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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsBack over 300 moves to "likely," Missouri comes home, but still disturbed at how close Michigan and Ohio are; they should be ours to lose this time around.
(53,475 posts)KaryninMiami
(3,073 posts)Any state still using electronic voting machines can say goodbye to 1-3% of the votes. That's the reality and the reason why in close elections, within 1-3 points, the results often do not match the exit polls. Thats how Rick Scott became FL governor (and W got re-elected) and Walker got in again.
(53,475 posts)KaryninMiami
(3,073 posts)It's a subject I'm pretty passionate about. And after spending 5 years (along with Brad Friedman, Clint Curtis, Bev Harris and many more activists in the anti-voting machine community) pleading with the MSM and friends and family to pay attention, out of sheer exhaustion, I simply eventually, had to calm down about it. Clearly the American public is not interested in knowing whether their votes count or not and the enormousness of the reality of our elections being rigged is too big for anyone in the government to take on head on- but it's a topic that will remain singed in my memory in my heart. One day it will be a tragic history lesson. But it will be too late, sadly.
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)that Bev Harris' name is anathema here.
(3,073 posts)Was a close friend of Andy Stephenson and remember very well what transpired. But the information she gathered was very important and helpful and made a big impact in the election fraud communities efforts.
(137,306 posts)and don't know about 'the bev Harris stuff,' probably thankfully.
She's still working, as you probably know. Part of e.mail just received:
Not if you don't mind some unknown guys working offshore controlling whatever they choose to in the software processing votes and voters.
For more on Malaysian, Chinese, Canadian, Spanish, Saudi, Cayman, Irish ownership of USA election software, see full Black Box Voting article with supporting documents and links:
(145,343 posts)I know that MI can be touchy upstate, but...
Good to see Az now in play though!
(33,267 posts)Go to the web site, and click on the individual states. A lot of those projections are based on single polls. South Carolina as "likely Romney" is based on a poll taken back this winter. There is no other polling data for my state.
(16,916 posts)and the Mormon population in Colorado
(9,644 posts)I think MI and Ohio will hinge in large part around jobs and economy issues. I wonder if planning some events at GM facilities in MI and success stories in Ohio would shift the electorate.
I also wonder if the Romney family history is factor in MI and neighboring Ohio as well.
(145,343 posts)(IMHO, I think it is bogus that it is in play considering that Rmoney wanted to sink the car industry and Obama saved it - the caveat being downstate turnout vs the upstate militia crowd. I.e., Willard is NOT his father and I think that people are really seeing that now. He's like the polar opposite and if his father were around today, George would have been dismissed as a RINO)
(11,464 posts)been following him for more than a decade now, however, the one thing I wish he would do is
to NOT count the rasmussen polls at all
Rasmussen we all know how they skew.
BUT what worries me, is how Rasmussen wants to steer the election, now follow me here
so in essence, when its unimportant, he slips a lead for Obama in, then wham bam at some other point, when Ras thinks its important, he will release 3 new polls and claim Mittens is gaining
so it means a good democrat poll from Ras is more scary than the normal bad one with Ras
(and explains why Ras has the ability to change polls at the end, then claim he is accurate
(why?Because earlier on he didn't give the public the correct numbers or polls, at the end he does solely to say his numbers are spot on.(Icall it bullcrap)
If I were the votemaster at I would drop them from the tallies altogether as they have never proven worthy.
meanwhile, never once has Obama lost the electoral lead at and is gaining here.
270 is all that's needed, but I hope its a veritable landslide on election day with an Obama victory and a takeback of the house and keeping the senate, then over the next four years,
with retirements and all, take back the courts and take back our America.
(24,689 posts)They skew the numbers when they think it benefits the Republican candidate the most. I dont think any other pollster is as blatant about it as Ras.
(38,590 posts)I actually had somebody tell me that.
(45,790 posts)But, yeah, I feel a little better.
(22,308 posts)I think we will still win here but it is closer than it should be.
There is a possible silver lining here. In 2008 the McCain campaign spent a lot of time and money here and then gave up and pulled out. This caused some problems within their campaign as well as within the state (R) party.
Maybe history will repeat itself.
(24,689 posts)Surprised MO leans blue. Florida likely blue is also good news. Yes, MI shouldnt be so close but I think Obama still wins it. The "Let Detroit go Bankrupt" ads in Oct will ensure that. Ohio being close is not surprising.
All in all, the Obama campaign must feel this is a good situation to be in at this point given the circumstances.
(1,374 posts)flamingdem
(39,986 posts)Rove, et al must be feeling desperate
(60,011 posts)Fla will have to rig the election to win.
(16,462 posts)Occulus
(20,599 posts)ananda
(31,052 posts).. along with Pennsylvania.
(9,933 posts)I have my doubts about those states but it would be nice if they went democratic
(16,916 posts)you mean "stay" Dem, right?
(72,816 posts)Mitt's stand on the auto loans and bain capital will hurt him badly
in the state.
West Virginia and Kentucky always kill me when the people vote
against their own best interests time after time because some "pastor*"
fills people who should be voting democratic heads w/ misinformation
about Gays, Guns, and God. I think racism will play a part in the voting
in those 2 states this year.
You would think when the Big Branch mine blew up killing 29 miners because
the government did not enforce mine safety regulations and the coal company
did the same that people of the coal regions would wake up and realize that
the republicans had been and continue to lie to the people about all the burdens
caused by big government over regulating the free market.
* or fox news or lack of education
(17,817 posts)If the redistricting doesn't get you, the voter ID laws will. If neither is enough, voting machine fraud will hand the state to Romney.
-- Mal
(18,745 posts)This is a silly way to do EV analysis.
(13,746 posts)As Mitt Romney own op ed should be enough. Florida, frankly, I know the GOP will steal it, as Rick Scott is doing his utmost to disenfranchise all democratic voters. It also does not help that the GOP coronation/convention is in Tampa, which means the would be Jim Holmes will be lathered up. I do not use that lightly, as people are already bragging about how "stand your ground" could be used to "shoot hippies." Do not forget, Tampa is the radio market that elevated Glenn Beck to fame, and he has a station worth of fellow shock jocks who make him look like Dennis Kucininch.
(6,145 posts)Serious people at NBC are saying that Obama needs to back off if he wants to get re-elected.
This can't be true.