General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI don't know about you, but everyday, my anger gets worse and nothing will assuage it (rant time)
1: Police are the lowest of the low. Between taking blankets from the homeless (Denver), doing the bidding of corporations (DaPL), killing unarmed senior citizens (Bakersfield), threatening arrest for everything (ND Restaurant), killing black people (too numerous to mention), and flat just being corrupt (Albuquerque), my tolerance for all of them (and I mean all of them) is at an all time low. They don't care about rights. . .they are nothing more that the tax supported goon squad with military weapons designed to keep the rabble in check. Don't worry though, they will investigate themselves and find they did nothing wrong. But if they do go to trial, nothing will happen because;
2: American people are just fucking worthless these days. Liberals are more concerned with ideological purity to notice the country is two steps away from being a corporate police state where civil rights are a fucking joke. Conservatives are too stupid to realize that they are being played by their masters and will lose as much as everyone else when the police state is permanent. We've starved our education system to the point of it being skin and bones (but wars on drugs and prisons always have money) so we've raised a generation of imbeciles. And they all blame the teachers, which leads to;
3: School administrators are the second lowest form of life, since they are nothing more than yes men for their corporate and political masters. They do next to nothing and will gladly throw a teacher under the bus if they do not toe the party line. Don't agree? One teacher made a comparison between the language of Assfaced Shitgibbon and Hitler, simply using words. Words that are almost the same if you've studied WW2, as this teacher was an expert in. Suspended, because some Trumper went nuts. Which leads to;
4: Jill Stein, who has played every Green Party supporter for a fool. Sorry, it's true. I support her positions, but she is not anything worthwhile at all. With that say, she came around because of;
5: Butthurt Democrats who either stayed home on election day, or voted third party because they didn't get their way. Don't worry the, the Democrats that are in power are the most spineless people in the world. Because instead of being Democrats, they triangulate and become GOP lite, which leads to me bitching about;
6: White blue collar workers who voted Trump thinking their problems are caused by Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Jews, Asians and an other non-white, non-Christian group. Remember, these people supported social programs from the New Deal and Great Society until 1964 when minorities started getting that help, then they turned;
7: Libertarian, which is just Ayn Rand euphemistic language for greedy, selfish asshole. Because if there is one thing that a lot of Americans are good at being, it's greedy, selfish;
8: And stupid, like the 45% of Americans who were complete dumbasses and refused to vote at all. People fought and died for that right to vote. I've lived in dictatorial countries. I live in China now, where no one votes. People have killed and died for the right to vote and Americans don't have the fucking energy to get off their fat, McDonald's eating asses and vote. Shit, you don't even have to do that. Vote absentee, like I do and have since I moved overseas, which leads me to:
9: Any dipshit that tells me that because I live overseas, I have no right to bitch and complain. Fuck you! I didn't lose my citizenship because I moved to another country. Guess what? My wife has her green card. She's going to bitch too. And she will go for her citizenship too. Fuck anyone who tells me that I lost my American ability to bitch about things. Moving along to:
10: People who think that because I "feel the Bern," I need to be nice to people because Bernie is. Sorry. . .Bernie needs to take whatever bullshit his handed his way and deal with it in a respectful manner. I am a writer, historian, and producer of films in Asia. I don't need to do that. I am a private citizens. I support Bernie's positions and people like him (Gabbard, Kucinich, my Congresscritter Raul G from Tucson, Wyden, Whitehouse, Brown, etc), but I will go full pitbull attack dog on people in a second. I don't care about consensus building. I want to smash the otherside with so many bricks to the head that their positions are left bleeding in the moonlight. I am tired of my side taking the fucking high rode, getting the legs chopped out from underneath us and the looking down at those who use the GOP and tea-party's tactics against them. Nice guys finish last. "We they go low, we go high" means "we are too spineless to take them on on their level, so they will go low and at least we can look ourselves in the mirror while we lick our wounds after getting our asses handed to us in every election pretty much since 2010."Which finally, leads to:
11: These fucking Christian fundie assholes that mask their racism, nativism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, authoritarianism, fascism, and bullshit in the Bible. Look, I know Christmas is the most important day in the entire world. I'm not a fucking Christian. I don't fucking celebrate it. I am tired of being looked at like a God damned leper for not embracing Jesus. My wife is Buddhist. I guess, in today's America, we're unworthy of living there, she should lose her green card, and I should lose my citizenship. Remember: JEW S A! JEW S A! JEW S A! And I've seen a lot of apologists for anti-Semitism everywhere. I guess I should have just put myself into the ovens. And my wife should have let the Japanese murder her too. Then, there would be more good Christians. JEW S A! JEW S A! JEW S A! Swastikas on parks, Temples, Synagogues, Homes. . .oh, and let's not forget my Mohawk mother who gets told, because she is very dark skinned to "go back where she came from because America is for white people." Where the fuck should she go? Irondequoit? Lockport? Buffalo? Oneida County? My mother's family was in this country when white people were drilling holes in people's heads to relieve headaches and bleeding people to remove "bad humors" in the blood. Yes, she speaks fucking Iroquois language too. FLUENTLY!!! She was told to speak English many times. I know a little, so I know when my mother is insulting people in Iroquois. One of her favorites was "you are a little one that sits on your mother's crotch!" I forget how to write it now because I haven't spoken or heard her speak in 20 years. But, since we are also Jewish, I guess I must be as good as others. Remember, No Irish Need Apply: Rum, Romanism and Rebellion, No Japs, No Blacks, No Mexicans, Job unavailable to vowel ending last names (Italians, etc). . .and in America, "Z" is a vowel. Like Lipshitz, Horowitz, Mankewitz.
