General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWe Must DEMAND His Removal From Office Now!!!
The person occupying the office of POTUS does not believe in the basic principle of our U.S. Constitution. Specifically, Article I, which says in whole:
"Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Included in Article I is the Freedom of Speech which gives you along with anyone who is a United States Citizen the right to address grievances against the Government and call out those grievances on airwaves, by broadcast, in conversation, via written letter or document, by speech in general or anyway we as Americans feel is necessary.
The Media is a form of redressing grievances. We as a society may strongly disagree with how they choose to do so. We as a citizen might complain loudly and boldly about the methods the media deploy. We as a society might choose to disconnect or not view the platform of media of whom we disagree.
HOWEVER, no one, including the President of the United States have the right to harass, threaten, evoke violence upon or insult with the intent to cause great bodily harm to anyone, including MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS for expressing their speech -- as it is Protected by Article I of the U.S. Constitution.
With such, after the direct threat given to the Media Organization of CNN by the Office of President today in a Tweet, it is time for Congress to evoke Articles 4 & 25th of the U.S. Constitution to REMOVE the person occupying the President of the United States office.
As in the Oath of Office, of President of the United States, it states the following:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Donald Trump, with the repeated threats to CNN and other Media Organizations for standing strong with their First Amendment rights to "Freedom of the Press", "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom to Redress Grievances" has VIOLATED and fails to uphold the U.S. Constitution in whole or in part. He Must be REMOVED from the OFFICE of POTUS, immediately!

The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,796 posts)until the GOPers who control the House of Representatives decide to impeach his ugly orange ass. Which will be never. So if you want to stand on a street corner shouting futile demands, go ahead. The only way "we" get rid of him is by electing more Democrats to the House.
(7,006 posts)Is not important enough to DEMAND the REMOVAL of this person occupying the Office of President because we desire not to confront those who are wrong in their thoughts, beliefs, and ideas -- We Will See This Nation DESTROYED by Donald J. Trump.
Plain and simple!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,796 posts)since the demands will be ignored by the people who can actually do something?
(7,006 posts)#25Amendment Is Trending On Twitter. The Resistance is strong. And DEMANDING is what the People who care, should, must, and what we see today ARE actually doing.
Those who decide to remain silent can do so. We refuse to join them!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,796 posts)concrete results is getting more Democrats elected to Congress. Most people don't even follow Twitter. What we need to do is get active IRL in local politics. Encourage good progressive candidates. GOTV. Fuck Twitter; do something real.
(1,007 posts)Some bloggers are pessimistic, however, I am just downright outraged!!!!
And when I am outraged...I devote all my attention to something....
What is the use of even making a comment on this board...if it is not motivational and passionate? Maybe that is why people have not gotten involved before, because of the disconnection and dissonance from former party members.
If a person truly believes in something...than put action to words. Do what you can. I cannot go to Washington to march...but my fingers can go pretty fast. I can Twitter, Facebook, research law and government data, and send it to others.
I can get others excited and encouraged...I can debate and discuss other thoughts...and by making a strong debate...maybe persuade.
However, by just reading these blogs with no action...makes us powerless.
(2,003 posts)Now that has authority!
C'mon! Get with the program. You'll never accomplish anything with your weak, little, emasculated 'demand.'
(1,007 posts)Anybody from the 70s? Tell us younger ones how to be active. Instruct us in protesting! How do we create a group? A lot of us are new to activism...but willing to learn...we need mentoring!
Don't try to curb our energy but show us how to make a difference! And if you cannot do that...
(6,039 posts)"The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them."
(7,006 posts)
(12,524 posts)Trump should be confronted with it at every turn, along with those wealthy individuals who seek to subvert the press/media by using it as a propaganda tool and/or a vehicle to sell ads--for which they slant their stories.
(148,432 posts)why not get to work in your own congressional district and neighboring ones and begin GOTV efforts for the 2018 election? Clearly, the current Republican House of Representatives is not going to impeach Fake Trump, nor would the Republican Senate vote to remove the Fake POTUS. Demanding what cannot be achieved is a waste of time. GOTV is never a waste of time.
