26,272 posts)She told TSF to bring it on, any time, any place.
Remember this and never forget it, WE OWN THE NARRATIVE. TSF is scared shitless, no presidency=jail.
(691 posts)I'm pretty sure they wanted to host yet another debate a week AFTER this scheduled one, which the POS has apparently backed out of. And of course he blames the dems for all his worries again. He's such a role model for the MAGA crowd. Why these losers insist on back up this lying game show host and con man, is beyond me.
I'm guessing Kamala is under his skin now, and he can't help but scratch it, thinking it will go away. She's going after him full blast, and I'm loving every second of it. I keep looking forward to her next blow.
If I was a betting man, my money would be on Kamala. I'd actually double down.
So far, so good. You go girl!!!!
(2,944 posts)Screw his fake excuses.
(14,350 posts)Responded to a tweet that said Trump
Insiders were saying he would drop out:
What happened to anytime, anyplace?
(55,334 posts)What he did was weasel out of the debate on a bullshit technicality. Imagine Trump starting his lame excuse with the phrase "it wouldn't be appropriate"
Yes, he's shitting you.
(1,745 posts)It wouldnt be appropriate to lie for 90 minutes during a debate, but damn if Dolt45 didnt do it. Eff him and his fake concern for whats appropriate
(11,737 posts)
(4,698 posts)he's such a child.
(47,440 posts)
Dude should find some way to drop out. GOP doesn't have a clear successor.
(1,258 posts)NH Ethylene
(31,028 posts)She would slaughter him and he knows it.
(11,737 posts)And rightly so!
(1,616 posts)What Trump would level at her would be devastating.
(11,737 posts)Why isn't he already "leveling it at her"? Why wait for the debate?
Or are you joking?
(29,331 posts)
Oopsie Daisy
(5,175 posts)KarenS
(4,774 posts)After watching her speak the other day, she kicks ass AND takes names
She would devastate him in a debate!!
The Third Doctor
(411 posts)AllyCat
(17,446 posts)He's scared.
He should be scared.
(1,569 posts)orangecrush
(22,964 posts)BComplex
(9,233 posts)She was going to absolutely wipe the floor with him.
(5,603 posts)Chickenshit.
(17,131 posts)wnylib
(25,183 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,131 posts)wnylib
(25,183 posts)Last edited Fri Jul 26, 2024, 08:58 PM - Edit history (1)
In general because they can be pretty fierce, despite (or maybe because of) their quick instincts that make then jump at sounds and get wary in some settings.
(180 posts)says what?
(15,844 posts)LiberalArkie
(17,221 posts)Tribetime
(6,420 posts)So wtf
(34,611 posts)JohnSJ
(97,335 posts)BadgerKid
(4,747 posts)tfg is a gutless punk
(5,839 posts)Hes scared shitless by all women.
(1,399 posts)PSPS
(14,289 posts)They won't, of course. He still has some lucrative clicks left in him that they want to mine. TUNE IN TO SEE WHAT OUTRAGEOUS THINGS HE SAID/DID TODAY!!!111!!!1 And, think of all the money they can make if, god forbid, he gets "elected" again.
(91 posts)But, he was not at his best in that debate trumputin actually set it up. He wasn't feeling good...he was exhausted and he was pissed. I could tell all those things together didn't help him. Trump is an idiot, a liar and a bully at debates. He knows nothing about policies. His job is to anger all the racists, the greedy and the ignorant. That's it and he does it well.
Kamala is a fire cracker, he has no idea what awaits him😅
She's knowledgeable on all fields.
(1,399 posts)who's sick with a cold, medicated for a sore throat and exhausted from overwork ...
well., then it 'just wouldn't be fair'.
(48,481 posts)Why debate the felon?
(6,749 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,203 posts)He's done with that shit.
(21,204 posts)Why is the orange man allowed to even leave the house much less the prison he belongs locked up in?
& recommend.
(7,571 posts)If Trump refuses to show up, just have an empty podium.
(13,386 posts)It would be a massacre of horror movie legend. Even Stephen King would turn his head away, unable to watch.
I really wish his ego would make him reconsider. But perhaps he will send his second in command to face the Cat Lady.
