The Trump Maladministration is the 1980's "Believe the Children" of the 2010's
Believe the Children was a pressure group that tried to push media, politicians, judges, prosecutors, and the public in general to say that 'abuses' like in the McMartin Preschool Trial were true and factual - Even though the claims were outlandish (Such as children going to Africa and back to be abused in the course of a school day), even though the claims were coerced out of children by 'experts' who took hours and were abusive in itself, even though there was adamant denial, even though one of the chief accusers was known to be very mentally ill and violent, even though Ray Buckey went through two trials, even though children grew up and started to apologize for what they said, etc.
We now have an Administration that pushes outlandish claims and we've got targets like Susan Rice, still denying claims that we should have moved on from.
Believe the Children has become the government, and we would do well to remember that it didn't have a happy ending... People were put in jails for years at a time, innocent people were convicted, the child care industry was tarnished by the accusations, children who actually were and are abused were displaced by this moral panic, and more.