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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI fucking hate him.
I hate him with the white hot passion of a thousand suns. I'm sorry DU. I try not to hate but my fury and anger are fierce and undeniable. I found myself wishing his head would explode on camera.
I fucking hate hate him.
Edit: now that it's the next day and I've had some time to think... yep. Still hate him. Glad I'm not alone. I'd lose my shit if not for this place.
(36,594 posts)bunnies
(15,859 posts)Mr. Bunnies was not impressed. I just couldn't fucking take it. Lies lies lies. Omg.
(1,114 posts)bunnies
(15,859 posts)Always.
(5,730 posts)He is very scary.
(5,730 posts)Well, that quote,originally said love, of course, but DT has taught me to hate...HIM and his simpering Repubs
(43,077 posts)But I would trade four of Him to get rid of one Donald J. SKUNK. YEAH, HE STINKS.
(1,606 posts)And I never thought I'd say that but seriously... Wtf
(10,708 posts)And thanking the good lord that he won't be remembered as The Worst anymore.
Mc Mike
(9,175 posts)They keep giving us the 'worst ever', over and over again. Normal people always hate their guy, and point out that their new one is the worst they ever inflicted the nation with.
Then their next offering makes that last one look good, because of how they managed to find someone even worse.
They always say 'Oh you hated that last evil stupid lazy nazi freak we put into power, and think we can't possibly do any worse? Well, this NEW guy we got makes him look like a prince.'
(938 posts)I mean, where could they possibly go from here?! David Duke?
(229 posts)montana_hazeleyes
(3,424 posts)Help us!
(721 posts)the shrub is responsible for how many million Iraqi civilian deaths?
as far as I know, tRump hasn't killed anyone (yet). He might be responsible for the death of 1 US soldier.
Bush is a war criminal. tRump is small-time in comparison.
(43,077 posts)Trump will turn out just as bad. His potential to do GREAT HARM is soon to come.
(20,031 posts)my hate leaves your hate in the DUST baby.
(15,859 posts)i love bunnies.
(25,953 posts)...white hot anger.
(37,935 posts)mchill
(1,112 posts)but since I hated Bush quite a lot, I still have a modicum of hate for him too. I think the Bush v Gore and Iraq War just made it more difficult.
(15,859 posts)But I'd take W back over Drumpf in an instant and that scares me.
(5,730 posts)He has been totally silent for 8 years.
GW was bad. Iraq war. GW was not racist and not anti Muslim. He took care after 9/11 to
reach out.
I think about how much i hate him every time i see his face
(2,795 posts)I hate him with every fiber of my being and watching him lie, and watching the repukes piss down their leg over him and then the analysis of what I can only guess will be how presidential he looked and acted and how he really spoke of unity - fuck that.
I watched a movie and I don't care about any of it. Until he SHOWS us he is trying to be inclusive and SHOWS us he is working for all American people, he can flap his gums as much as he wants and it means nothing.
(9,426 posts)I watched re runs of old sitcoms. I loathe this ugly, ignorant, repulsive slimebag. My doctor has upped my blood pressure medications, since my bp spiked over this fiasco. I disliked W, but tRump is a total bottom of the barrel scumbag. The man is seriously mentally challenged.
(11,686 posts)the only one who wants his head to explode on camera.
(36,594 posts)honeylady
(159 posts)I don't like to feel hate. It is true it only destroys the one that hates. Hopefully, something good will come of his presidency and we will go into a new paradigm of progress politics. One can only hope and be positive.
(15,859 posts)I can feel it eating at me. The anger is just so goddamn strong. I didn't want to watch it but I'm a politics junkie so I feel like I didn't have a choice. As it went on, the hate justice compounded. I'm not optimistic about the near future.
(2,576 posts)...for making me into a person who hates."
(62,397 posts)A friend in the clergy joked about "taking one for the team" she despises him so much.
(15,859 posts)Without getting into my statements during the thing. SOMEONES got to do it.
(5,730 posts)Have never hated anyone. Usually, I'm too forgiving...gets me in trouble sometimes. He is a traitor to our country; a total fraud, even a lousy one; a sadistic bastard; fake religion...never read from a bible or any religious book of any religion until be ran 4 Pres, which if he were a legit atheist, fine, but he is a fake self righteous Christian, and just one more insult to what the Repubs have done to that; fake business person...7 BKs, doesn't pay workers; racist; self conratulated sexual pervert; enuf, we all know.
