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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsNo. I will not call him president. No, I will not "respect the office." No, I will not give him a
Last edited Fri Dec 9, 2016, 02:00 AM - Edit history (1)
No, I will not listen to his agenda
No, I will not give him the benefit of the doubt
No, I will not change my mind that Jefferson and Jackson were wrong about giving the common man the vote
No, I will not change my mind that the electoral college was a bad idea when Hamilton suggested it
No, I will not accept my "rejection" by the American people because only 1/4 of the American people voted against me, and of those that voted, I got more votes.
No, I will not accept authoritarianism or the believe that "he is my president." See the first "no" statement I made
No, I will not give "your side" respect because your side is made up of racists, bigots, sexist homophobes, klansmen and Neo-Nazis
No, I will not say "alt-right." I will say what you are: anti-American fuckwits.
No, I will not support the police. Especially when they get away with murder and have no problems doing the bidding of corporate America. We all know who they protect and serve now. Ask the Sioux.
No, I will not support the troops, since that is nothing more than a mask for "support the war." And I will not support wars.
No, I will not be bipartisan. Fuck that. You motherfuckers weren't under Obama, why should I be now?
(a self criticism) No, I will not be nice because Bernie Sanders is a nice guy (and I support him). I am me. I loathe those people. I loathe everything about him. And if politics would allow it, I do believe Bernie would call Trump, his supporters, his voters, his surrogates and his handlers fucking Nazi motherfuckers.
No, I will not temper my language when it comes to racism. I don't care the age of the racist. I don't care the sex of the racist. I don't care any more. All racists deserve the "boot to the head" treatment. Don't like it? You can lay on the ground. We Jews did that and six million of us were exterminated while the rest of the world looked on. We were also subjected to pogroms, inquisition, expulsions from countries, forced conversations, torture, beatings, genocide, murder, and the rest of the world didn't care. Black people were treated the same way, and still are. No one cared then, no one cared now. Then look out gays and lesbians. Matthew Sheppard anyone?
No, love does not conquer hate. Making people who are racists and sexists realize the error of their thinking through the same tactics they use against "un-American" types. Sorry, sometimes, you need to get down to their level and off the liberal high horse.
No, I will not stop thinking this is a war for the soul and future of our country. And we are losing!
Basically, I will give the Republicans and this Orange haired, cheeto faced shitgibbon, his trophy trollop (who told us how hard it was growing up a black woman in Chicago), the adult demon spawns of Hell he calls his children, or anything somewhat attached to him.
Even if he were the second coming of FDR and brought about an America that I wished we were, I still wouldn't support him. Fuck him. Fuck his third trophy. Fuck their bastard offspring (the adult ones). Fuck their supporters. Fuck their sycophants. Fuck anyone who gave him money.
And, to be honest, if anyone has a problem with my language or the caustic nature of this post. . .you know where to go to. As fast as you can. I am so sick of being nice.

(25,532 posts)El Mimbreno
(791 posts)I've seen the pic and I puke.
(3,818 posts)
(152,876 posts)And I support it.
(6,409 posts)But I can't criticize your point of view. Perfectly legitimate.
(6,991 posts)
There were NO lies posted in ANYTHING you said ......

Lenababy1961 supports your message.

