Postal Service Delays Disenfranchised Thousands of Legally-Cast Ballots This Fall
Source: NBC Washington
US Postal Service workers likely delivered more than 99.9% of the nations mail ballots in-time to be counted this year, despite record participation and unprecedented pandemic-related challenges. However, it also appears the USPS disenfranchised tens of thousands of voters who mailed legally-cast ballots the week before the election - through substandard performance.
NBCLX analyzed election records - as well as postal records obtained through federal court filings - to find out how many ballots, cast the week before the election, were ultimately rejected.
Because each state collects ballot statistics differently, its impossible to know exactly how many ballots arrived after state deadlines or how many of those were due to USPS delays. But records indicate the figure is likely no more than a few thousand votes in any given state not enough to change the results of a single battleground in 2020.
All of us, I think, stopped a true disaster from happening, said Remy Green, a New York attorney who sued President Trump, Postmaster DeJoy, and the USPS over delays this summer. This could have been so much worse.
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(2,328 posts)as they try to suppress as much of the vote as they can
(8,048 posts)onetexan
(13,913 posts)karynnj
(60,089 posts)While no state's Presidential result would have changed per their analysis, could any very close Congressional result have changed? Isn't their an Iowa seat that was lost by 6 votes? I realize the numbers at the district level are smaller than the numbers at the state level, but some of those races were far closer.
Other than that, I agree with Remy Green that without the pushback and the HUGE effort to get the votes mailed very early, it could have been worse. The VERY fact that this was done to help Trump is something that needs to stand as the terrible partisan action of someone who should have been working for the country's good - not Trump's.
(7,214 posts)DallasNE
(7,652 posts)And there were court ordered sweeps of USPS facilities that turned up tens of thousands of ballots that would not have gotten counted without the sweeps. The fraud that there was was nearly all right wing fraud that hurt Democrats.
(1,654 posts)Right out in the open. Lock him up.
(2,316 posts)They didn't factor in the patriotism of USPS employees who went public early. When Dumpster Donnie was urging his followers NOT to use safe mail-in ballots. Instead he told his voters to go out during a pandemic and stand in line for hours.
All that time, Dumpster Donnie knew that the criminal, unwarranted, unannounced secret slowdown was happening. Thank patriotic USPS workers for blowing the whistle. It was a foolproof plan, but as with all Dumpster Donnie plans, it was poorly implemented.
Congress should investigate.
(23,346 posts)He couldn't threaten the postal workers because there's far too many and the chain of command is far too complex compared to his real estate business. They turned on him, knowing that he was f*cking America over, and their patriotism should be rewarded.
(2,316 posts)Evolve Dammit
(19,751 posts)electric_blue68
(19,789 posts)

(54,770 posts)paying attention.
99.9% received in time. Name one organization that achieves that, in a pandemic for Christ's sake.
(1,779 posts)T
(23,932 posts)* - in this case, the Deep State is the legions of capable, dedicated postal workers who moved the mail regardless of political theater and executive vandalism.
Darn them to heck.
(53,845 posts)flibbitygiblets
(7,220 posts)Imagine if the shoe had been on the other foot The teeth-gnashing and howling on the part of the whiny, self-centered Republicans could be heard from space.
(19,789 posts)BumRushDaShow
(146,662 posts)they actually had identified about 10,000 ballots that came between Nov. 3 and Nov. 6 and were not counted.
(36,478 posts)There's a PA Supreme Court ruling that the "late" ballots - mailed by November 3rd but delivered as late as November 6 - were to be included in the overall vote counts. It's one of the main reasons why our PA election results were reported later, because of those mailed ballots that got delayed in delivery.
In some cases the Postal Service is to blame for delays. In others, it's the fault of the voters (signature errors etc.) or other reasons. Those votes were counted by each County Election Board.
Any ballots that came after November 6th were not counted.
(146,662 posts)(that name still cracks me up )
When you look at the state's election site, there is a banner -
The SCOTUS left that hanging out there and hasn't lifted that order. The "official" certification went forward without those votes.

(I think in the running count, that might be the "1" in the "1 - 40" cases lost by 45)
Marie Marie
(10,048 posts)Especially since the Dems were more likely to have voted by mail.
(7,652 posts)That it likely caused 4 Democrats to lose House races so it is still significant. I am talking about races where the margin was less than 400 votes and 1 in NY was 12 votes and 1 in IA was 6 votes.
(5,048 posts)count every "legal" vote!
(19,036 posts)If it's the Friday before the election and you still haven't voted yet, at that point the smart thing to do is vote in person.
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