The neo administration just axed the top brains in State
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Source: Reuters
The Trump administration has accepted the resignations of two top State Department officials effective on Friday, a step entirely within the new president's rights but an abrupt departure for the diplomats, officials said on Thursday.
Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and acting Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Thomas Countryman both plan to leave their posts by Friday, the officials said.
Turnover is the rule, rather than the exception, among the top officials in the U.S. government when the White House changes hands from one party to another, in this case from Democrat Barack Obama to Republican Donald Trump.
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One of these career diplomats is family to a close friend and I've known him for many years. A brilliant, dedicated peacemaker who has brokered many arms control treaties through the years. Rachel Maddow says he did not go of his own accord, I haven't been able to get any news of my own about this. The inmates have taken over the asylum.