The incredible shrinking president
As President Trump formally launches his tax-reform drive this afternoon with a no-details, "vision-casting" speech in Springfield, Missouri, the self-inflicted wounds of the past 222 days are adding up.
The "most powerful man in the world" is suddenly looking mighty powerless:
-Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are going their own way on tax reform.
-Hill sources believe his original targets, including a 15% corporate rate, are dead.
-SecDef Mattis didn't immediately embrace his full ban on transgender troops.
-His Justice Department won't drop the Russia probe.
-Courts won't allow his full Muslim ban.
-Mexico won't pay for his wall.
-Congress won't pay for his wall.
-The Senate won't pass his promised health-care reform.
-Gary Cohn and Sec State Tillerson won't tolerate his Charlottesville response.
-North Korea won't heed his warnings.
-China doesn't fear his trade threats.
-CEOs won't sit on his councils.
-Mexico and Canada won't bend to his will on NAFTA.
19 days in August: Trump's road not taken ... Now imagine where Trump would be today if he had instantly (and only) condemned the racist violence in Charlottesville, blown off the Arizona meltdown rally, and held off on the Arpaio pardon till the usual protocol could be followed.
More at link.