Reid: 'Absolute fraud' Grayson should drop Fla. Senate bid
Source: AP
Top Democrats are pressuring Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson to drop his bid for U.S. Senate in Florida following reports he physically abused his ex-wife.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday that Grayson is an "absolute fraud," adding: "Now having whacked his ex-wife around a few times ... I don't know who supports him other than himself."
Reid has tangled in the past with Grayson, an unpredictable liberal firebrand who is defying Democratic leaders' wishes by challenging their favored candidate, moderate Democratic Rep. Patrick Murphy, in the Aug. 30 Florida primary.
Reid's comments to reporters in Philadelphia for the Democratic convention followed a similar statement a day earlier from the No. 3 Senate Democrat, Chuck Schumer of New York, who is on track to be the party's leader in the chamber next year.
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(15,882 posts)(18) wrote a statement that he never touched her.
The complaint was dismissed. Again. Never been convicted. Never.
Not enough Republicans to go after Harry? You have to use innuendo and lies?
Grayson can take care of himself, but lies need to not go unchallenged.
(52,788 posts)jtuck004
(15,882 posts)FBaggins
(27,970 posts)...that voters had to assume that you did nothing wrong.
The burden of proof is and should always be higher for criminal conviction than for public service.
(13,660 posts)jtuck004
(15,882 posts)and NO THANKS, Reid+. 'Defying Democratic leaders' wishes' is ok with me.
(3,982 posts)I would be careful about getting in the middle of this. It is not unusual for a victim to get the brunt when the perpetrator tries to turn the story around.
This is a very recognizable component of domestic violence. Why would any progressive want to sit in judgement and potentially hurt the actual victim? Let the courts deal with it.
Certainly it could be the other way around and Grayson is trying to flip what happened but we don't know that and this video clearly shows that this is a matter best left to the courts to sort out.
(1,917 posts)most posters here are NOT progressive.
Most admit and glorify being 'conservative'(shudder).
(11,641 posts)The couple's oldest daughter issued a statement to POLITICO, saying her father had done nothing wrong throughout the marriage. Skye Grayson, 21, said she and her siblings did not want to be pawns in a game of power with an unnamed political opponent.
My mother has always struggled with emotional issues, said Skye Grayson, who noted that several of the older children chose to live with their dad. She physically lashed out at me, my siblings and our father, and then blamed us for it, victimizing us. This resulted in a considerably troubled childhood home.
Skye Grayson herself was accused at one point of domestic abuse by her mother. In November 2013, Lolita Grayson told the Orange County Sheriff's Office that her daughter slapped the phone out of her hand as she dialed 911 after an argument erupted over Skye Grayson smoking in her car. No arrests were made.
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(20,450 posts)runaway hero
(835 posts)Liberal_Stalwart71
(20,450 posts)...I think it's a combination of the allegations, Grayson's weakness as a candidate, and his temperament. I understand that he is quick to anger and can be emotionally unpredictable.
More than anything, I believe Murphy is a better candidate and the ReThugs demonstrate this by attacking him so that they can run against Grayson. Grayson does nothing for the race and staying in hurts the Democratic party's chances.
That's why.
runaway hero
(835 posts)He gets mad because the right makes him mad. We need him against Trump.
(20,450 posts)runaway hero
(835 posts)Miami and Orlando should help him carry but Florida can be wild.
(224 posts)I thought people on this site would still uphold innocent until proven guilty! Can't you see this is Reid meddling against someone who called him out?
I say let's go with facts, not innuendo!
(3,982 posts)emotionalism can turn people toward authoritarian and black and white thinking.
I agree with you.
(37,748 posts)I don't think speaking one's opinion rises to "meddling," nor does that opinion indict or sentence anyone... court's do that.
(14,626 posts)Harry Reid should chill out and let all the facts come in before taking action.
(64,648 posts)See for example
It's messy, but it's premature to day that "Grayson clearly doesn't appear at fault."
Regardless, he's problematic and vulnerable as a candidate, so he should withdraw before loses the election over this.
(14,626 posts)We don't know the answer at this point. I don't think his political career should be ruined when the facts have not been established.
(64,648 posts)This makes him a weaker candidate whether or not it's true, and if his vulnerability means that a Republican will take his seat, then he should withdraw.
Unfortunately, "guilty until proven innocent" doesn't apply here.
(27,970 posts)If not voting for/against him in a primary?
