General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsSome have mislabeled Patriot Prayer, the group who tried to speak in SF as "white nationalists"
The fact is that they're not white nationalists... They're actually something completely different.
They're really a bunch of misguided, radical RWNJs who are USEFUL IDIOTS for white nationalists. They're anti-DNC zealots who wouldn't piss on ANY Democrat even if they were on fire, and they're out to weaken and divide the Democratic Party coalition on the West Coast. They may say that they're trying to promote "freedom of speech" and "liberty," but that doesn't mean squat because of what they're actually trying to do. All they really want to do is replace Democratic politicians in upcoming elections with Trump's white nationalists and Tea Party moronic candidates. They're buddy-buddy with Roger Stone and that should tell you all something about their intentions and methods right there.
Their entire shtick is the "there's good people on both sides" routine, which means that they take their cues directly from Trump himself. Their denunciation of nazis and klan scum is nothing but a ruse, because they have no qualms about partnering up with "alt-right" filth like "The Proud Boys."
"Hide the swastikas and confederate flags, guys. We're trying to make you look good."
So, please, if you ever hear anyone calling "Patriot Prayer" nazis, or you come across wingers who try to defend them by claiming they can't be nazis because the group has non-white members in it, correct all of those those people by informing them that the "nazi" tag for the group is just a false narrative and you can see right through it.
It's nothing more than a distraction.
It's "fake news."
The truth is that they're actually a RWNJ gaggle of loud-mouthed motherfuckers who are in the process of NORMALIZING Trump and HIS white supremacist tendencies. Not good at a all.
That makes them even worse, because they're claiming to be against white nationalists when they're actually servicing white nationalists, whether they admit it or not.
Whether or not these people understand what they're doing in behalf of white nationalism, that is a moot point... They don't have to understand in order to serve as useful idiots for white supremacist Trumpanistas. It's only important for us to understand who they are whenever we confront them.
So, don't call them "nazis," because that's not what they are... They're PATSIES for NAZIS... And fools, who don't understand that they're actually RWNJs, furthering the evils of fascism in America.
They're part of the reason why we can never have nice things in this country... They're too fucking stupid and harmful to know just how stupid and harmful they actually are... And they believe that they're completely entitled to do that without opposition.
It's good that the people of SF showed them differently. Hopefully the rest of the West Coast will do the same from here on out.
Have a happy Sunday and, as always, FDT.

Not Ruth
(3,613 posts)dalton99a
(86,338 posts)Voltaire2
(15,201 posts)Mc Mike
(9,178 posts)Their schtick reminds me of those rightwingers who infiltrated the youtube rational skeptics, then spent all their time attacking women, minorities, gays, the left, and backing nazis and dRumpf.
Stone -- nazi, bircher, mob, intel, or all of the above? He's definitely always been a repug.
Comatose Sphagetti
(836 posts)Run.
(3,056 posts)That was my thought immediately as well.
(15,522 posts)I'm not seeing how it's a mislabel.
(73,748 posts)That's because it functions as a social and ideological glue for a cult of white superiority. It's automatically exclusionary of anything that's non-white or non-christian. That's how you can tell who they are. They want you to see all of it, so you can tell who they are and what they stand for.
But that's not how these Patriot Prayer motherfuckers work. They have a very nuanced approach, which supplants white identity for jingoism and forgoes white nationalist identifiers for the flag. They're pretty much waving the flag. And it's very clear why they do this, one, plausible deniability and two, because it appeals to the authoritarian tendencies in conservatives. They're portraying themselves as "patriotic," something that can appeal to all stripes.
They have clearly gone that route and tried to steer away from the tiki torch, "you will not replace us" crowd. But it hasn't stopped them from associating with others who also play around in those circles. Under Trump's takeover of the GOP, it's pretty much unavoidable for the right. I'm just saying that they're guilty, but only by association.
It's like the fact is that Trumpism pays lip service to white nationalists and he is also, in fact, a racist motherfucker. Yet, what's he's doing is appealing to nativist fears and feelings in right wing whites... But without specifically using all of the white nationalist identifiers. No one expects him to get a swastika tat any time soon, right?
But he will use dog-whistles to whites (and by extension, white nationalists.) Which is why they love him, because he serves as a legitimizing force to white nationalism. He's their useful idiot in the White House.
That's exactly what these Patriot assholes are doing, dog-whistling, projecting and promoting authoritarianism, and doing so without all the white nationalist mumble-jumbo.
They're supporting the cause of white nationalism only by stipulating that "free speech" allows it to exist. Free speech supposedly allows everyone to exist, so why not white nationalists, right? And they're also saying that Democrats are "anti-American" because we oppose white nationalism. That's their smear against us. We're "against liberty" and we're "against patriotism," because we're standing up to racist nazis and klan filth.
It's identity politics and they're playing it for all it's worth.
(3,847 posts)Democrats are being ripped apart. We need to stand up to these Nazis and be all over social media and tear these "people" apart. It's time to put aside the Bernie / Hillary BS and fight against these traitors and Nazis ripping all of apart.
(32,257 posts)(Except guns will be allowed cuz its an open carry state)
The march will take place from party district near UT to the Capitol. (About 2 miles)
At the Capitol they will visit the Confederate monuments.
So, it is only a dog whistle to hate speech.
They had a rally in San Antonio a few weeks ago.
They were armed to the teeth.
Then they show up at city council with military grade weapons.
But they all claim it is about "Southern Heritage" or "Free Speech" or "Don't Erase History" or they quote George Santayana "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".
I guess if they quote George Santayana they assume there will not be a civil war or there will no longer be a KKK. The KKK built those memorials..........
(71,038 posts)are enablers of Nazis and do so knowingly which means for all purposes they are Nazis.
(5,210 posts)KG
(28,770 posts)also 'freedom' and 'liberty' make me suspicious when used in organization titles
(103,550 posts)Their bastardized version of "patriot" is code for white nationalism. It's the equivalent of saying "I'm not racist, but..." when finishing that sentence with the most racist thing ever said. You can't sugar coat it. If you have to clarify that you're not racist, you're a racist. The only thing we can do is fight it when we see it.
brer cat
(26,766 posts)FDT
rusty fender
(3,428 posts)Pretty much