Yeah, watching his head blow up would be ok, but just get rid of him b4 he gets rid of the planet. That is Bannons purpose. IT shall be written .
(30,338 posts)I refuse to watch any of his speeches. I can't stand the sight of him.
(85,489 posts)dem4decades
(12,121 posts)MFM008
(20,031 posts)in a Petri dish..............
(1,258 posts)how I hate him and how I want him destroyed..
(63,221 posts)of his voice. He enrages me! I can literally feel my blood pressure rise whenever I see him. I become physically sick to my stomach.
(1,258 posts)My head started hurting I kept changing channel during speech.Now the media is pretending that he made a good speech. He knows nothing!hypocritical,paranoid,LIAR!
(65,616 posts)He is a loathsome bag of pox puss.
(15,859 posts)But I'm my mind it's the green face.
(8,008 posts)not a uniter but we already know this.
He's an ugly and vindictive person. I will be glad when he is no longer PROTUS. That day can't come soon enough.
I also fear that it may not come in time. I fear that we are on the edge of catastrophe and Trump and his supporters are racing towards this edge at high speed.
(15,859 posts)Worst case is 4 more years of this shit. What the fuck are the sane of us supposed to do?
Jim Beard
(2,535 posts)Isn't the killed servicemans father the one that refused to shake Trumps hand?
(1,114 posts)I felt like his wife was used for showmanship at this speech--Trump milked it and acted like the applause was for him. (I despise him)
Jim Beard
(2,535 posts)Jim Beard
(2,535 posts)Alice11111
(5,730 posts)YOHABLO
(7,358 posts)Initech
(103,012 posts)MarianJack
(10,237 posts)..."fuckhead", isn't worth the energy that it would consume to actually hate him!
I will never watch him, see him, address him with anything but contempt. I will never use the title "president" to refer to him.
Acknowledgement is acceptance. NO!
blue neen
(12,439 posts)My blood pressure can't take it.
(53,566 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,727 posts)Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)is supremely annoying.
(7,243 posts)As it's not healthy.
Though I feel hate everyday this POS is in the White House.
So I focus on the resistance, and hope (and believe) eventually we will root out this evil.
The Russian collusion is only at the tip of the iceberg.
(31,598 posts)Get involved in the resistance if you can. If not, write letters, call your congressman, vote.
The hate will wear you down before it will wear him down. Sociopaths seem to have boundless energy.
(7,243 posts)luvMIdog
(2,533 posts)erinlough
(2,176 posts)I have friends who are worried about me because I hate him unequivocally and completely, they are concerned for my health! I want to see this man go down and go down hard.
(5,925 posts)So we can share the wealth. I loathe and despise this jackass more than I can fully express. But the heat of a thousand suns might cover it.
(3,209 posts)I did manage to watch the whole address (I gave my husband a warning about wanting to throw out the tv when i knew "the wall" was coming up!).
Now i have a mild headache and feel much too tense for this time of the day!!!
mountain grammy
(27,462 posts)but did tune in just in time for Governor Beshear and glad I did. I'm proud to be a Democrat!
(85 posts)I despise the creep. Just can't watch, or listen to the liar.
(15,859 posts)😩
(37,268 posts)still_one
(97,062 posts)GP6971
(33,816 posts)Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)Was inspired, instead, to write a couple of postcards. Of resistance!
(25,490 posts)and I can just imagine that everyone sitting in that chamber of were clapping to hail in a sexual predator, and these people were clapping when he walked in and then Ace Bannon and Eddie Munster were just giggly
I didn't watch, sexual predators are just that, sexual predators and he is being "normalized" everyday
Hang in there
(3,424 posts)How can they clap and try to" normalize" him? Don't they see how dangerous he is? He is a threat to everyone. This is just unbelievable!
Didn't think I'd run into someone who likes him more than me.
Nice to meet you.
With all my hate!
(84,969 posts)I feel like a hostage.
I swear, every day I wake up in the morning with the vague feeling that "surely this ISN'T happening." "This is gotta be a bad dream." "This CAN'T actually be happening." Sadly, it IS.
(985 posts)I'm not going to be able to intentionally watch him do anything for a long time.
(4,827 posts)Me too too also. As my 2-year-old would say.
(13,718 posts)He is a massive nothing! There's nothing there. He's an empty shell of soulless flesh. He's not even a living being, he's just a facade.
