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So, the Shart Administration likes their little theme weeks. "Infrastructure Week" and "Golf and Naptime Week" and "Jesus Christ Can't We Find Anyone on the Planet to Replace Reince Priebus Week." Today was "Let's Show the World What a Bunch of Bumbling, Brain-Dead, Malicious, Jagoffs We All Are" Day.
Kellyanne decided to get a head start on Hannity last night with her little flash cards, which is hilarious not only for the relentless parodying they earned on the internet, but because most Drumpf voters can't read in the first place.
Idiocy, after all, is central to defending Shart Junior's "Hey kid, wanna buy some treason?"/"BOY DO I!" troubles. Aw, he's just a KID, everyone's saying. He doesn't know what he's doing! How do you expect a 39-year-old manchild to know that colluding with a hostile foreign government is bad? Look at him! He's barely a functioning human being! He keeps licking Wilbur Ross because he thinks he's a lollipop!
Boss Shart himself keeps playing the Dumbass in the Dark card, telling anybody who'll listen that he just found out about the meeting his son, son-in-law, and campaign manager had with an alleged agent of a hostile foreign power when he read about it in the Failing New York Times over the weekend. But tonight, Yahoo tells us that Donnie's lawyers learned all this three weeks ago, from the Failing Jared Kushner.
Speaking of Jar-Jar, and also of the I'm-just-dumb-as-a-clump-of-dirt defense, having been nailed several times for failing to disclose meetings with foreign agents, he's amended his SF-86 national security form, cuz a few meetings may've slipped his mind the first time he filled it out, excuse me, "lied all over it assuming he's too rich to ever face consequences."
Hey, who hasn't forgotten a meeting here and there, right? Wait, what? He needed to amend it THREE times? Adding over a hundred names? Jesus Fuck.
Somehow this clown still has a high level security clearance, despite committing an offense that would earn any member of military a swift Court Martial. Shit, the House GOP even blocked a vote to strip him of it, because information security is only for Lady Secretaries of State when they're running for President.
The President's Loyal Huntin' Dawg, Beauregard, decided he wants in on some of this hawt above-the-law action! Responding to a court order to release details of his own campaign contacts with Ruskies, Ol' Beau decided to be all cutesy and release a mostly-blank sheet of paper. Sources tell me that, in addition, when a courier came for the document, Sessions briefly humped the courier's leg, before yapping loudly and incessantly until he was out of sight.
Whelp, the Marmalade Shartcannon went to Paris, France today! He stepped off the plane, and said, "By gum, before I head home, I'm gonna embarrass the shit out of every man, woman and child in America!" And for the first time, perhaps in his life, he kept his promise.
He ogled Emmanuel Macron's wife for a bit, like a pervert lurking in the bushes outside a sorority house, then tried to rip her arm off. He gave a little speech suggesting that most folks don't know France was our ally way back during the Revolution, leading America's fourth-graders to collectively facepalm while sighing "Christ, what an asshole." He probably tried to break into the Louvre to rub his ass on the paintings.
And I guess, on Air Force One, Toupee Fiasco was going a few rounds with the press corps, and casually suggested that his Big Dumb Wall be not only solar-powered, but...transparent. A see-through solar wall, because people throw big heavy bags of drugs over the wall, want the people throwing the bags of drugs to make sure they don't hit anybody with their heavy drug bags?
I was 100% certain that story was Borowitz or something when I first saw it, but holy shit, here it is in WaPo. "An' the wall's gonna have a moat alongside it but, like, filled with LAVA, and there'll be alligators that can breathe lava that live in the moat, I'm using the money I'm cutting from Meals on Wheels to speed up the Lava Gator research, Bannon tells me we're real close."
Fake Doctor/Actual Nazi Sebastian Gorka popped up on CNN to defend his boss' I'm-not-a-Russian-agent-your-FACE-is-a-Russian-agent decision to reward Putin for attacking our democracy by returning the spy compounds we confiscated, literally saying "we want to give collaboration a chance," because Parody is dead.
Regrettably, Gorka once again escaped before Indiana Jones arrived at his location. One day, Sebastian...
YertleCare 2.0, Now With More Cruz! had its big unveiling today as well. Cruz' amendment holds with the belief the Founding Fathers held so near and dear, that All Men are Created Equal, Except Those With Preexisting Conditions, For They are Moochers and Takers and Should Have the Decency to Die Somewhere Where We Don't Have to Look at Them.
Susan Collins and Rand Paul hastily called dibs on the two free Nah votes, leaving half a dozen or so others deciding if they'd rather be held responsible for breaking the biggest, loudest, GOP promise of the last decade, or, y'know, the senseless mass murder of thousands of Americans in the name of letting the Koch brothers add to their collection of pillaged ancient Egyptian mummies.
Dean Heller has to go home and ask his dad. Murkowski, Capito, and Portman have to spend the weekend determining whether or not they've been sufficiently bribed. Even Cruz himself is conducting his own whip operation, threatening to spend time socially with any Republicans who oppose the bill.
Anyhow, we need to put this fucker to bed once and for all this weekend, so get on the phones, Resistors.
Marc Kasowitz, Chief Attorney to the Hairplug That Ate Decency, made his own headlines this evening, when ProPublica published an email where he loses his shit all over some dude who was actually giving him the best advice any human being ever gave another, namely QUIT WORKING FOR YOUR SEWER CLOG OF A CLIENT. Kasowitz apologized, and is reportedly struggling with alcoholism, but fuck him anyway for representing that assclown.
To provide a distinct counterpoint to all this humiliating, revolting, tragic, corruption and incompetence, Jimmy Carter required medical treatment today, because he was working his ass off in the hot sun building housing for the less privileged at 92 FUCKING YEARS OLD. Meanwhile the guy we're stuck with needs a golf cart to get through a parade.
I'm sure I've missed some stuff. We're up to our tits in bat guano, shit is so goddamn nucking futz these days. And fuck, the congressional hearings really heat up next week, so, you a helmet, folks.
PS....hang on...Peter Smith, the Republican Dirty Trickster from the WSJ story, who tried to collaborate with the Russians to get ahold of Hilldawg's emails...committed suicide? You are shitting me. You are absolutely shitting me.
I'd very much like to wake up now.

