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EVERY stinking Repug hated Trump before the election. Yet here we are and there he is. And every lousy Republican will follow this ass munch to the depths of hell to get the "agenda" done....and that is to rape this country to the bone. Ya know why? When ya boil it all down, THEY are ALL on the same page.
What are we doing? Nit picking over bullshit.
Hillary is good....Bernie is bad. Bernie sucks...Hillary is the greatest. What the hell is going on here on DU? My God

(92,384 posts)uponit7771
(92,384 posts)juxtaposed
(2,778 posts)uponit7771
(92,384 posts)Highway61
(2,578 posts)case in point
(92,384 posts)Cha
(307,144 posts)BS insults the Democratic Party with "feeble" and "can't fight back" on Rachel's Show and "..the Democratic Party of the elite" in Boston with Senator Warren..
When ssarandon is the Elitist..
Who suckered the LOW INFORMATION voters with LIES like these..
"The prominent Sanders backer also predicted that a Hillary Clinton indictment was "inevitable"
Susan Sarandon: Hillary Clinton more dangerous than Donald Trump
poor ssarandon "had to change her phone number.." while the rest of the country that isn't so well off have to worry about this among other trumpshite..
Link to tweet
(42,862 posts)It's THAT kind of shit that's divisive... and those defending it or making excuses for it makes it even worse.
I'll stop complaining about people who smear our party when people stop smearing our party. NOT the other way around.
(307,144 posts)and how dare we question his insulting our Democratic Party..'
They should tell him to quit gratuitously bashing our party and we can stop calling him out
Omaha Steve
(104,365 posts)OOPS!!! I will be there tomorrow night.
(54,580 posts)What the fuck is going on? This is supposed to be DEMOCRATIC Underground.
(307,144 posts)with Divisive Insults. Notice the OP didn't address my "Case in Point"..
They can't handle the pushback.
You're Welcome, SunSeeker
(54,580 posts)
(307,144 posts)post verbatim quotes of BS' of being bots.. that's all they got.
(34,207 posts)And she's not even a politician. Your "case in point" is a non-sequitur to the OPs question (reply #3) as to how "Bernie doesn't help sometimes" (reply #1)
Bernie didn't just start insulting/criticizing the Democratic party, he's been doing it explicitly for at least 30+ years, and yet Schumer asked him to be in Democratic party leadership.
I know you hate this fact, but Bernie was invited to be in the Democratic party leadership and this is the job he's been asked to do.
(113,131 posts)Get a grip, people, the primary is OVER and Sanders is on OUR SIDE.
My ignore list is growing again. Some people just can't stand winning and live for spite against the opposition.
(92,384 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)and perhaps it's time to realize THE PRIMARY IS OVER.
Leave it where it belongs, in the past. Stop fighting Democrats and start fighting that thing in the White House.
(203 posts)Where is this winning that Bernie has accomplished?
beachbum bob
(10,437 posts)quakerboy
(14,282 posts)If there's a circular firing squad to be had, you better believe we gonna show up. Hillary supporters over here, Obama supporters on that side, Bernie supporters over here, and anyone without a strong affiliation take up that gap. Aim straight across.. and FIRE.
As Trump and the virulent minority laugh at our inability to use our numbers to make lasting change.
(30,481 posts)"Hillary is good....Bernie is bad. Bernie sucks...Hillary is the greatest. What the hell is going on here on DU? My God "
(5,591 posts)grossproffit
(5,591 posts)
(33,440 posts)I understand the Russians are sending their bots around to stir up the Bernie-Hillary wars again. Hmmmmm....
(4,187 posts)As Maddow said, they didn't disappear after the election. They're still there, trying to cause trouble for the next election.
I wish Skinner would do something about this.
(33,440 posts)So, it's back to "Divide and conquer the Democrats." I wish Skinner would do something about this, as well. Until he does, all I can do is trash the threads. I am so damn sick of it, I am reaching a point where I want to blanket-trash "Bernie" and "Sanders."
Kathy M
(1,242 posts)reading that was written oct 2016 . Hillary spoke with writer .
May want to be careful accusing of bots ...... its your choice
(33,440 posts)It is irrelevant to what is going on now. The vast majority of the divisive shit went away a few months after the election. It has just come back in force within the past two or three days--for no obvious reason, other than that things are turning to shit for Trump. Look up "active measures." They're doing it with the latest round of "Bernie vs. Hillary" bullshit.
Here is a nice starter article on it:
Kathy M
(1,242 posts)have been going on for years , sure do not see how divide within your own party will not be healed unless you know why .................
" Turning to shit for Trump" ... yeah okay .........
I myself am an Independent vote mostly with democrats with one or two exceptions . I would not vote for Bill Clinton either time , did vote Hillary this year ( unfortunately )
(33,440 posts)Did you read the one I linked to? Did you look up "active measures"? I don't think so. I don't think you even bothered to read my post. You did expose your true colors, however, and I'm not going to waste any more of my time with you. Good day.
(307,144 posts)Kentonio
(4,377 posts)We'd probably have won back the white house by now.
(307,144 posts)Party. You need to tell him that.
(4,377 posts)Our party is not perfect, and we've been routinely getting our asses kicked as a result for a long time now. Maybe his solutions are the ones to improve our situation and maybe they are not. There's definitely a good debate to be had between the different wings of the party.
The key word there incidentally is debate.
If you don't think his policy suggestions are right, then discuss it and I'll happily talk it through. Hell, if you make a strong enough case I might even change my mind. I'm not locked into any particular ideology, I try to go with the evidence and the most rational ideas (as I see them) available.
