A few of the Russian Nazi Traitors at Discussionist are wondering where the liberal tears are at.
Dumbcat mentioned panicky conservative comments on the site, and I regretfully looked at the front page.
Three things --
One, conservative ideology has clearly morphed into nothing but anti-liberalism. There is no 'conservative ideology' left alive. There's only liberalism, and whatever makes liberals angry. That's it for the political spectrum. So, as jarring as my visit to the site was, it was informative. They got nothing. Nothing at all. And they all sound like Orcs. So -- sad.
Two, a complete withdrawal from sanity is now to be expected from the Russian Front. The KGOP has already announced or is moving forward on dozens of completely stupid ideas, all of them based solely on whatever makes liberals angry. So -- whatever. Just another Orc-move.
Three, there are no tears left in any of us. Just a thirst for watching the slow-roasting of conservative post-Nazi traitors over the fires of justice.
However, the Lashback is going to make a few conservatives cry, methinks. And may their ocular rivers flow rapidly enough to carry them all to their new homes in Russia, where they belong. Because America is for Americans. And immigrants who want to be Americans.