El Mimbreno
(791 posts)Agree 100%!!!
Caustic can be good, especially when it's the truth.
I give trump as much respect as he gives me as an American. I will NOT capitalize his name. Capitalization is for a person's name. He is not a person.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)gave Hillary.
The only difference is that i don't have to LIE about him.
(54,770 posts)looks.
If Trump managed to accomplish Democratic Platform, I'd still have to condemn him for the people he scared , belittled and hurt.
Feeling the Bern
(3,839 posts)wouldn't support him.
(92,327 posts)... voter suppression in the low margin states that helped him more than anything else
(24,496 posts)It may be stupid, but I think it's end times, banks end up closing, unbreathable air, undrinkable water, sickness and illness rampant, masses of people getting sick and dying due to lack of healthcare, and lots of people not getting an education because public education is non-existent. All hospitals are required to do is stabilize you, after that, you are on your own and repugs will probably remove that requirement as well. I wonder if elections will even be held in 8 years and really doubt it. There's no way repugs will ever win if social security and medicare are destroyed, so don't believe they will allow elections once their true aims have been implemented. The group that has guessed every main disturbance and major political happening since I believe it was Carter's time predicted drumpfs win and predicted the global closings of banks and the lights going out because of the the orange assface's economic policies.
(279 posts)Things may get bad but Trump isn't capable of bringing the whole thing crashing down.
Also, what group is it that predicted "every main disturbance and major political happening"? I don't believe that for a second.
(24,496 posts)but saw the article in Daily Kos several times. At the time, I gave it no credence, but now.......
Did you ever think Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid would all be torn apart at the same time, well that's already happening and hes not even president. Think, what worse is in store for us, because you know those are just the opening salvos to destroy the working class.
(21,137 posts)that his face is very similar to a lizard. with apologies to lizards. It was a photo of him when he met President Obama, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.
Love your rant and agree!
(28,136 posts)Fuck him and his cretins.
(4,642 posts)my president is Hillary Clinton.
(9,380 posts)DU. I support and agree with EVERYTHING you said.
(4,642 posts)
(18,101 posts)in her first 100 days.
(21,025 posts)LostinRed
(844 posts)Being able to vote. Electoral college was created to prevent it the common man voted and voted for Clinton be almost 3 million votes
Feeling the Bern
(3,839 posts)LittleGirl
(8,545 posts)I'm not supposed to use language like that, but FUCK THAT. I'm sick of his shit, I'm sick of his cabinet picks and I'm fucking sick of being polite about it. He's going to ruin America. He going to destroy what we've built for a few centuries with his fucking idiocy. fuck it.
Feeling the Bern
(3,839 posts)"I'm old. Who's going to tell me to stop? My parents? They're dead."
Or as I put it. . .I am not going to censor myself to make you feel good about your ignorance."
(8,545 posts)rzemanfl
(30,369 posts)If you can't ask your parents because they are dead, you're old enough.
a kennedy
(32,713 posts)

(8,545 posts)quakerboy
(14,271 posts)I gave trump a chance.
Then he started announcing his staff.
Fight on.
(293 posts)byronius
(7,657 posts)Raine
(30,674 posts)everything that goes down after January 20th. You bet I'll refer to him as President, no passing the buck! PRESIDENT TRUMP you're going to be held accountable!
(113,131 posts)I no longer hold out the slim hope that someday I would say he's not so bad, after all.
That hope is gone. I'm with you.
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)Hope, schmope.
I can't wait until the folks who voted for him realize they've been scammed. It will take some longer though.
(20,035 posts)1000 xxxxx
Ps I think I love u lol
Feeling the Bern
(3,839 posts)You're afraid that you're not sure of
A love there is no cure for!
(31,590 posts)mnhtnbb
(32,259 posts)And I am despairing of the outcome.
Very dark days are coming under this Trump regime that is being assembled.
The country is indeed, fu*ked, when 70,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are worth more than
almost 3 million votes across the country.
(2,252 posts)Homer Wells
(1,576 posts)HAB911
(9,479 posts)I didn't lose them over Bush, who I kind of miss now. I would not have lost them over Romney had he won.
I told one I didn't think he was stupid, just not paying attention apparently, and if he was paying attention, then he is stupid. You would have thought I kicked his puppy.
Fuck 'em
Fuck 'e all
(50,935 posts)But there is no excuse to have supported this abomination.
(7,596 posts)I'm sure most of my cousins did and possibly my uncle as well. I'm not really that close to them to begin with so these are relationships that wouldn't be all that much of a loss to lose.
(14,505 posts)Republicans treated Obama.
a kennedy
(32,713 posts)

