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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsA Quick Post-Election F-You to the following (and one non f-you)
- To the whites with college degrees that swung 57-40 for Moore. To the 57% Fuck you
- To the 32% of mothers with children under 18 who went for Moore - Fuck You
- To the 62% of rural voters who went Moore - Fuck You
- To the 4% of African American voters who voted for the pedo... Fuck You
- Steve Bannon who angrily fled to his vehicle refusing to answer questions - Fuck You
- The RNC and their chair - A Giant Fuck You. Their chair gets an extra f-you for both supporting Moore and removing Romney from her name to make il douche happy. I won't put her name because without it, she doesn't deserve it
-The Rev Falwell for claiming the Moore was a Christian and God's candidate - Fuck You
- Brit Hume and the rest of the losers at faux news for their asinine "Doug Jones is a Lame Duck Senator." - Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You!
- According to Politico 52% of voters believed the allegations against Moore and by an 89-11 margin they went Jones. To that 11% fuck you
- To Sen Cory Gardner (Ass wipe-CO) who said, "I hope Senator-elect Doug Jones will do the right thing and truly represent Alabama by choosing to vote with the Senate Republican Majority." - Definitely Fuck You x 1000
- Peggy Young Nance of Concerned Women for America, who supported Moore because being a supporter of a woman's right to choose is much worse than being a pedophile. To Ms Nance, "I guess the people of Alabama are less concerned about abortion than you thought." - Oh. And FUCK YOU
- To the other Peggy, Noonan, who said Jones was too liberal for Alabama - Fuck you. Even if it were a slam against Alabama still fuck you
- To Donald Il Douche Trump. I understand why you wanted Moore to win, he makes your crimes look almost pedestrian by comparison. But, you made an effort to get him elected, you ignored your advisors at the WH, you ignored the republikkan senators who advised you to stay away and Moore lost. Not only did Moore lose, but Strange lost when you supported him. - Fuck You
- And last, but not least, anyone who voted for Moore that I left out, donated money to Moore, defended Moore even marginally, spoke ill of Senator-elect Jones -- FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
And to finish... to the men and women who voted for Senator-elect Jones. To the millions of African Americans in Alabama who voted, to the Asians, Hispanics, Native, etc Americans who voted Jones, to the republikkans who climbed out of their bubble, to the first time voters who got registered and voted, to the unsung heroes, the people who worked their asses off to get people registered and get people out to vote for Doug Jones and to Senator Doug Jones and his family THANK YOU
(3,622 posts)rpannier
(24,607 posts)Who the f*ck admits to that
"Yes, I believe he rapes underage girls, but I'm voting for him anyway."
(3,321 posts)Governor of Alabama says she thinks Roy Moore is guilty, and also shes going to vote for him
(24,607 posts)Shows her priorities
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Afromania
(2,798 posts)molester. In fact here is another great big double down FUCK YOU to each and every one of those assholes.
(96,882 posts)You seem to be conflating Franklin Graham (Billy Graham's son) and Jerry Falwell, Jr. (son of Jerry Falwell)
(24,607 posts)Thank you
That's pretty big mistake
(16,068 posts)To the Media:
"Fuck you, you nattering nabobs of normalization.
Just fuck you.
You "own" this shitstain!
You "own" the destruction of this country!
Just fuck you for what you've done to our society.
Spare us your phony outrage. That outrage will only last for a fleeting moment until you move on to having some chuckheaded Retrumplican on to tell us some bullshit like; "that's just shitgibbon being shitgibbon", or "Jones needs to reach-out to the Pedophile Vote".
Can't wait for the "breathless Breaking News" reports as you send some reporter out to Dumbfuckistan, Alabama to interview some toothless, red-necked, racist, shit-for-brains red hatted hayseed who will tell us how much they just love "the shitgibbon being the shitgibbon", and that all the Moore pedophile reports are a "George Soros plot to make their children fuck animals."
Just fuck the entire lot of you.
mountain grammy
(27,443 posts)world wide wally
(21,835 posts)Pope George Ringo II
(1,896 posts)When a President loses the popular vote by three million, shouldn't he and his Vice President represent America by siding with the Democrats all the time?
(10,015 posts)grantcart
(53,061 posts)notdarkyet
(2,226 posts)Repub. He will vote for what's right.
(14,629 posts)Seriously, thanks for compiling that list. I suspect you've expressed the feelings of most everyone on DU this morning.
A giant FU also goes out to Repug congresscritters for not speaking up in disgust against Moore.
Pacifist Patriot
(24,914 posts)KY_EnviroGuy
(14,629 posts)That's some good Twitter, thanks!
Pacifist Patriot
(24,914 posts)I'm just not clever enough.
(21,646 posts)calimary
(84,860 posts)elmac
(4,642 posts)this proves that college degrees doesn't cure stupid.
(29,936 posts)Butterflylady
(4,050 posts)Said brilliantly! Covered it pretty well.
(6,715 posts)when Scott Brown won Sen Ted Kennedy's seat no one called him a lame duck senator? Two years later Sen Warren won.
(28,270 posts)I agree, FO to all Pedo Moore supporters everywhere!
And God bless the voters of Alabama who did what the experts said could not be done!
ON TO 2018 and the big blue wave!!!!
(16,132 posts)No excuses!
(24,607 posts)Excellent!! EXCELLENT rant!
And a thank you to Joe Trippi for his on-ground organizing. And to all my fellow donors to the campaign, thank you!
(57,396 posts)rpannier
(24,607 posts)He is a first rate douche
Some people will never be happy
Fuck them
Ferrets are Cool
(22,068 posts)Proud DEMOCRATIC voter.
(662 posts)who voted for Moore but still complain about misogyny, sexual harassment, molestation. This shows this voting bloc is very hypocritical and suffers from Stockholm syndrome.
Orange Free State
(611 posts)Bannon. We should take shifts, volunteer to make sure he gets exercise and eats a healthy diet. Why? Because that dissolute drunk is the best thing we have going for us right now. If he keeps pushing candidates who are as far out there as Moore, we could do really really well in 2018. And we should be helping him to find more candidates like Moore.
Where is that BSC woman from Delaware when you need her, the one who said she was a witch? Someone point her broomstick towards Bannon.