All that is happening around DU lately though is people making it (or taking it as) a personal issue. As if Bernie Sanders came round to their house and told them their children are ugly. So they shout and rage and then those of us who support his ideas get pissed off, and we all devolve into the kind of bickering we should leave to toddlers and conservatives.
What do we gain by any of this? Am I going to read one of these threads and think 'oh wow, he's actually a terrible person'? Are you going to read some of the replies and suddenly think 'Oh wow, I was so wrong, he's actually brilliant'?
So why don't we just stop it, and debate ideas instead of people? God knows we have enough real targets out there without shooting at each other all the time.
(4,192 posts)It's an interesting trend indeed seeing all these hostile threads the last few days. If a jury doesn't can them, send them to the trash.
(7,981 posts)DanTex
(20,709 posts)This predates Hillary v Bernie and the 2016 primaries. It's been going on for a while.
(203 posts)zentrum
(9,866 posts)He's doing as much to organize against 45 as any one. That's what matters.
(11,410 posts)beastie boy
(11,657 posts)Hope he reads your post and becomes more tolerant and supportive of ALL Democrats.
(47,507 posts)and keep them down there as some vindictive punishment for something. DUers bash Dems. Deal with it.
The idea is that things under Republican rule will get so bad that enough liberals will learn some sick painful lesson. That'll teach em.
The 2016 election is over. We have special elections and local races and midterm congressional elections coming up and some want to think of increasingly brutal beatings for dead horses, or donkeys. It makes it easy for elephants to trample us.
(11,119 posts)StevieM
(10,559 posts)raising2moredems
(732 posts)KS, GA pukes had to resort to the "killing babies" BS.. time to start responding with how the pukes want to eliminate food stamps, school breakfast/lunches, health care, housing, education, clean drinking water etc. AND to make them explain why it costs $50K plus to buy, I mean adopt a Caucasian child.
We also need to ensure those who live in puke states that require "identification to vote" obtain the ID they need. This may also require us to pony up some dollars for those who opt to stand in line (due to shortened voting times and not enough polling locations) and potentially lose their mostly low wage, part-time jobs. This is where Hollywood and pro-athletes can step up their game.
But I agree.. the last thing Dems need to do is cannibalize the party. We all see what happened when the pukes did this. There are no Republicans left.
(2,613 posts)

(27,448 posts)but for someone else it's "let's all come together, we're on the same page" (ignore the actual words that come out of that person's mouth) posts? The idea that constant nitpicking is necessary for Democrats, a day without nitpicking Democrats is a day without sunshine. And the nitpicking is not about issues, let alone fucking issues.
(70 posts)about each other, yet in the end they all get in line...and they friggin vote! What causes this behavior, love of authority, order, party over country etc.... not sure. Personally I am fine with critiquing the Democrtatic party and specific politicians. But in the end we have to get out and vote based on issues. Really boggles the mind that people can't handle justifiable (IMHO) criticism of the Democratic Party or its leaders. That's politics. In 08 I supported Hillary in the primaries as I felt she knew what she would be dealing with. I thought Obama was naive in believing he could work in a bipartisan manner. I felt he would fiddle away much of his opportunity to put through a lot of significant changes trying to get some Republicans on board. That was certainly a hard fought campaign with a lot of crazy stuff thrown around. However I supported Obama in the election once he won the Democratic nomination. In 16 I supported Bernie in the primaries but once Hillary secured the nomination I was all in for her. We simply cannot let our internal squabbles and criticisms divide us like I see in this board every day. Bernie is hurting us, Hillary was a fatally flawed candidate...or whatever...ok I get it, but please don't let it get to the point you don't vote. Some of the really bad feelings around here makes me think some Bernie supporters on this board didn't vote for Hillary and others who support Hillary would never have voted for Bernie...which is insane and we get the results we see around the country. Voting and pushing for accountable/auditable elections are two of the most important things we can all do.
(2,578 posts)You get it...
(51,588 posts)We call them "sheeple," but they seem to win elections. Meanwhile, on the other side, it's like toddlers throwing sand at each other on the beach.
(10,291 posts)straight up TREASON was committed to steal this last one.
(44,924 posts)The turnout for the Georgia 6th primary was around 43.8 percent. That's great for a special election in an off year. But it still means that more people stayed home than showed up to vote.
Why don't people show up? Lots of reasons. But rather than make excuses, we need to make a compelling case for people to get off their butts. That means, in particular, reaching out to those who have rejected the major parties and making them feel that its okay to vote for a Democrat.
(37,428 posts)...though their issues tend to be fake.
They win only because we allowed money a seat at the table.
(2,578 posts)It's like a family. There are bound to be disagreements and sometimes arguments, but as soon as an intruder breaks into the home; the family becomes one and defends one another with all they have.
My husband and I are progressives, or if you prefer FDR Democrats. We do not think the middle of the road is the way to go. Bill Clinton was a good president, but he was probably the most pro-business (Glass Stiegel Repeal, Telecommunications Act and The Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Act being just a few examples) Democratic president of the 20th century. Hillary would have most likely been quite similar.
Yes, we supported Bernie in the primaries; but as soon as HRC won the nomination we were "with her". We believe that she should be our current president if not for the inane and outdated Electoral College.
At the end of the day, either Bernie or Hillary would be much better then Trump Pie. On that, I am sure we all can agree.
Now, let us all put aside our minor differences and deal with this intruder!