What I hate is the STUPID in this country that allowed ugly heartlessness and greed to take us hostage.
What I hate is the system that failed to kill off stupid in America before it could destroy us.
What I hate is the complacency that steals our freedom.
What I hate is the ignorance that stole humanity and reason replacing it with the empty hull we see in congress, the senate and the executive.
We've been had, people. I'm not wasting my time hating the tool. I hate the machine that made the disease. The disease is called STUPID.
...and ok, yeah... I hate Trump too, I guess.
(5,730 posts)MontanaMama
(24,184 posts)Drank too much wine and said "fuck that guy" way too many times. I'm quite sure my performance was not impressive. Couldn't be helped. My chicken involtini, however kicked ass, in spite of it all.
I fucking hate him too. I've never wished ill on anyone. Until now.
(20,993 posts)Alice11111
(5,730 posts)What's left of the planet will hate him.
(20,993 posts)...he had no compassion and belief in what he was saying UNLIKE the Gov from Kentucky's rebuttal message - lots of passion because he believed what he was saying
(354 posts)It's a visceral hate.
I'm lucky in that my husband feels the same way. So at least we have each other.
(14,843 posts)I wouldn't cross the street to piss on him.
(3,702 posts)Response to bunnies (Original post)
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(7,006 posts)With a response like this one, hope you are able and/or even available long to enjoy your stay. (Might want to add a tag next time).
Response to LovingA2andMI (Reply #78)
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(7,006 posts)Enjoy however long or short your stay might be at DU....
(9,434 posts)I can not think of one thing I could admire about him - he is so f**king evil.
Response to womanofthehills (Reply #83)
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Maru Kitteh This message was self-deleted by its author.
Mountain Mule
(1,052 posts)Never have I so violently disliked a human being as I do this one (I guess he's human). I refuse to hear his voice. I refuse to watch his speeches. I just read a mystery novel tonight and then checked in here to find out what lies and atrocities he's telling the world now. I don't even like seeing his picture, but that's unavoidable. My best friend and I refuse to even use his name. And here I am a Buddhist. He's forcing me to go back to square one in my spiritual practice. I guess that's the best I can say for him, and I don't even feel like saying that.
Response to Mountain Mule (Reply #77)
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(10,452 posts)Now Trump is president, I fear for the future of every life on this planet. I don't think I could survive four years.
Bernardo de La Paz
(51,990 posts)Raster
(20,999 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)Cha
(306,398 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)some wag comes out with a "What, he didn't shit on the rug so he gets praised for it? He's a PRESIDENT, not a TODDLER..." or something similar.
The bar is so low nowadays....!
(306,398 posts)Link to tweet
They were being stupid.. needed to have major push back.. thank you!
As someone said.. they were digging a ditch to get the bar lowered
(24,262 posts)sheshe2
(88,830 posts)I am with you 200%. I hate him and his asshole fawning fans that scream out...I GOT MINE. FUCK THE REST OF YOU!
Together against the evil.
(5,730 posts)my personality change. I used to be so agreeable. Well, there are many of us feeling the same about him now, not just me and my friends.
(3,897 posts)thx!!
(16,331 posts)and since he was illegally ensconced in our White House, I have turned off the TV whenever I see or hear it coming. I care about myself and my health too much to allow his bs into my daily life.
He's an abhorrent person. Any other sexual predator would be ostracized or maybe even jailed. I will never be able to wrap my mind around anyone, especially a woman, could look at him let alone vote for him.
He is ugly inside and out.
Dorian Gray
(13,739 posts)and while I wasn't a fan of either Bush or Reagan, I didn't feel this passionately about either of them. It means I can't be objective about him at all.
I have some friends who thought his speech last night was "presidential." (Some liberal friends.) I couldn't watch. just looking at his face throws me into a rage.
(9,426 posts)This fiasco is going to explode in the faces of the gop who back this complete lunatic. Where was first lady Ivanka, the keeper of daddy's meds? Under the podium??
(912 posts)At 72 years old, I've witnessed a lot of people and events that have brought forth a feeling of 'hate', but nothing compares to this. If life and the very planet itself lives through his tyranny, we'll never be the same again. I have never really feared turning on the so-called 'news', but I haven't watched any t.v. since Nov. 8, except the Animal Planet and my calming Music Choice channel. My heart just aches for those that will be harmed far more than me and am thankful that I'm almost out of here.