(23,997 posts)Bettie
(17,665 posts)All of it.
And fuck being polite and accepting of this disaster.
(21,486 posts)Who should be able to vote?
(51,308 posts)Scary kind of thought.
Just who is "the common man"?
(23,107 posts)uneducated...
Jefferson: "An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people."
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
(21,486 posts)Minimum education requirement to earn the right to vote? Or are you leaning towards a current events type test to show the voter is "informed"?
(23,107 posts)my believe is that we (collectively) need to understand how we have failed so many children/people... I was trained as a teacher and did not work in any one school that offered a solid "civics" class... so very many of our children/young adults are woefully unprepared to be active participants in a democracy (or what little we have of one)
we need to make voting something necessary to be part of society... encourage more people to vote/not discourage
(13,365 posts)RedWedge
(618 posts)InformedElitist
(39 posts)When my sister-in-law started with that "stop whining, he's your president too" my response was:
"He'll be my president when he apologizes sincerely to the current one for the racist birther stuff, for veiled threats to encourage the assassination of his opponent, for mocking disabled people and a gold star family, etc. He'll be my president when his actions show he really means being a president for all Americans - including the majority who didn't vote for him."
I.e., NEVER.
"Well, give him a chance."
I did for a day or two, but the last month of watching this shit-show of appointments should come as a surprise to no one. When someone shows you who they are, believe them - the first time.
(53,339 posts)It's Trump who has been undermining U.S. democratic institutions, which is a very dangerous thing.
Rather than contributing to that, we should be fighting to restore the legitimacy of our institutions in the eyes of thie public even as we oppose the agenda and policies of the officeholder.
Just my 2 cents.
(10,892 posts)I first heard the sentiment back when Nixon was president: then, it was "we have to support him, he's the only president we have" (well, yeah, but the Constitution tells us how we can get a replacement), then again with Reagan and Shrub. Funny how the GOP never seems to apply it to a sitting Democratic president.
Anyway, respect has to be earned, and Hair Twitter isn't exactly doing a good job of that.
(3,826 posts)deaniac21
(6,747 posts)mother.
(63,221 posts)

(25,226 posts)Neville Chamberlain tried that--remember how well that worked out?
Nope. FUCK Fascists. and their silent quisling buds.
(29,328 posts)If we're going to reclaim our country, we have to immediately overcome and dispose of Democrats' natural tendency to be fair and pleasant, to play by some set of rules that the right-wing threw away decades ago. We have to get angry, we have to get mean, we have to develop a taste for getting even.
I want my country back. And I'm willing to play dirty to reclaim it.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,059 posts)ProudProgressiveNow
(6,165 posts)CousinIT
(10,864 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)Those of us with college degrees? Landowners? Who?
Just curious.
(24,777 posts)Bernie & Elizabeth 2020!!!
(280,574 posts)Rec
(6,096 posts)Adrahil
(13,340 posts)By never referring to Trump as President. That man defiles the office.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,137 posts)I am so disgusted with this country. And no, I do not believe we need to try to understand and try to sympathize with the people who voted for Trump. As far as I can see, they are either greedy bastards planning to profit, racists, uninformed fools, or troublemakers. In most cases a combination of these things.
Sure, we need to figure out who supported him to try to strategize, but NOT to sympathize. These are people who don't sympathize with those outside their tribe. I do not excuse them, whatever their selfish reasons.
I'm sick of the "they are hurting" excuse. Loads of people have been hurting in this country for years and those Trump voters haven't given a shit. They can all go straight to Hell, which, if there is such a place, is exactly where they belong.
(23,997 posts)Wolf Frankula
(3,698 posts)He will always be the rump named tRump. He will never be President tRump.
(65,616 posts)Guess what? I never did.
(10,173 posts)I'm tired being told to understand and excuse disgusting behavior I grew up understanding was wrong..>
fuck him and the cretins who enable him.
(54,516 posts)
(584 posts)I am so sick of this motherfucker that...well words fail me at this time. All I know for sure is that I am married to an immigrant and have an immigrant step daughter. If these bastards even think about taking them away there will be a fight. By whatever means necessary.