Trump demands names of the congressional Republicans who said they recognize Biden as winner
Source: The Hill
Trump demands names of the congressional Republicans who said they recognize Biden as winner
President Trump on Saturday demanded to know who the congressional Republicans were who acknowledged President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential election.
The president was referring to a survey from The Washington Post that found that only 25 Congressional Republicans acknowledged Bidens victory.
"25, wow! I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the 25 RINOS. I read the Fake News Washington Post as little as possible!" Trump tweeted on Saturday, referring to "Republicans in name only."
The president continues to promote claims, without evidence, that the election was rife with voter fraud. However, Trump is growing isolated in his claims, and he has targeted Republicans who break from him.
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(107,638 posts)Cirque du So-What
(27,760 posts)
(7,440 posts)Cha
(306,823 posts)..
(7,596 posts)Why cant a sinkhole just gobble him up?
Marie Marie
(10,048 posts)area51
(12,230 posts)DonaldsRump
(7,715 posts)The Roux Comes First
(1,615 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)Ahpook
(2,765 posts)He won't see these replies.
Although bubble boy probably doesn't read his tweet responses, I signed up to tell him to go to hell occasionally.
It's quite liberating
(25,208 posts)I can tell ya which'll get full first!
(3,888 posts)Generic Other
(29,019 posts)steve2470
(37,468 posts)Trump is such a lazy sack of shit. All he had to do was read the story in the paper or on the website:
It was ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE WEBSITE. Such a lazy asshole. No surprise. All he does is watch Fox and OANN and Newsmax all day and tweet.
(2,642 posts)Was the story told in cartoons? If it used words, after the first 10 or so it would lose him. Remember, he doesn't read. He wants the names only, not to have to wade through what could be an entire paragraph to get there. Attention span is not that long.
(13,811 posts)He is telegraphing political consequences he wants to deliver to those who do now bow to the dictator...who is now the Loosing dictator...
(67,112 posts)yankeepants
(1,979 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,387 posts)"We" have just begun? Not "I"?
Read the WaPo? He gets all his info from TV.
And, he'd never think to come up with the "little as possible" bit. He would say "I never read."
Somebody else wrote that tweet.
(102,951 posts)Bayard
(24,188 posts)So I can twitterize them.
(13,913 posts)most of the spineless GOP are still afraid of this fake corrupt POTUS.
(1,949 posts)Initially I really thought this was an Onion piece.
(27,317 posts)I were in their shoes I'd help prosecutors (on the down low of course), get the goods on him.
(43,104 posts)patphil
(7,346 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,399 posts)Slavery? Fealty? What are they worshipping? Money? Greed? Are they compromised?
(2,458 posts)stupidity before they too get caught up in his surge of criminality!..... .....
(19,574 posts)And when he derails entirely he'll plow a scar on America that will take generations to heal.
Captain Zero
(7,654 posts)his fanatical base. He will get out there slinging names around and one of the gun nuts will act on it.
This could be what some Republicans are afraid of from his base.
(48,399 posts)of fake news, where he is head of an alternative state and everyone owes fealty to him.
If someone in your family exhibited these traits it would prompt an evaluation fast.
"We have just begun to fight"? Ring the bell for mental health!
(86,009 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)Look for the ones with an IQ above room temperature.
marble falls
(62,919 posts)Buckeye_Democrat
(15,116 posts)"Every Critic, Every Detractor, Will Have To Bow Down To President Trump... the most powerful man in the Universe!"
True Blue American
(18,351 posts)When his power flew out the door on Joe Bidens wings when he received 7 million more votes!
(15,116 posts)The ghost writer of "The Art of the Deal", after being around Trump for several months to write (fabricate) the book, thought he could cause an end to civilization because of his sociopathic mind.
I won't be fully at ease until he's officially removed from office, although the electoral victory by Biden/Harris definitely helped in that regard.
Jim Jordan, Matt Getz, Devin Nunes....any other questions Trumpy
True Blue American
(18,351 posts)Why cant he hold his body still? Then they showed a video of Melania taken this week. She was doing the same thing. His belligerence is gone. He seems shell shocked.
(6,096 posts)True Blue American
(18,351 posts)Has done got up and went!
(2,809 posts)"Somebody pull-eeeease drive a stake through that orange thing's black little heart."
Of course he's just out to please everyone's stupidest aunt and uncle like mine on the "whitest" side of my... ahem... family. Oh wait a minute, they're a decade deceased. They'd have raised from the grave to vote for the Frump though. Sometimes the passage of generations happens for good reasons.
(2,642 posts)If I had known I was going to get banned for pointing out that police used rubber bullets on peaceful protesters (which they did), I would have finally said what I felt, which is pretty much what you said.
(2,809 posts)A decade ago now, Facebook for me became a brawl between family and so-called "friends". I first asked one of my midwestern cousins not to post horribly racist Obama pictures on my page. I asked the same of some re-kindled friendships I'd made from way back in high school. That went horribly wrong, not only did they de-friend me there, but I got ambushed so totally by RWNJ's I de-activated Facebook and left it to rot in it's weird little meaningless quarantine since.
I'd joined the twitter thing about a year ago, seemed sort of fun, bubblegum internet sort of like BookFace. Till I just laughed when I saw I got kicked off there by the moderators for that. Like, freakin' seriously... LMFAO.
Certainly hadn't really ever considered someone would take the sort of comment seriously. Until lately when I found out you can buy the real hand+carved things! Hmmm... it really is true, you can get anything these days.
Response to sabra (Original post)
lambchopp59 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(40,915 posts)Trump republican - revenge and retaliation.
(40,915 posts)GOP Rep. Defends Devin Nunes By Claiming 'He Works For The President'
(43,849 posts)Talitha
(7,500 posts)birdographer
(2,642 posts)get online, and chant "Please be dead, please be dead" as I call up a news site. If he were gone, SO MUCH of this would go away. Let them make him a martyr, just let him be gone.
(2,701 posts)The WaP doesn't give two shits about his demands...
(470 posts)the actions of a member of the Inner Party?
(28,569 posts)jmowreader
(51,796 posts)Does this stupid fuck think he can fire congressmen? If so, Don Don...
(11,500 posts)