(26,120 posts)You never disappoint.
(17,917 posts)this Godfather meets Clockwork Orange meets Brazil of a nightmare I'm counting on you to share the trick. Sooner rather than later would be great.
(18,116 posts)tblue37
(66,184 posts)dchill
(41,220 posts)malaise
(280,669 posts)and nailing them. Hope he's writing a book
(21,148 posts)Thanks
(26,592 posts)Drug of choice. I can't imagine anything more apropos than TheFerret, to fling me into spasmodic laughter, while protecting us all from dying of global embarrassment.
I plan to go in a freak dance accident. That is, if I don't get hauled away, due the maniacal sounds I'm making. Oh wait, that's laughter. Reminds me of a Chinese proverb. There would be no wisdom without fools. Plus, now I am convinced, no sanity without these brilliant retrospectives.
Thank you.
"Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean." ~ Maya Angelou
(26,592 posts)

(26,592 posts)

(26,592 posts)

(51,933 posts)True Blue American
(18,357 posts)Add anything to the answers, never mind the article. I am awed at the brilliance. But I wish I could be happy.
(1,790 posts)HipChick
(25,532 posts)

(86,242 posts)for another brilliant write-up
(7,035 posts)the Hairplug That Ate Decency....
(7,349 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(152,894 posts)Love it.
Keep 'em coming, OK?
(245 posts)And it really is Vive le Cray Cray to these traitorous hooligans.
(70 posts)
Two days in a row! My Ferret cup overfloweth. Thank you!!!!!

Response to TheFerret (Original post)
Pacifist Patriot This message was self-deleted by its author.
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)"Toupee Fiasco"!!!
(12,448 posts)"Hey kid, wanna buy some treason?"/"BOY DO I!"
(4,450 posts)ChazInAz
(2,828 posts)First, though: remind me never to get into a debate with you.
First question: Are you the reincarnation of Ambrose Bierce?
Second question: When in god's name do you find the time to write?
Whatever the answers, don't stop!
(34,617 posts)And that man still has not appointed an ambassador to France.
And what was up with trump holding Marcons' hand for so long?
(9,048 posts)Remember Nunes running to alert drumph to info?
With Ryan's approval.
And McConnell the Sniveler was briefed in 2015.
Traitors all.
So with those pricks running the investigations there will be no good outcome.
They will no even remove Kushner's or Shithead's son's security clearance.
Things are actually getting even worse by the day.
(20,999 posts).... !!!
(5,341 posts)It up
(615 posts)Holy hell tears from laughing.
(7,368 posts)Ambrose Bierce, plus Kurt Vonnegut, and you're our own Mark Twain. Many thanks!
cry baby
(6,792 posts)TheFerret
(661 posts)Thanks.
(152,894 posts)And we recognize that.
There's a reason that every single one of your threads has gone to the Greatest Page. They are all high quality, and hilarious to boot.
Thank You.
(9,298 posts)Opps, meant The Ferret.
(54,273 posts)You are just fucking brilliant, so maybe it's best you remain 'The Ferret' in today's highly charged political arena.
Anyway, more power to ya'.
Keep on keepin' on.
(29,169 posts)Well done, sir, well done indeed.
By the way, if any member of the armed forces had pulled the stunt Jar-Jar did, a swift court martial would be the best he could hope for. More likely, he'd assigned duty as a personal aide to Shit Stain and ordered to explain Triad. Within a day he'd beg for R&R at Levenworth.
"Jesus Christ Can't We Find Anyone on the Planet to Replace Reince Priebus". Had see that again.
flying rabbit
(4,807 posts)
(2,612 posts)of laughter over a very sad situation.
But really, thank you for your brilliant comedic rundown of the life and times of the Hairplug That Ate Decency and his cabal of treasonous bastards.