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The Shooter and Terrorist Is A White Man With An Automatic Rifle That Killed Up To 60+ and Injured...500+ Innocent Lives attending a Country Music Concert --- So It Cannot Be Terrorism -- because the Shooter Was White and Male....
Which is straight up BS by the way. This shit is beyond, beyond. Why if it's a White Male it "Cannot" be what it is TERRORISM but if they are any other race and do the same thing -- it is Terrorism.

(2,998 posts)This was just the work of a random lunatic.
(1,459 posts)... but until one is demonstrated you are correct and it doesn't meet the standard.
(25,532 posts)that no travel ban will help keep out
(7,006 posts)Agreed!
(63,221 posts)
(7,006 posts)Amazing how that happens. Just amazing. Also, FYI -- STEPHEN PADDOCK IS A WHITE MALE TERRORIST.
(1,459 posts)It's just a fact of how words are defined.
(5,825 posts)The state's statute says:
act of terrorism means any act that involves the use or attempted use of sabotage, coercion or violence which is intended to cause great bodily harm or death to the general population.
Nevada state law separately defines a terrorist as "a person who intentionally commits, causes, aids, furthers or conceals an act of terrorism or attempts to commit, cause, aid, further or conceal an act of terrorism".
(1,459 posts)I was referring to the accepted definition among professionals.
Localities may vary...
(58,733 posts)Yep, that's terror.
He terrorized those killed and injured and the city.
(47,455 posts)This is obvious white washed privilege. As if white males don't have political goals. You don't know his goals
How about start with using the same words as if he were a Muslim. Then correct it to lone wolf or whatever later on if that turns out to be the case. People should not hesitate to call a white man a terrorist. It's better to assume there was a political goal first. Not just some spontaneous random lunacy that required careful planning and an accomplice.
Pretending it doesn't exist won't stop it from happening.
(103,438 posts)You can bet in the next few days they will call this guy a liberal (he's not), a member of ISIS (he's not) or something else. The fact that this was a 64 year old white guy with no political affiliation does not meet their profile is going to put a damper in their plans to further divide this country. But regardless of race or party affiliation or anything else one thing we can all agree on: he's a fucking terrorist.
(7,006 posts)he's a fucking terrorist.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,390 posts)Didnt they take an oath to ensure DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY?
Or, am I off base?
23 posted on 10/2/2017, 3:09:30 AM by Finalapproach29er (luke 6:38)
58 posted on 10/2/2017, 3:23:45 AM by Vision Thing (You see the depths of our hearts, and You love us the same...)
143 posted on 10/2/2017, 3:48:56 AM by antceecee (Bless us Lord, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life.)
(28,270 posts)
(30,151 posts)I'll wait while you google the names and compose your response...
(58,785 posts)matter how many people are angrily yammering right now that it does. It does not. (Now, how juries behave and what kind of sentences are handed down are a different matter.) But we are nation of laws in spite of the trumpsters, and here is the one most pertinent to this issue:
"The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85)."
IF it is established that Paddock's INTENT was to perform a terrorist act by that definition, he will be legally charged with a terrorist act.
If not, then not.
We don't seem to know yet. He could simply have been not just one of the many who are unbalanced and filled with rage and hate but ALSO one of the very few of those who uses a weapon to express that rage by hurting others. It happens. And it's not terrorism. That this 64-year-old white man chose to murder mostly white people at an easily accessible outdoors country music concert MIGHT suggest that.
OTOH, speculating, perhaps he might have done this in sympathy with the Bundy and militia types, some of whom went to trial this summer and were sent to prison. If he did it to further some sore of anti-government agenda, we'll find a message from him to make sure we know it. And he would be charged with terrorism.
(5,825 posts)But the police deemed it not so anyway.
(58,785 posts)that respect both truth and the rule of law.
For the life of me I don't understand why it's so important to that he be accused of terrorism. Is that somehow worse than 58 counts of murder and over 500 counts of injury with intent to commit murder?
What ideology would he be committing terrorism on behalf of? Big nothing where that little piece of information should be?
Wait. Maybe they'll find a note.
Btw, according to our government's definition of terrorism, here's the ideologic breakdown of all known domestic attacks:
Right wing, non-Islamic: 74% (This would probably be Paddock's if this were done with terrorist intent)
Islamic: 24%
Left wing, non-Islamic 2%
Almost all Islamic terrorists are right wing, so I'd really like to know if any of those were left wing.
100% of all terrorists are extremist, though, not just people filled with rage and hate acting out big time.
Spy Car
(38 posts)What he did was vicious, ugly, and evil.
If his actions did *not* result from political/ideological motivations then he doesn't meet the standard definition of a "terrorist."
That has nothing to do with the hue of his skin.
If all mass-murders are branded terrorists, then we lose a term that specifically describes mass murdered done for reasons of ideology.
It remains to be seen what motivated this mass murder.
But mass murder is NOT always terrorism.
(3,496 posts)Would you not feel terror?
(9,527 posts)Criminal act as terrorism.
Dreamer Tatum
(10,934 posts)Call him one if you like. Call him a burrito. Call him a fire truck.
What difference does it make?
(28,270 posts)When our POS President labels their whole race as criminals, gang members and rapists for the actions of a few.
Or every black american in this country that is scared to death of every cop that pulls them over for a busted tail light.
Labels matter.
It send a clear message when these mass killings by white people are not labeled as terrorist attacks.
Dreamer Tatum
(10,934 posts)and it would appear that the injustices you mentioned can be resolved by creating more injustices.
(28,270 posts)Gotcha
(9,527 posts)Or other people as an enemy because we disagree with them as being against the status quo. You're the one wanting to do what has become normal.
Dreamer Tatum
(10,934 posts)you simply want to augment it with a "AHA! GOTCHA! WHITE GUY!"