(226,513 posts)I hate him - as does pretty much everyone I know. He's more than earned it. And now I hate those smirking twin bookends sitting behind him, too. I was remembering those who previously occupied those seats. It's a sacrilege.
(7,196 posts)we watched TV this am and screamed at the people who defended a speech of lies. Chuck Schumer said it well, that the speech had nothing to do with what his actions are.
(11,690 posts)I turn off shows and programs talking about him. Less stress.
Oh yes I still feel the same as you do but I don't have to expose myself to his BS as much.
(3,861 posts)he's old, he's fat, he eats a lot of fast food. He could have a fatal heart attack - please!
Mars and Minerva
(369 posts)His Security and Intelligence folks are going to hate him more every day and he has all kinds of treasonous freaks like Bannon and Miller in the White House with him. It wouldn't take much for Putin to borrow some cosmic cosmetics from the House of Kim Jong-in.
(67,112 posts)dancePop
(54 posts)BeckyDem
(8,361 posts)Ligyron
(7,917 posts)The thought of what he could do, fuck it: IS doing to our county, ourselves, our kids, their kids and the world itself is truly horrifying.
I don't watch his speeches, the Cliff Notes on them are bad enough.
I WILL watch his impeachment/resignation speech and cheer wildly when that happens.
(38,538 posts)Bettie
(17,560 posts)I thought my anger would abate, but it hasn't.
Not even a little bit.
It is getting stronger.
(1,383 posts)kimbutgar
(23,861 posts)But there is too much emotion in hate so I say I dislike him intensively.
(4,558 posts)just to be clear, and for disclaimer.. this is hyperbole.
(121,447 posts)ailsagirl
(23,966 posts)Last edited Wed Mar 1, 2017, 02:02 PM - Edit history (2)
(1,528 posts)but I despise Trump so much, I wouldn't piss in his ass if his guts were on fire.
Progressive dog
(7,317 posts)His helpers, and his enablers all played a part in the elevation to power of this psychopath. I avoid watching his speeches , not just because of him. but because of the media fawning whenever he manages to control himself for a sentence or two.
(385 posts)'s time to flush.
(3,702 posts)I had no idea I had so much extra room for hating someone. Oh god that smug smirk - despite my cherub like demeanor, I am not all together positive I could restrain my self from smacking it off. And Ryan and the Turtle - I get a weird eye twitch when I see them on tv that warns me I am about to lose it.
(34,579 posts)"Hate" is definitely not a useful feeling. But it is what it is.
We are forced to watch this installed dictator/ ignorant clown day in and day out with no escape.
Even when I successfully avoid watching all news outlets, the moment I leave my house, I'm at the mercy of everyone else's viewing habits.
(11,148 posts)Therefore, we are all completely mystified as to who you could mean . . .
(1,021 posts)I refuse to watch or listen to Don The Con,
(1 post)I hadn't posted in a while, my account didn't work. I had to re register. Was worth it to reply to this.
(30,324 posts)Rhiannon12866
(226,513 posts)If you know your original user name, you could ask for help retrieving it in Ask the Administrators. Welcome back!
Ask the Administrators (Group)
(24,262 posts)InformedElitist
(39 posts)I echo the sentiments of all the above - including the ugly ones. I can't even stand the sight or sound of him and most of the psychopathic assholes he's surrounded himself with. So I didn't watch.
I literally cannot think of one redeeming quality about him. Not one. And I really did try to.
As much I hated Bush - esp. since the end of his first term, and more so Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. - he wasn't nearly the despicable person that Trump is. Ignorant, partisan, spiteful, yes. But I could never imagine him mocking disabled people or bragging about making teenage girls uncomfortable while he waltzes through their locker room. With all the fear-mongering, I never heard him accuse a political opponent of being the founder of a terrorist organization. And I don't remember swastikas and vandalized cemeteries appearing all over the place when he was (s)elected.
It's probably unhealthy to harbor all this hate, but let's face it, we've seen nothing like this scumbag in our lifetimes, and we can only hope that we never will again.
(45 posts)gopiscrap
(24,262 posts)Hugo24601
(45 posts)gopiscrap
(24,262 posts)Hugo24601
(45 posts)Fluke a Snooker
(404 posts) the Entire Republican Party. Everyone. They Are Not Wanted.
(63,221 posts)I hate him so much!