As you can see, I am pissed. Fuck Assfaced Shitgibbon. He's a symptom. He's the effect. If people want to really see the cause, all you need to is go into the bathroom and look in a mirror. We did this to ourselves. We allowed it to happen.
I don't care if people are angry at my posts saying nazi girls in Scottsdale need to be beaten for making swastikas on a Jewish "friend's" birthday cupcakes. I don't care if people disagree with my assessment that the common man shouldn't have as much influence as they do, because Hamilton was right and Jefferson/Jackson were wrong. I don't care if people don't like my caustic language. And I really don't care if I cause butthurt. I am not violating the rules of this website by ranting. You are free to block me. I block people too. But I am pissed and the American electorate, media, police, and attitudes are the reason.
(31,691 posts)I am becoming more despondent by the day.
The national situation--with Cheeto Fucktrumpet and his idiotic, backa$$wards Cabinet choices--is a disaster. Just an absolute disaster.
Yesterday, here in NC where Roy Cooper eked out a win to take back the Governor's office from McBigot, the Legislature called a special
session--inside of another special session--so they could grind out some bills limiting the incoming Democratic Governor's job! Talk about
authoritarian a$$holes. Ayn Rand must be giving them all blowjobs from the grave.
I am so disgusted. I want nothing more to do with any Republicans in my life. And I simply do not understand how registered Democrats
across this country could not get themselves out to vote. WTF is wrong with people?
We had dinner with some friends a week ago. One woman said to me, "I don't care if I die." That's how discouraged and depressed she
is. I had to agree with her. I understand it. I have a husband with a progressive, degenerative neurological disease (with no cure). I'm ready
to sell our house and either move to Hawaii for our remaining years (he's 74 and I'm 65) or try to talk our French "daughter" into renting us
her family's vacation home in Bordeaux, France (that used to belong to her grandmother). Honestly. But he won't do it. Or maybe it would just be easier
to put on some music, take a hand full of pills, wash them down with some good Scotch, and close my eyes.
What have we come to in this country? I think we've lost our soul. It's a very, very sad time.
(13,642 posts)especially since unlike some, you threw Jill stein into the mix.
(13,642 posts)One of my pet peeves is the whole idea of "white identity." Even if someone's lineage is 100 percent from England, they have in their blood people who hated each other, as one reading of Ivanhoe in Middle School should have taught. There is no country called "white", yes there are countries named Germany, Ireland, Norway, Poland and others which White people come from, and identities to celebrate; I enjoy Oktoberfest and St. Patrick's as much as the "natives" do. But there is no "white identity" and those goes double for those of Catholic branches that side with the Klan and the new mutations who forget that THEY ARE HATED JUST AS MUCH. BTW, this is a Latino who saw his mostly military family vote for Trump, who even though he is damned lonely this Holiday season, will NOT go to their house because he does nto want to have to choke down Trump grins with his pork.
We make damned good pork too
(33,573 posts)anniebelle
(904 posts)barbtries
(29,347 posts)but i have to go to work. no this is not the new normal, it's permanent abnormal, and we must resist. I recommend you check out Keith Olbermannn on youtube, the resistance.
and i hope writing this helped you. it's excruciating because we need the anger to maintain the resistance, but as humans if we try to live in a perpetual state of unbridled rage it will turn us bitter, ugly, and useless to ourselves and anyone else.
(18,124 posts)got it off you chest. Many out here feel you......
(62,899 posts)All you have written, basically encapsulates all that I have been saying for years.
every god damn dem in this nation should read this.
we used to be scrappy mother fuckers, now we are just spineless.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying this!!
I wish I could give you many more recs!