Democrats slam Trump for refusing to consult Congress before Syria strikes
Source: Newsweek
Senior Democrats criticized President Donald Trump Friday for launching air strikes against the Syrian government without first consulting Congress.
Trump announced Friday that the U.S. and its allies the U.K. and France were launching "precision" air strikes in response to Syrias alleged use of chemical weapons in an attack on civilians in Douma, eastern Ghouta, a week ago.
Minority House Leader Nancy Pelosi said the Syrian governments use of poison gas was a brutally inhuman war crime. Yet one night of airstrikes is no substitute for a coherent strategy.
The President must come to Congress and secure an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) by proposing a comprehensive strategy with clear objectives that keep our military safe and avoid collateral damage to innocent civilians, Pelosi added.
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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: The President must come to Congress and secure an Authorization for Use of Military Force.