Republican candidate caught on tape explaining how he's banking on terrorist attack to help him win
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by muriel_volestrangler (a host of the Latest Breaking News forum).
Source: Daily Kos
A South Dakota Republican congressional candidate is trying to walk back the truly insane, recorded statement he made claiming that an Islamic terrorist attack on U.S. soil would propel him to win the Republican nomination in South Dakotas June primary.
In the recording, he says: And then all that has to happen is that there will be one more terrorist attack between now and then and I will be the, just by the Trump effect, I will be the candidate. Thats the way I look at it.
Read more:
South Dakota GOP House candidate Neal Tapio: Waiting for "the Trump effect" - or is it the Bush effect.

(23,350 posts)Seriously? Or is something about to happen that this guy just telegraphed? A new MIHOP in the works?
(34,778 posts)Cross roads and make your deal.
(14,386 posts)
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,407 posts)Mrs. Overall
(6,839 posts)I continue to hate republicans more and more.
I used to be a person who didn't hate.
(52,066 posts)is how I feel now
(3,134 posts)The French had a good solution to selfishness and inhumanity
C Moon
(12,690 posts)Unfucking believable that these assholes think that way.
What if that Islamic terrorist attack affected your family directly, would that still work for you?ass!
(3,134 posts)Amimnoch
(4,558 posts)Ive said in a few threads now that I fully believe that Trump and Putin will orchestrate a controlled escalation of conflict to ensure 45s protection.
If 45 didnt continuously demonstrate all 14 of the traits of a fascist dictator, Id have second thoughts on this, but as it stands Im fully expecting the manufacturing of a modern day Reichstag fire, and with the collusion, Im expecting it to happen with Russia.
Anyone who actually believes that 45 cares, at all, about the lives of our troops is a fool, and hasnt really been paying attention.
A manufactured, controlled escalation of hostilities for 45 could:
*Take the heat off the scrutiny of his Russian connections.
*Be used to paint Democrats as weak on the military to energize their base come election time.
*Be used as a large enough diversion for him to blame the Mueller investigation for being a cause of the conflict and use it as an excuse to kill off the investigation without the tRumpublicon congress intervening.
*Come november he may even use the manufactured conflict to declare a state of emergency, and strong-arm tRumpublicon governors to suspend state elections to protect the integrity of the US government in this time of war or some such bullshit.
(1,134 posts)Repukes have long ago forfeited any claim to patriotism, it is all about political power and feathering their own nests.
Roy Rolling
(7,252 posts)I'm mature. It used to be a fact a Republican would exploit such an event, and would be criticized for bad behavior. Now, they encourage disasters to feather their nest. The GOP are anarchists, with a mission to destroy government and have people governed by market-based principles of corporations.
(4,407 posts)tanyev
(45,304 posts)Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)not fooled
(6,154 posts)to be frightened by an attack so that their fear overrides their rational disgust at all of the sh*t that has gone down under the orange turd."
(3,424 posts)All their money won't mean a thing when things escalate and we are the targets. They think they are somehow safe from it all.
(74,187 posts)riversedge
(74,187 posts)LISTEN: Neal Tapio talks about impact terrorist attack would have on campaign
Saturday, April 07, 2018 6:22 p.m. CDT by Todd Epp
State Sen. Neal Tapio, 1/30/18. News photo by Todd Epp.
Audio of Republican Congressional candidate Neal Tapio talking about his campaign strategy.
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( News has obtained a recording of Republican Congressional candidate Neal Tapio where he suggests that an Islamic terrorist attack on the United States prior to the June South Dakota primary could assist his candidacy.
In the recording, he says, And then all that has to happen is that there will be one more terrorist attack between now and then and I will be the, just by the Trump effect, I will be the candidate. Thats the way I look at it.
Before writing this story, News asked Tapio about the provenience of the tape, whether it was taken out of context, and any other reaction he might have. Rather than responding directly to News, Tapio posted his replyand the audioto his Facebook campaign page Saturday afternoon.
In his response on Facebook, Tapio said. First, I would like to thank the person who secretly recorded a private conversation with me and sent it to the press. Tapio also noted, Where the hell do you think this hateful and deadly ideology comes from? Does it come simply by accident? Or from a few extremists who misinterpret the true Islam? News asked Tapio if he thought a terrorist attack would help his campaign.
He responded: To suggest I am advocating for a terror attack is a disgusting smear and you should be ashamed of yourself. Anyone that would even suggest that is a vile and disgusting individual not worthy of being taken seriously. I would caution you that questions like that prove that you do not take journalism or this issue seriously.
Tapio said he also disagreed with the approach to fighting Islamic terrorists under both the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.
While you thought you would hurt me, you actually helped me, Tapio wrote. KELO IS DOING ONE MORE STORY ON ISLAMIC TERRORISM. (Emphsis Tapio's.) More importantly, it gives me one more opportunity to prove I am the most prepared person in South Dakota to discuss Islamic terrorism.
(306,979 posts)thanks, rivers
(31,028 posts)A well-timed terrorist attack and I'll be golden. The more horrific, the better.
(74,187 posts)
South Dakota state Senator who says terrorist attack will help his congressional campaign has history of anti-Muslim hate - Southern Poverty Law Center
Link to tweet
(74,187 posts)Dakota Free Press
? @dfpblog
Apr 12
Tapio Gets Cash from Illinois Millionaire Who Backed Roy Moore: Dakota War College discusses Republican U.S. House candidate Neal Tapios meager first-quarter fundraising report. $7,555 in individual contributions, $12,000 spent just to keep Shad Olson
Link to tweet
(25,565 posts)FUCK YOU.............wishing people would be harmed, so that you can run on your piece of shit fascist nihilistic principles.........................................FUCK YOU and the horse you rode in on.
I really hope that someone asks him a question...............did you mean that you hoped that I get hurt, so that you get elected, are you that inhuman ...............your an asshole..................
November 2018 cannot get here fast enough
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)He sounds just as bad.
(102,980 posts)it was posted on Daily Kos 28 hours before the start of this thread; and they based it on a news report from April 7th.
Please repost in GD. Thanks.