(22,964 posts)This will not sit well with the MAGAT base, and we should make sure they know about it by HAMMERING THIS INTO THEIR HEADS WITH ADS
Seinan Sensei
(826 posts)orangecrush
(22,964 posts)usonian
(15,685 posts)
(34,437 posts)Since this is not in my musical area of expertise I know there are people here who are. Short, cutting and easy for everyone to sing. Then another honoring our wonderful nominee even though she does not need one. Jingles can be very effective if written with thought and a great, catchy melody. Just something cute and cutting for us to entertain with.
Just a thought.
Seinan Sensei
(826 posts)republianmushroom
(18,668 posts)"anywhere any time" was and is the convicted felons BS.
(4,570 posts)grab him by the *#$$Y! He is such a pitiful sack of shit.
(562 posts)johnnyfins
(1,669 posts)Made the correct assessment of TSF a long time ago.
(65,568 posts)And he knows that. The misogynists who form his core of supporters will just ignore it. They are too far gone to care.
(52 posts)SeattleVet
(5,636 posts)The whole cast at a 'reunion' event:
and a montage:
(230 posts)apparently, the irony is lost on this genius.
How many inappropriate things has he done?
Chicken shit.
For such a brave tough guy he sure acts like a big freakin BABY.
(2,401 posts)Every president boldly faces off in a debate.
I am just about sick of his bad built drooling evil self.
He really trashed up American politics for a long time.
Punk ass
Blue Owl
(55,210 posts)
(86 posts)cluck, cluck, cluck, CLUCKAAAAAWWWWK!
(157,737 posts)The more Donald Trump hedges on debating the likely Democratic nominee, the more eager Kamala Harris is to mock the former Republican president.
Link to tweet
The latest sign of trouble came last night. The New York Times reported:
Advisers to former President Donald J. Trump said they would not commit to another debate, one they had already agreed to participate in, now that the Democrats have changed candidates from President Biden to Vice President Kamala Harris.
The written statement from Steven Cheung, the Trump campaigns communications director, was weird, even by 2024 standards. It said theres chaos in Democratic politics (theres not). It said Biden is corrupt (he isnt). It suggested Barack Obama opposes Harris (he doesnt). It suggested it was necessary to use Obamas middle name (its not). It said the opposing party is called the "Democrat Party" (it's not). It also said many Democrats want to nominate someone other than Harris (they dont).
But after combing through the nonsense, the bottom line was simple: Team Trump concluded that it would be inappropriate to finalize the existing debate schedule until after the Democratic National Convention......
When we last kicked this around, it seemed as if there were a couple of possible explanations for the antics. One was that Trump was engaged in a mind-numbing work the refs exercise, whining incessantly about ABC, in part in the hopes that the network will tilt the debate in his favor and in part to preemptively have an excuse in case Harris fares well in an upcoming standoff.
The other possibility is that Trump and his team are simply afraid of how hed perform against the incumbent vice president.
All things considered, the latter explanation appears to be the accurate one.
Scarlet Begalas
(49 posts)Cheung is such a good little Nazi. All those lies in one statement? He's got a big future in the Rethug party.
(1,386 posts)If hes not fit to face me in debate he is not fit to be president
(24,730 posts)lots of deodorizers (visible to the audience too). Maybe Sat. Night Live can do a parody on this, on crooked don, running towards the hills to avoid debating, of all persons, a top-notch prosecutor.
(10,941 posts)He knows he's an intellectual idiot who would by Harris to mop the floor.
(15,164 posts)This is not a good play for him. He's stumbling.
(7,181 posts)Meanwhile, not concerned in the slightest, he is going to lose in spectacular fashion in Nov. (IF)
(13,774 posts)Do any of the articles discussing this nonsense highlight that Joe Biden wasnt the official Democratic nominee?
Just seems like one of Trumps moves to manage media coverage. Get media covering what he wants, rather than Kamala or Vance.
(24,906 posts)Brainfodder
(7,181 posts)Corrupt Unreasonable Nutty Trump!
Creepy Unrepentant Narcissistic Trump!
All versions lead to one conclusion?
He is the YUGEST....
(3,042 posts)
(1,616 posts)Any debate would be extremely nasty, and Kamala Harris would not at all benefit from the onslaught of dirt Trump would hurl at her.