(262 posts)Murhpy is Repub turned Dem. Harry Reid has tried to blackball Grayson a couple of times in the past but just the other day he had kind words for Grayson calling him a true PROGRESSIVE. Then this so-called abuse takes place. The video shows Grayson backing away after clutching a brown paper bag. His ex is definitely angered by his actions and IMO she's the attacker. Even Grayson's daughter has said the ex was on the attack. So Yes, we need to get the facts before coming to some conclusions that may or may not be true. The video might be doctored, I can't tell.
(1,735 posts)have waged a very, very bitter divorce battle for years. Neither seemed to give a thought to how that would effect their seven children. As far as I'm concerned, a pox on both their houses. Parents who don't care about the mental well-being children are not nice people.
(46 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,505 posts)Neither side can win a cat fight
(113,131 posts)All available evidence says the wife is the physical abuser in this case.
Divorce is always messy, even when the parties try to be civilized. Civilized isn't happening with this one.
(6,852 posts)... if we took the exact same facts with a Republican. We need to hold progressives to the same standard or else we are guilty of big time hypocrisy.
(1,861 posts)She steps in and slaps him without any fear. This isn't the action of a battered spouse.
I've seen this before, several times in my life in fact, where the woman is the aggressor but tries to pin it on the man. And many times, the man will go to jail for the sake of the kids.
(131 posts)I realize all situations are different & I don't know their story, but as an ex-wife of a man that abused me for 8yrs, confronting him in that way would have been a death sentence for me.
(7,358 posts)premature and I would think political.
Blue Idaho
(5,500 posts)Your garden variety DU member? I don't really have a dog in this fight one way or the other - but is it possible the House Democratic leader knows more about one of his former colleagues than we do?
One thing is certain - having to answer that age old political trickster question: "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" Will be a drag on his election. I'm sure the republicans know that too.
(33,424 posts)He may or may not know more than we do.
Blue Idaho
(5,500 posts)Of course he's in the Senate...
(14,167 posts)This woman, Lolita Grayson, married him knowing she was already married to someone else. She spent 25 years with Alan knowing she was married to another man. She apparently married Alan in 1990, but divorced her first husband in 1994. This speaks to her character, in my opinion.
However, this situation cannot be resolved in time for the election. I understand why people have withdrawn their support. Alan may have to sit this one out knowing that he will eventually be vindicated if his account is true.
Sad all the way around. I really feel for the children.
(11,641 posts)But even at the age of 21 I've had people here chide me because she is a kid that is being manipulated by her father.
They refuse to accept the video evidence when the last claim was made and this daughter's statements.
Her mom has also called the police for domestic abuse against the daughter as well. No charges were made then.
The couple's oldest daughter issued a statement to POLITICO, saying her father had done nothing wrong throughout the marriage. Skye Grayson, 21, said she and her siblings did not want to be pawns in a game of power with an unnamed political opponent.
My mother has always struggled with emotional issues, said Skye Grayson, who noted that several of the older children chose to live with their dad. She physically lashed out at me, my siblings and our father, and then blamed us for it, victimizing us. This resulted in a considerably troubled childhood home.
Skye Grayson herself was accused at one point of domestic abuse by her mother. In November 2013, Lolita Grayson told the Orange County Sheriff's Office that her daughter slapped the phone out of her hand as she dialed 911 after an argument erupted over Skye Grayson smoking in her car. No arrests were made.
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(14,167 posts)Their mother may indeed be volatile or emotional. That could have been what initially attracted Alan. But it makes for a difficult marriage and family life. I think the truth will come out eventually.
(3,982 posts)It is a tragedy that Ried may have actually blamed the victim in this situation.
And Reid, at his age, should know better anyway. Divorce is always messy and it is foolish for anyone to make assumptions since it involves heavy feelings and the shame that we still place on people divorcing (and human nature) often drives people to blame each other even when often there is really no "bad guy(girl) but rather two people that could not work together.
(54,770 posts)in trouble. One video does not seem to paint the picture. Maybe she needs help, but I think Grayson
Angel Martin
(942 posts)just because he was the victim of the same sort of financial fraud twice.
Most people are emotionally crushed by being a fraud victim of this kind, and are ultra suspicious for the rest of their lives.
But Grayson, whatever else you can say is pretty sharp, is burned twice in 4 years ... hmm ?
(416 posts)Too bad you don't quit earlier Harry, you've been about as useful as a fart in a space suit...
(5,479 posts)who in " NOW a warning?" Is saying Debbie and the DNC weren't fair to Bernie?