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He is right. The fact is Dems need to get out there and address the people directly in small groups and town halls We need to SPEAK to the pain the middle class is feeling. They feel they are forgotton. People are hurting. Dems need to change....what we are doing is NOT working. In my opinion we need to get back to basics. For example....(I had posted this in an earlier post)
I sent this to EVERY Democratic Senator and Representative...All I heard was "thanks for your interest"....I was so discouraged.
I am writing to request that you do your part to help win back the House of Representatives and Senate in 2018. Getting the majority is a MUST and a PRIORITY. It's not an option. You see, I saw Bernie Sanders in a town hall in McDowell County, West Virginia. One must wonder why in the world a Senator from Vermont would go there for a town hall. A county where 75% of the folks voted for Trump. I'll tell you why. He CARES. Many of these people are not formally educated. Many of them are very poor. Many of them don't go anywhere, in fact many don't even own a car. He went there to hear firsthand what they had to say. He did so in a straightforward and uncomplicated way. In one hour he had won many of them over. Those people left that town hall enlightened, more informed and above all they felt empowered because someone influential took the time to actually sit down and listen to them and offer real solutions. Senator Sanders pointed out that healthcare for all, free public college tuition, opiate treatment and job retraining could be paid for by removing the enormous tax cuts the wealthy and corporations receive. He let them know, above all, that they were important. He correctly pointed out that the GOP plan for healthcare (call it Trumpcare) is a a two hundred plus billion dollar tax cut for the top two percent at the expense of millions losing their health insurance. Even though he is a Senator from Vermont, at the end of the day, they knew he works for ALL Americans - not just the people from Vermont.
I am requesting that you visit and sit down with folks in some of these areas that are heavily Republican. Schedule mutiple events in multiple areas that voted for Trump. If every Democrat in the House and Senate did this, it would win hearts and minds and make a huge difference in 2018. You must go beyond your district and carry the fight to the GOP. Not all Trump voters are filled with hate. I believe most of them are ill informed. They vote against their own interests for a reason. Simply because they don't know the facts (example: ACA and Obamacare are one and the same). We are at a critical crossroads in America and it is far past time to reach out to these people. Show them that you CARE. It's certain you're not going to change all minds, but many will be more informed the next time they go into a voting booth. They are going to remember and appreciate the honesty and integrity of your visit. Please, please consider doing this.
The Democratic Party is on the right side of most, if not all; the issues. Our views represent the interests of the majority of Americans and the future of this country. We must articulate these views to ALL the people, especially those that reside in these rural areas of the country. They feel as though they are forgotten. The truth will set them (and us) free...
Thank you

(1,735 posts)Let's start with Sen Sanders joining the Democratic Party.
(2,578 posts)everyone in the boat is rowing with you and not drilling holes when you are not looking.
(233 posts)I was surprised the lack of contact by the candidates in Wisconsin leading up to the election. I think the last election was a clear indication you can't just expect people to vote for you. You have to give them a reason. Trump gave shitty stupid reasons, but he put his ugly mug out there.
(13,340 posts)96% of the Deplorables do not regret voting for Trump... DESPITE the fact that he demonstrably incompetent, corrupt, racist and sexist.
As a couple of studies have shown, the Deplorables are driven more by racism than economics. I know Bernie and his followers think they can win the Deplorables over with a "populist" economic message, but if you don't add a nice spice of racism and sexism, they are STILL gonna vote for Drumpf.
(37,428 posts)...especially from those Congresscritters who aren't your own.
That they haven't all immediately committed to safaris into red areas on your say-so isn't necessarily indicative of a problem.
But I for one agree that it would be sweet to see Dems playing more offense, and holding the town halls that the GOP is afraid to show up for.