I recommend that you use your energies and time in a way that has a chance of success.
too many of us here, me too, bitch and moan,, which is good, needed for us..
we need to do what you say and a LOT more..about every single issue..
letters to editors,
phone calls,
(44,922 posts)bresue
(1,007 posts)Why not do what we can? I do not even know my local group and don't know how to find them out. I am a Dem but I have never been active...because I don't know how?
Why don't older members give us young ones links, or instructions, or ect? I reached out to DU one month ago because I was lost...I wanted to become active...but so far part of the time I am getting a spelling check here.
Where is your passion for a cause or your anger at a man who could commit murder...but yet GOP would turn a blind eye?
Are you afraid that after Dump is out, we will lose our zeal? Well, let me tell you...I am upset and tired of not being heard and being patted on the head...and for the rest of my life...I have found my voice.
(148,432 posts)Search for Democratic Party yourcounty yourstate
I have no idea where you are.
Then, go to the website, where you'll find names, phone numbers, email addresses, meeting times, etc.
It's simple.
(1,007 posts)Why is this not being shouted LOUD AND CLEAR?!
We are paying a salary for an old idiot, perv for what???? To tweet?????
And if we have set laws for the work-place--EEOC--enforces federal laws prohibiting workplace discrimination--why are these not being executed? If any CEO or employer or employee made these comments on twitter, verbally, written, or etc...charges would be brought up immediately!!!
However, nothing is being done!!!!! Am I alone in my confusion?
(7,006 posts)What is shocking is some in this thread (who are now blocked) upholding the 45th behavior and mental instability in office.
Meanwhile, we will continue to resist and demand his removal from office.
(21,499 posts)
(138,121 posts)LovingA2andMI
(7,006 posts)n/t
(138,121 posts)edhopper
(35,370 posts)the Republiscum Congress?
The Right Wing SCOTUS?
To whom do you issue these demands?
Anybody that would give two shits?
(1,007 posts)LovingA2andMI
(7,006 posts)
there is no longer any effective agency to do that in this country.
Who do you imagine will enforce these laws.
If you haven't noticed, our federal government has been dismantled except to serve the Rich.
(2,136 posts)By golly, if that doesn't do it, nothing will!
(13,265 posts)is going to be better on this issue? On any issue?
(7,006 posts)This Nation is better by having a President in Office that does not hold up the basic oath of office?
Lint Head
(15,064 posts)Speak loudly. As loud as the muskets if freedom during our fight for independence. I will celebrate the 4th of July by calling Trump a lying bigoted sexual predator who loves the murderer Vladimir Putin every chance I'm able to voice it. In private and in public. If I hear a deplorable in a supermarket speaking loudly about how wonderful Trump is I'm going to speak louder and say the very words I said above. I have called my congressman and my senators and senators from other states and congressman from other states and said those very words I have stated above. This lying asshole needs to go. If you think a lot of soldiers and civilians died and the war in Iraq you ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to this ignorant prick. Our locals officials do listen when you call an email or send a handwritten letter. The People's voice can turn things around.
(7,006 posts)

(5,276 posts)Why are the republicans putting up with this mental patient in waiting? They can get their sick agenda with Pence minus the.....well overt crazy. Pence is a religious crazy who thinks the Universe is 6000 or so years old....provably false to the extreme but to nuts like Pence tools like carbon dating are tricks of the devil. Oh and he would have we women living the "Handmaid's Tale" if he could.
Democrats better get off their behind and vote in 2018, for school boards on up. We need to handcuff whoever is in the White House in 2018.. and hope Kennedy and the notorious RBG stay healthy a couple more years.
We need to keep voting too, for all races, not just for president and Us Congress. There are more of us then them has been like gun control....people who want solid gun control far outnumber gun nuts.....but the gun nuts are foaming at the mouth for guns through the NRA.